Why not start my own lil world? If for no other reason but to chronicle my adventures for my own entertainment.
ok don't get all fancy on me..You know I am just a plain person But I do believe I know that phrase means "Good luck with your house." Brought to us by: http://ets.freetranslation.com/
All I know is since I started using Dove I find myself sniffing my hair when I am sitting at the putr....now that is weird!!!!!!
Is it just my Southern Baptist upbringing, or does anyone else feel guilty when they sleep in and miss church?
haha call me dave...i hate the MLS Supastr thing. driving's good..except for all the idiots. my parents got me a stereo for my birthday and good music makes driving so much better. i never knew how good my parents car was until i got mine though
What kind did you get (car, that is)? We got our kids clunkers but they are just happy to have wheels! One word of caution: I find myself driving way too fast ( ihave a lead foot anyway!) when I listen to certain music, so watch your music selections when driving!