I just heard about that. Well, my heart is with the victims and their families, all those who were affected by this latest act of cowardness. Will the madness ever stop?
I can tell you when it will stop, but then I would be just called an extremist and we can't have that.
Not directly of course, but I do remember his theory on how the US intervention would stabilise the ME region...Spot on !
Attacks on Muslim AS WELL AS Western targets in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Iraq are all part of the same long-term struggle to destabilize local regimes, turn away Westerners providing those regimes with income, and then seize control of the countries, with the eventual goal of re-establishing the Caliphate. Al Qaeda's main beef is with Arab governments who are seen as having sold their soul to the Great Satan -- ideologically, anyway. More pragmatically, however, Al Qaeda folk see that there's great dissatisfaction in the Arab world with their corrupt dictators, and thus plenty of potential for regime change during which the said Al Qaeda folk shall come into power and wealth.
Maybe you should brush up on his theory, because Bush/neocons never theorized anything of the sort -- quite the opposite, in fact.
The terrorists only attacked Egypt because the government supported the Iraq War. Oh wait, they didn't? How will the appeasers and apologists for the terrorists explain this one away?
Because they are on a religious war. Jews, Christians, or non-believers will be killed, and any innocent Muslims that get in the way are just unfortunate victims of the Jihad.
Perhaps they hate egypt's freedoms? Egypt has had a bunch of problems with islamic terrorists killing tourists. Way before 9/11. Essentially because egypt takes loads of US aid money, keeps islamists away from the ballots, tortures fundamentalists, and turns a blind eye to US aggression overseas. Only a numbskull wouldn't know that.
where exactly did I say it was OK? Some numbskulls wanted to know why such violence occurred. I just told them a bit oabout the history of terrorism in Egypt - I did not comment on the rightness/wrongness of any actions. how blind warpigs live with themselves is beyond me.
1) Do Islamists believe in free and open elections? No. 2) Do Islamists believe in humane treatment of prisoners? No. They are interested solely in gaining power and establishing Shariah law, under which there will be no more elections, and torture will remain commonplace. The "Oh the Islamists are just acting up because they are oppressed by West-sponsored governments" line of reasoning is truly misguided.
In your mind there is no difference between causes and excuses. Any factor that someone acknowledges as a possible cause of terrorism, you must dismiss as a justification or excuse. The only explanation for terrorism that you will accept is pure evil. Do you find that helpful and constructive?
Yes, I find that both helpful and constructive. What were the factors in these terrorist episodes? -the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland -the Israeli embassy bombing in Argentina in 1992 -the World Trade Center bombing in 1993 -the Riyadh military compound bombing in Saudi Arabia in 1995 -the bombing of American embassies in Tanzania and Kenya in 1998 -and the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000.
The things listed by DJPoopypants were not causes, they were grievances listed by the terrorists in order to turn the table around and blame Egyptian and Western governments for the carnage the terrorists brought to them. It was a clever "divide and conquer" gimmick, but you bought it hook, line, and sinker.
true true true. you forgot murder/executions as well. I never claimed this. As you said, they are struggling for power, and using violence as a weapon. Just like in Bali. Did Indonesia support the war in Iraq? That's an equally stupid question that has no bearing on the bombing that happened there.
Ian, you're a liar and an ass_hole. I don't care if I get banned for saying it since both things are demonstrably true. You have no right to accuse anyone on this board of being a terrorist "apologist." Trying to understand the motives behind someone's behavior is not excusing the behavior and only someone with ******** for brains like yourself wouldn't be able to see that. See, the thing is that you know your opinions have no weight, no basis in reality. You cannot defend them on the merits so you resort to lies and distortions and ruin every thread you touch. It's sad, really. It must suck to be you. Since you neg-repped me yesterday for pointing out your lies, you'll have to wait a while to do it again so you might as well bookmark this post for after you've spread it around.
There's a bit of shenanigans and libel here. I gave reasons. Not excuses. A "reason" is something like - 'they're striking a government friendly to the USA'. An excuse is something like - 'it was just like a fraternity prank' Frankly, I'm not surprised you and some others are unable to tell the difference.
Excuse me? I bought what? Please point out where I said anything indicating that I "bought" the terrorists stated justifications?