Mods are total scumbags

Discussion in 'Customer Service' started by squamuloselaggard, Jul 24, 2024.

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  1. squamuloselaggard

    Your Mom's House FC
    Sep 10, 2023
    #1 squamuloselaggard, Jul 24, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
    For background, I got carded in the politics forum because 1) some guy called me a Nazi because I took the controversial stance that shooting your political opponents in the head is bad; and 2) I responded in kind my delivering a childish insult to the guy who called me a Nazi for my controversial stance.

    Then I happened to come across a post where a poster said he wished someone would kill his least favorite political candidate. No discipline was rendered to that poster, which I pointed out to the mods. Their response.
  2. dark knight

    dark knight Super Moderator
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    Dec 15, 1999
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    If you find yourself writing this thread title, perhaps it's time to step away from the computer and consider some kindness. Mods are volunteers that are simply trying to keep discussions from devolving into the kind of stuff you are posting. The vast majority of people from all parties are decent people and you do your point of view a disservice when you just devolve to slinging insults.

    Ultimately, this is a soccer board and if you can't handle the politics forum, you should stay out.
    xtomx, Kryptonite and ShayG repped this.
  3. dark knight

    dark knight Super Moderator
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    Dec 15, 1999
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    Also - you promised him you'd go away and didn't.
  4. squamuloselaggard

    Your Mom's House FC
    Sep 10, 2023
    I disengaged from discussion with him. Just posting here as a public service to let people know that there’s one tier of forum moderation (draconian) for people whose political views are anywhere to the right of Stalin’s, and then another, privileged tier (feel free to openly encourage political violence) for soy-chugging Cluster B personalities with the political views of your average freshman at Oberlin.

    Glad it’s been explicitly stated by a moderator himself.
  5. dark knight

    dark knight Super Moderator
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    Dec 15, 1999
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    You just said people are total scumbags because they tried to curb your over the top personal attacks. Do you have any self-awareness on how this comes across? You want people to behave in a decent way, how about starting with yourself?
    Kryptonite and soccernutter repped this.
  6. squamuloselaggard

    Your Mom's House FC
    Sep 10, 2023
    How should I respond when I’m called a Nazi? I responded to one personal attack with another.
  7. squamuloselaggard

    Your Mom's House FC
    Sep 10, 2023
    Anyway, I got permabanned from that forum, so you guys have your little hugbox back. Maybe the posters in there will get the assassination they’re so desperately hoping for.
  8. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    Report said post and put the posters on the ignore list.

    Beyond that, you openly said you would resort to insulting other posters, and subsequently did so. There is also the matter of multiple posts (don't remember how many) which had homophobic content in them.
    dark knight repped this.
  9. dark knight

    dark knight Super Moderator
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    Dec 15, 1999
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    #9 dark knight, Jul 25, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2024
    Yellow cards prevent you from posting there. When it expires, your ability returns although not sure if you've burned bridges there or not.

    Perhaps refute his implication? Perhaps make the case that Liberals too easily resort to labeling like this? Perhaps not lost your shit over it?

    I saw you abuse a pretty mild mannered poster with over the top insults so this wasn't a single incident. In fact, the yellow card came from multiple personal attacks.

    As to your general point, it's not like you're the only person who has been dinged for personal attacks. Make your points respectfully and no mod will ever bother you, assuming you aren't spouting total nonsense all the time.
    luftmensch and soccernutter repped this.
  10. squamuloselaggard

    Your Mom's House FC
    Sep 10, 2023
    No, guys, you don’t get to act like a bunch of raging assholes and then clutch your pearls when someone else does the same back at you.
  11. dark knight

    dark knight Super Moderator
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    Dec 15, 1999
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    Who are you talking to? I wish I had some pearls.
  12. squamuloselaggard

    Your Mom's House FC
    Sep 10, 2023
    Here’s another good one, by a “staff member”:

    This one is basically half a step away from a legitimate incitement to murder people, and somehow it’s stayed up, no cards, no moderation.

    As long as there continue to be two tiers of moderation, I won’t bother to engage with you guys in good faith. Just know that the mods are a bunch of huge losers - you and I both know it, and you really don’t like that I know it and don’t mind pointing it out.
  13. dark knight

    dark knight Super Moderator
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    Dec 15, 1999
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    I mean this sincerely, I hope you are okay. Life is too short and fragile to waste being angry with little sense of humor on the internet.
  14. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    As somebody on that forum who has a long history of speaking against violence (even in rhetoric), I saw that post as relative to the current status. Further, that poster is not one who often says such things. You really do pick and chose as there are a couple of other posters on that forum who have a much greater rhetoric for violence.
    dark knight and xtomx repped this.
  15. squamuloselaggard

    Your Mom's House FC
    Sep 10, 2023
    Whatever you losers say.

    When’s the last time a bigsoccer moderator has seen his own toes? I’m guessing 1980s at the latest.
  16. squamuloselaggard

    Your Mom's House FC
    Sep 10, 2023
    Maybe worry less about me and more about getting rid of all the shitty ads on this site and making it look less like something from the dawn of Geocities
  17. dark knight

    dark knight Super Moderator
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    Dec 15, 1999
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    Does it make you feel good hating on people?
  18. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    Rereading this thread, it appears you are lurking in P&CE, so I'm sure you have noticed that there are several supporters of political positions that contradict with the mean, none of them having been banned. Perhaps the previously suggested self-reflection would be beneficial.
  19. dark knight

    dark knight Super Moderator
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    Dec 15, 1999
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  20. squamuloselaggard

    Your Mom's House FC
    Sep 10, 2023
    People, no. You losers, yes.
  21. squamuloselaggard

    Your Mom's House FC
    Sep 10, 2023
    I’ll take that feedback on board, loser
  22. squamuloselaggard

    Your Mom's House FC
    Sep 10, 2023
    Sorry, I see the error of my ways now. I understand that you don’t want that forum devolving into mean-spirited insult slinging. Only constructive posters are allowed, like sounders78. I could only dream of matching the level of gentility and insight he managed to achieve in his most recent post:

  23. squamuloselaggard

    Your Mom's House FC
    Sep 10, 2023
    Welcome to the Nazi party, DK. Go pick up an armband out of the bin over there /s

    First of all, let me sincerely apologize for flaming you upthread. I appreciate that you made an honest attempt to rein in the bad behavior from sounders78. That said, I think you can see how that went. You got dogpiled, mocked, called a Nazi, a race-traitor, etc., all just for telling a guy not to act like a total asshole to people he disagrees with.

    I think this raises a bigger point - what do you want the politics board to be? Do you want it to be a place for intelligent, measured discussion? If so, you need to have very strict moderation standards for everyone, no exceptions. Otherwise, do you want it to be a place where people can vent their spleens and fling shit? If so, you need to have lax moderation standards for everyone, no exceptions.

    But the way it is now is really pretty shitty - there are lax / no moderation standards for one group of people, and draconian moderation standards for everyone else. So you have what you have, which is a circle-jerk forum for people raging unopposed against some bizarre Frankenstein’s monster of neo-Nazi strawmen crossed with an outdated Boomercon stereotype that hasn’t been relevant in 15 years (Fox news, religious right, etc.).

    I guess if that’s what you want, that’s fine, but frankly it kind of sucks, and you should at least be honest enough to put up a sticky on that forum explaining that it’s a circlejerk without any real substance. But really, ideally, it would either be lax moderation for everyone or strict moderation for everyone.

    I’ll leave you with this - I’m just asking for rules to be applied equivalently for everyone. The people who’ve spent the last two days calling you a Nazi and mocking you are asking for the rules to be applied selectively to people they disagree with, while they have free rein to be as abusive as they want. It warrants asking who the bad guy is here. (Spoiler: it’s not me.)
  24. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
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    I'm guessing you have never been a moderator. In most cases on most of these boards, moderation is pretty cut and dried. But in places like the various politics boards and subboards, it is not so cut and dried, and is very difficult. Opinions and views vary, and some are better able to articulate their positions than others. On top of that, when getting into politics, various posters bring in their personal being and how politics effects their lives. There are a number of those in the Politics and Current Events board, Sounders78 being one of them. And he has also expressed fear that his life is at risk due to his personal being, based on what has occurred to others like him (in the real world) and the rhetoric surrounding them. To dismiss his views is a disservice to all. But, as mods, we have to question where the line is between reasonable and unreasonable (everywhere). In the Politics and Current Events board that is particularly difficult.

    This is a discussion that the various mods have had, and continue to have. Remember, we mods are unpaid volunteers and at some point, there is a decision on how to and what to moderate. As an example and as a mod for this board, I let this specific thread remain open. But had this been elsewhere (I used to mod Other Sports), I would have locked this thread. Same applies to various posts. And when multiple mods moderate a single board, it is necessary to have a consensus, in general, on what and how to moderate. I don't always agree with the way the Politics and Current Events board is moderated, but there is a consistency.

    As you are not of the political view of most on that board, I can absolutely see how you view this. But this does go back to what I said above about how and what to moderate, and that mods are unpaid volunteers.

    I will note, specifically on the bold, that early on, you made multiple (don't remember how many, maybe only a couple) posts with homophobic terminology that you have never apologized for. You may not think what you posted was homophobic, but when posting anywhere, the written word matters.
    luftmensch, xtomx and dark knight repped this.
  25. squamuloselaggard

    Your Mom's House FC
    Sep 10, 2023
    I have to say that this is a very blinkered view of the world. Of course sounders78 thinks these political issues have grave implications for him. These issues have grave implications for me, too. To give just one example, as a child, I saw the decline of American manufacturing transform my hometown from a thriving, small to medium sized city into a violent, drug-infested dump. Thanks to all this, when I was 12, I got randomly assaulted in school by a classmate who was having a bad acid trip. This kid was so out of his mind that I thought he was going to kill me - I was fortunate that he just beat the crap out me, but when you’re an innocent 12 year old, well, that kind of ends your innocence. I’ve since moved away, but my parents (legal immigrants, btw) are still there, and to this day, I have to worry that they’re going to get shot or stabbed when they go to the grocery store, and I’m afraid to bring their grandchildren there to see them. Most people on the politics board are fully supportive of the policies that created the conditions that allowed this to happen, and fully against measures to remedy this. Personally, I think most of them are completely blind to the struggles of anyone outside of their little bubble.

    The point of all this is not to get sympathy, but to explain that sounders78 isn’t special. We’re all bringing our baggage into these discussions, and his baggage isn’t so special that he should have special dispensation to be an asshole to people who disagree with him. This brings me back to my original point, which is that it’s bs to selectively pick and choose who gets to be an asshole to people who disagree with them on that board.

    Anyway, I’ll gladly apologize to sounders78 if he apologizes for calling me a Nazi. I’m saying right here that I’d take that deal. Ask yourself: would sounders78 take that deal? Once you’ve answered that, ask yourself who really is the bad guy here.

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