With the top 12 topics in the forum being "Nick Sucks" threads, a bit of good news coming out MLS today. Here are a few of the key items: The current minimum salary of 24K will increase to 28K next year, and eventually to $34K in 2009. A 401(k) plan with mandatory league contributions of 2% next year and 3% in 2009. Developmental players will receive fully paid medical benefits for the first time (suprised to hear they didn't in the past). Health care benifits to be fully paid by MLS. MLS and the Union will enter into a 5 year group license revenue sharing agreement which will increase by over 300% the amount paid by the league for the use of the players' group images. While this won't prevent players like Eddie Gaven from leaving, it's a step in the right direction and hopefully may encourage more younger players to hone their skills in MLS instead of overseas. http://www.mlsnet.com/MLS/news/mls_news.jsp?ymd=20041111&content_id=18746&vkey=news_mls&fext=.jsp
If the players were smart, they would seek disclosure of front office & coaching salaries & demand parity!