More Adu affect.........

Discussion in 'MLS: General' started by papa surf, Nov 13, 2004.

  1. papa surf

    papa surf New Member

    Dec 17, 2003
    I wanted to ad my 2 cents on the positive affects of Freddy on the general Non- Soccer public.
    I have started a new sales job, and we are all getting to know each other pretty well, They know i am a Christian, that i Love and play Rugby and Soccer and they also know who Freddy is and ask about him alot.

    Freddy signing with MLS was in the best interest of soccer here. He took one for the team, if his mother and him decided on going to Europe these guys who care only about The Ravens and the Orioles, would have no clue.

    Because I spend alot of my Downtime on the net looking at Rugby and Soccer, they come and ask about Freddy and now they know about our other players.

    I put on the tues. Champions league as well on our showroom tele. The fact that Freddy is African -American goes along way as well. The general thought amongst African-Americans is that soccer is for " White Kids". I hear it alot, they need Socccer to get more Visable to know the truth, and Freddy being everywhere brings them into my Soccer talk at work

    This MLS Cup with Adu in the Game will add to the Legend that is "Much Adu About Freddy"
  2. onefineesq

    onefineesq Member+

    Sep 16, 2003
    Laurel, MD
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Be careful about saying all of this. Most people can't see past their noses and while SAYING that they want to see the growth of the sport here, they constantly complain about things that might actually have that effect.
  3. Michael CM1

    Michael CM1 New Member

    Jun 5, 2002
    Atlanta, Georgia: US
    If anybody is under the impression that soccer is just for white kids, they have a whole lotta learnin' to do. I don't even know how I'd begin to debunk that idea after seeing South Korea do so well in WC 2002 and Iraq do so well in the Olympics. I guess it just takes exposure to the truth.
  4. papa surf

    papa surf New Member

    Dec 17, 2003
    Yes it needs to be Debunked, this idea of " White Boy" sport. I live in a city where i hear this a lot. I have been the only white guy in many places, in my ministry, in my growing up and in in my favorite sport, Basketball. I have heard soccer described that way for years.....But I have as you tried to "Debunk" it. I mean what about the whole Continent of AFRICA.

    This the Peoples game.

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