MLS in Austin

Discussion in 'Austin FC' started by POdinCowtown, Dec 5, 2018.

  1. POdinCowtown

    POdinCowtown Member+

    Jan 15, 2002
    So, I guess an open thread is needed to discuss Austin FC and soccer related developments in Austin.
    Groundd repped this.
  2. unlikelyfan19

    unlikelyfan19 Member

    United States
    May 29, 2018
    Of course the first post in the new Austin forum is by someone from Columbus.
    Shawn Collins repped this.
  3. POdinCowtown

    POdinCowtown Member+

    Jan 15, 2002
    We live to serve. I thought someone in Austin would start it first but there should be an open thread for Austin discussion.
  4. wingman2468

    wingman2468 Member

    Austin FC
    United States
    May 25, 2018
    What was the problem with the other thread?
  5. 110toyourleft

    110toyourleft Member+

    Jan 27, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    That’s a good question. Alas, it’s locked now.
  6. wingman2468

    wingman2468 Member

    Austin FC
    United States
    May 25, 2018
    oh yeah, I know I was just curious. Im still learning how the online self-governed soccer forums works.
  7. unlikelyfan19

    unlikelyfan19 Member

    United States
    May 29, 2018
    All we had was that one thread. Makes sense to get an actual forum in place alongside Nashville & Miami since we are about to be as official as them in about 7-14 days.
    Jay34 and wingman2468 repped this.
  8. jack sticker

    jack sticker Red Card

    United States
    Jun 5, 2018
    Why have they not finished the lease yet? I thought they said it would be done by December.
  9. unlikelyfan19

    unlikelyfan19 Member

    United States
    May 29, 2018
    The date for completion has always been "first or second week of December". That was the estimated time frame. All information from the PSV side and the City side have said things were going great and on track. I think people need to understand, the term sheet was 90% of it. There is very little that can happen at that point that would stop the lease from being completed.
    Jay34 and loonytoony repped this.
  10. jaykoz3

    jaykoz3 Member+

    Dec 25, 2010
    Conshohocken, PA
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  11. Jay34

    Jay34 Member

    Austin FC
    United States
    Aug 26, 2018
    Austin, TX
    Here's hoping for Crew saved and Austin FC announcements during MLS Cup. Sadly not expecting it to work that way. As long as we get news soon... :cool:
  12. unlikelyfan19

    unlikelyfan19 Member

    United States
    May 29, 2018
    And now after 23 years a kid from Austin has brought the Browns back ;)
  13. wingman2468

    wingman2468 Member

    Austin FC
    United States
    May 25, 2018
    No doubt.
    I think its a really awesome plan. The park can be revenue generating, if not at first, then a few years down the road. But that would be an awesome new spot for tournaments and scouting combines. I would take the upper decks off mapfre and leave the lower bowl (once the crew move out), maybe add a canvas cover.

    And then y'all could move an NWSL team into Mapfre. Now I REALLY like the idea.
    TrueCrew repped this.
  14. Jay34

    Jay34 Member

    Austin FC
    United States
    Aug 26, 2018
    Austin, TX
    #14 Jay34, Dec 5, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2018
    "MLS to ATX #15: Motion to Dismiss Denied, But Ohio Court Rules Lawsuit Cannot Prevent Columbus Crew Relocating to Austin", by Pete Reid

    The meat of the article (though the whole thing is definitely worth a read):

  15. Sport Billy

    Sport Billy Member+

    May 25, 2006
    But now that you have your own forum, you can make threads on a more specific basis than just "Austin"
    antnee7898, wingman2468 and Jay34 repped this.
  16. POdinCowtown

    POdinCowtown Member+

    Jan 15, 2002
    For what it's worth, Mr Reid's interpretation is a bit of a stretch. The judge ruled that the Modell law didn't on its face require more than "an opportunity to purchase". Whether or not a team owner who wants to move has complied with the law is a factual question, not addressed in the motion to dismiss. If a team owner says publicly that no offers will be entertained, he might or might not get away with that. If he's more circumspect and simply declines any offers he receives, then he'd be more likely to succeed.
    DonJuego repped this.
  17. Sport Billy

    Sport Billy Member+

    May 25, 2006
    MOD NOTE: The discussion of Columbus' stadium has no relevance to Austin.
    Thread cleaned up.
  18. antnee7898

    antnee7898 Member

    Oct 19, 2007
    South Houston, TX
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    yeah I would imagine that announcements would be made after MLS Cup so as not to take anything away from the event.
  19. TrueCrew

    TrueCrew Member+

    Dec 22, 2003
    Columbus, OH
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Boo! But not wrong.

    But comparisons are fun. Or not, I guess depending on one's viewpoint. The important thing is everyone looks like they are going to get one, and that is a good thing.
    antnee7898 repped this.
  20. unlikelyfan19

    unlikelyfan19 Member

    United States
    May 29, 2018
    I was going to say, things are getting cordial here, so I have no problem with chatting with you guys about the stadium there, as it will be fun to compare the two. But, *shrug, whatevs.
  21. Sport Billy

    Sport Billy Member+

    May 25, 2006
    If you guys want to do that, I have no objection for you starting a thread on "Shared News - Columbus and Austin". But it really doesn't belong in an Austin specific thread.
    antnee7898 and wingman2468 repped this.
  22. unlikelyfan19

    unlikelyfan19 Member

    United States
    May 29, 2018
    Kewl. Cheers, thanks for the work.
  23. unlikelyfan19

    unlikelyfan19 Member

    United States
    May 29, 2018
  24. 110toyourleft

    110toyourleft Member+

    Jan 27, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Any updates on who actually composes PSV/Austin FC? We know AP is the CEO. what about Dave Greeley? He still getting a paycheck? Suttle is/was(?) a temporary contractor. Then some former city staffers I believe? Anyone else? Austin FCs website doesn’t list any breathing humans, just anon generic emails.

    I do wonder when Andy Lougnane is dismissed by the new Crew if Jay Jr will bring him aboard.
  25. AustinSoccerBro

    Liverpool FC
    United States
    Dec 2, 2018
    Feel free to go away.

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