I know he purposely tries to stir up soccer fans for some reason, and I shouldn't even pay attention. But... today in a cleverly-titled article called "Weak Signals From Quarterbacks," he's hidden the following cheap shots and some more complaints about Adu's playing time. "You know, I might be wasting my time with this soccer part. D.C. United drew a total of 500 people to RFK Tuesday night for a free celebration of their title. Maybe they should have offered dates. Five hundred people. The opening of another dry cleaner on Connecticut Avenue could draw 700. Plus, some of these people had the gall to say they didn't want to share RFK with a baseball team. Are you people from the moon? You're lucky if the baseball teams lets you park in lots 8 and 9 and conduct your soccer games there."
I can easily top that story. This week on espn radio, Mark Giangreco(ABC NEWS sport reporter) stated that " is UNAMERICAN...". Is the media fiercely anti-soccer?
I think the Mods need to start banning posts/threads that relate to Kornhole comments! Just ignore the moron. -dave
Sorry I deleted my post after you replied. Didn't want to offend anybody. I was saying I found another person to hook up to the Screaming Nazi Ball Electrocution Machine I saw more than 500 people, that wasn't my estimation. Plus, it's quality, not quantity, that makes DC United great. Plus, if you want quantity, there is quantity, we outdraw the Capitals on average as well as some MLB teams. F him-he went over the top. Not good timing either.
I've had plenty of the "soccer is un-American" debates. One memorable one was at the James River Country Club where I worked part time when I was in college, part one. It took place in the St Andrews room, the club's museum to golf. The center piece of this museum is the model of the St Andrews course which is in Scotland, the birthplace of modern golf. Irony is amazing.
Look at me I am Tony Kornheiser If I make fun of soccer will you like me, just a little, please, because I crave the validation this is me not caring too
My point exactly! Yeah, we all know Kornheiser's a moron. But I think he took it too far this time, at the wrong time. It's not ok for a "sports journalist" to be so openly disrespectful of a local team less than a week after they bring home ANOTHER league title. Sorry, couldn't ignore it.
That would be fine with me. But in the meantime there are always ways to force moderators to close/delete/send-to-the-eternal-fires-of-hell threads such as this one. (Hint, hint!)
I am absolutley SHOCKED that TK would say something like this about soccer x 999999999999999999999999999999999999999
Toni who????????????????????????????????????????????????? Is he some Dry Cleaning Guru?????? Wait a minute, are we talking about the Oxi-Clean guy here???????????
Yeah, but i'd prefer you not red card me in the process Besides, when did our Jackbooted Mods ever need an "excuse" to arbitrarily show off their power..... Wait a minute, you're all MLS refs aren't you?!?!?!? -dave
I fart in his general direction. But this is a good point and somehow I see a 'Letter to the Editor' in the works.
Can someone direct me to the proper venue for DC United fans to vent their frustration when some idiot bashes their team for no reason in the local newspaper that everyone reads? All suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I understand the strategy of not responding to the guy because it just eggs him on. But I do think that writing his editor can only help to remind them to keep a closer eye on what he writes in the future. That's another way of saying I couldn't help myself. Here's what I sent in to the Letters to the Editor: Tony Kornheiser's whining over everything that he views as wrong with DC United -- from not playing Freddy Adu as often as possible to not drawing enough fans for the team's victory celebration (Weak Signals From Quarterbacks, Thursday, November 18, 2004; Page D01) lacks the standards for analysis found in the rest of The Washington Post. Had we listened to Tony, we would have fired the coach who brought the team its record fourth championship, all because he feels that the marketing of Freddy Adu has surpassed his playing time, which he believes was misleading to fans. Tony, have you found a single fan yet who wants his or her money back from United? Freddy Adu may not have lit the league on fire his rookie year - at age 15 - but he was among the 11 players to have over 1,400 minutes of play time and made as many or more appearances than any other player on the team. Although I have no idea how many fans were at the victory celebration Tuesday, I do know that they didn't pay a penny to park or attend the event. They had the opportunity to speak and get autographs with every player on the team, and do one more thing that no Washington sports fans have had the chance to do since the last time DC United won the title: touch a championship trophy. Until the Federals, the Capitals and the Wizards average over 20,000 fans per game, dominate their leagues, and provide completely free fan events, Tony Kornheiser should keep his mouth shut - or better yet join the growing number of fans through United's turnstiles and be proud of our championship team. It certainly would be a better use of his time. Why can't the sports editors of the Post insist that columnists write stories based on valid insight? '39
I'm with Jeff on this one. Simply ignoring it just a few days after this team made thousands of this areas soccer fans deliriously happy is not the way to go IMHO. I don't plan on taking this quietly and plan on submitting a letter so the editors and readers of the Post know there are DC United fans out there that take exception to this nimrod and are proud of our teams accomplishments.
I think John has a great idea. Appealing to TK is impossible so try his editor. What's the e-mail for his editor?
I think the Post does have probably the best writters for the Sport. So take the good with the bad. Sure you hvae Kornhole but you also have Goff and there are a couple other guys who did nice work during the lead up to MLS cup. Most knowledgeable sports fans view Kornhole as a blowhard anyway on all subjects not just soccer.
My letter to the editor: How rich is it that the sports columnists would prefer to justify a loser and tear down a winner rather than celebrate accomplishment. Is the Post now funded by Sachin
This is from the 'Contact Us' FAQ page on the web site. Might be the right avenue... We offer two methods of sending a letter to the editor of The Washington Post: 1) You can e-mail your Letters to the Editor to Please do not send attachments; they will not be read. 2) If you prefer, you can send your letter by regular mail to: Letters to the Editor The Washington Post 1150 15th Street Northwest Washington, DC 20071 Editorial Policy Letters must be exclusive to The Washington Post, and must include the writer's home address and home and business telephone numbers. (Letters via regular mail should also be signed.) Because of space limitations, those published are subject to abridgment. Although we are unable to acknowledge those letters we cannot publish, we appreciate the interest and value the views of those who take the time to send us their comments.