MLS Cup Weekend Info - LA, HDC, Gameday, Tailgates & More :: DC United Edition

Discussion in 'D.C. United' started by Knave, Nov 7, 2004.

  1. Knave

    Knave Member+

    May 25, 1999
    I thought this might be useful.

    I bought my tickets weeks ago as an act of faith. I'll be there. And I know the Screaming Eagles have organized a group. There must be others too. Are there any plans to assemble before the game? I certainly plan to get there early. There are many different lots at HDC. If there isn't anything established already, perhaps it'd be nice to select one where folks could assemble beforehand.

    Anyway, if anyone has plans or needs directions or is looking for a place to get a bite to eat afterwards or anything else along those lines this is thread to talk about those things.


    What's HDC's address? :: Isn't that what Lincoln delivered at Gettysburg?

    How do I get to HDC by car? :: Zoom, zoom!

    How do I get to HDC by public transportation? :: You're not from Los Angeles, are you?

    Where's the will call window? :: Just look for the long line. Or click here.

    Where do I park? :: Here's a map, and a word about pricing.

    What's allowed at HDC? What's not? :: So ... many ... rules.

    What do you mean NO TAILGATING!? :: Don't panic. There's a loosely enforce no-tailgating rule at HDC, but I've personally never found it very difficult to have a few (or more) drinks before the game. I'm not sure about setting up a grill though ... although I have seen that once or twice. This is basically confirmed here by a Galaxy fan.

    What's happening Sunday morning before the game? :: That's a good question. Nobody knows as of yet. Worst come to worst I'd suggest this.

    What's the best place for a beer after the match? :: Mmm ... Beer.
  2. JayRockers!

    JayRockers! Member+

    Aug 4, 2001
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - aka "The I'm Going To LA Thread" :: DC United Edition

    At 104am I posted [post=3536004]this[/post] in the PostGame thread...

    Someone should start a "who's going to be in LA thread with meeting places for rioting, I mean suppporting the team.

    Great minds think alike!

    At 1257am [thread=149050] MLS CUP DC Supporters Section Ticket Ordering Info FOR ALL (Hotel Info Also Included)[/thread] this thread popped up. Who's getting psyched already? I'm trippin' already!


  3. Knave

    Knave Member+

    May 25, 1999
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - aka "The I'm Going To LA Thread" :: DC United Edition

    I usually go the Red Car Brewery before games at HDC. It's somewhat of a Galaxy bar, but they've got very good beer and it's reasonably close to HDC. Unfortunately they don't open until noon on Sundays. Maybe afterwards. Anyway, I'll just throw that recommendation out there in case anyone's looking for someplace to go. There's not much around HDC.
  4. Zman Gunner

    Zman Gunner BigSoccer Supporter

    Feb 7, 2003
    Middletown, DE
    Philadelphia Union
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - aka "The I'm Going To LA Thread" :: DC United Edition

    Anybody know if MLS is holding any special events that weekend (Awards Gala is 11/13 evening if I recall correctly) - I know that MLS usually likes to hold numerous sorts of events in the area when they hold All-Star games - assumed that they would do the same with the Cup final (I'm looking into what day/time to fly to California for the Final).
  5. Knave

    Knave Member+

    May 25, 1999
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - aka "The I'm Going To LA Thread" :: DC United Edition

    Zman Gunner - I think this is what you're looking for:
  6. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - aka "The I'm Going To LA Thread" :: DC United Edition

    How many of you folks are going to the party Saturday night? Jan and I will be there.
  7. K

    K BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 16, 1999
    DC, Fake America
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - aka "The I'm Going To LA Thread" :: DC United Editio

    I emailed a contact at MLS this week and the Awards Gala unfortunately will be a private affair this year for sponsors and MLS staff and players.

    The party put on by the Galaxy in Hollywood is the place to be on Sat eve, it's a fun place and the usual supporters suspects will be there.

    On Monday I'm going to give the Galaxy a holler and see if we can set up some sort of hospitality tent on game day with food and drink (the Chicago fans did something similiar last year). As soon as I get details I'll post them. Otherwise we'll try to designate a tailgate spot in the parking lot.

  8. morrissey

    morrissey Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 18, 2000
    West Los Angeles, Calif
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - aka "The I'm Going To LA Thread" :: DC United Edition

    Seeing as I live in Santa Monica, my wife and I will be there. My parents are flying in from DC on Jet Blue - they booked a while ago so they got a $300 for two RT deal. We will be in section 117, D 1-4. I hope everyone that comes in gets up to hollywood billiards for the party. Look forward to seeing everyone there.

    Knave, PM me if you want to get together before the match. If a hospitality tent is set up than even better.

  9. Knave

    Knave Member+

    May 25, 1999
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - aka "The I'm Going To LA Thread" :: DC United Edition

    I think we should select a location or parking lot and try to assemble DC United supporters there.

    Here's a map of the lots:

    Other than that, I'd suggest meeting outside the northeast entrance (by section 126). Knowing where SE is sitting, and the parking situation, that's probably where most DC United supporters will enter.
  10. Jimbo

    Jimbo Member

    Dec 17, 1999
    Washington, DC
  11. Tweaked

    Tweaked Member

    Jan 30, 2003
    The Hill
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - LA, HDC, Gameday Info and More :: DC United Edition

    I like the idea of picking a lot outside HDC for mass pre-game hooliganism, I mean fun. A hospitality tent would be very cool!
  12. Knave

    Knave Member+

    May 25, 1999
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - LA, HDC, Gameday Info and More :: DC United Edition

    Apparently there may be a hospitality tent. But who knows. Let's wait till there's word on that. Even if there isn't a tent, it'd still be a good idea to settle upon a lot.
  13. Knave

    Knave Member+

    May 25, 1999
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - LA, HDC, Gameday Info and More :: DC United Edition

    A rumor that I read somewhere but can't seem to confirm. Anyway, apparently DC United will be the "away" team and Kansas will be the "home" team. Here's the thing: If that's the case, and if they follow the usual HDC conventions, then that means DC United will use the goal in front of the DC United supporters section to warm up. So you might want to make your way into the stadium a bit early to catch that.

    If anyone has the before match schedule - when the warm-ups start, etc. - then please post it.
  14. Knave

    Knave Member+

    May 25, 1999
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - LA, HDC, Gameday Info and More :: DC United Edition

    Stealing some info (from myself) from previous HDC oriented threads:

    HDC's Address

    18400 Avalon Blvd
    Carson, CA 90746-2172

    Directions To The Stadium

    *From the North (My prefered route)
    1. 405 South
    2. Exit Vermont Ave (Alternative: Exit a mile or so north at Western Ave. and stop by Starbucks.)
    3. Left onto 190th
    4. 190th becomes Victoria Street
    5. Cross Avalon. Stadium and parking on the right.


    Will Call

    Will-call is located at the box office at HDC at the end of the main entrance - Avalon and 184th. If you click on the link below, the main entrance is (A) and the box office is at the end of that entrance in the nook between the soccer and tennis stadiums.


    There are usually two tiers of parking at HDC: HDC's parking nearer the stadium, and marginally cheaper university parking a little further away.
  15. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
  16. Knave

    Knave Member+

    May 25, 1999
  17. Snapshot

    Snapshot New Member

    Aug 24, 2001
    Orange, CA
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - LA, HDC, Gameday Info and More :: DC United Edition

    About the drum sticks. Remember fan clubs have special rules that the regular folks don't. So just make arrangements ahead of time. We have one of the FO staff bring in our banners and stuff pass security.

    I come from the East (or South depending on how you perceive our directions). I take the 91 or 405 west to Avalon. 91 is closer to the stadium so I prefer that way. Make a Left at Avalon from 91 and stadium is just a couple of lights ahead. From 405, I forget how the exit is but go towards the mountains (north) and its on the right about 1-2 miles.

    I would recommend hanging at Lot 13 where the Galaxy fans hang out. Best to hang near the fence (Victoria St.) to avoid the security (a little). Keep the drinks in cups and they won't hassell you, too much. They just don't like open cans of beer and stuff (keggers included).
  18. Knave

    Knave Member+

    May 25, 1999
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - LA, HDC, Gameday Info and More :: DC United Edition

    Lot 13 is reserved parking, though. Perhaps the lot next to it - between entrance D and E - would work better.
  19. cosmojado

    cosmojado Member

    Oct 18, 2002
    in sin
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - LA, HDC, Gameday Info and More :: DC United Edition

    some random help from an LA fan who will still be asleep by the time the game starts

    if you are coming in on the 91, you are told to exit Avalon
    if you are late or see that there is a lot of traffic, you can exit on CENTRAL
    for those driving west on the 91, it would be the exit before avalon
    if driving east, its the exit after avalon

    so if you wind up using Central
    head south (eastbound drivers turn right/westbound turn left)
    then a right on Victoria and you'll see some more entrances to the parking lot


    wanna drink in the parking lot?
    just keep your drink in a cup and all should be fine


    you want to get your toys in (drums/banners/flags/drug mules)?

    call Blane Shepard @ 310.630.2227

    he's the fan relations guy
    he dropped the ball for LARS a lot this season, so call him and make him work
    I would suggest doing so soon, because he gets lazy and hates to work, especially the closer it gets to game day


    that will be music to your ears
    its the downtown dog ladies selling their wares (bacon wrapped hotdogs) outside the stadium after the game. the smell is irresistable

    $3 per dog, $1 for soda


    beer is sold throughout, but there is a good cocktail cart in the area by 138 (southeast corner)


    the staff at the food stands can be really really slow
  20. K

    K BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 16, 1999
    DC, Fake America
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - LA, HDC, Gameday Info and More :: DC United Edition


    I'm slowly getting info from the HDC on putting together a party, it looks like they could do inside the stadium on some plaza (the area would be fenced in, we would need to get people some sort of wristbands to get in. I'll ask about coming inside and going back out and in again). I'm getting the menu sent to me (includes food and drink options). Are people still interested in this or just want to try to tailgate outside? For folks coming out of town it would lessen the burden of hauling stuff there. Well, let me know (or ask me some questions to determine what are deal breakers). I don't want to waste club $ if only 10 people want to do.

  21. Lanky134

    Lanky134 New Member

    Oct 25, 1999
    134, 3, 6
    Re: MLS Cup Travel Information - LA, HDC, Gameday Info and More :: DC United Edition

    Take away the parenthetical statement and this paragraph has an entirely different meaning.
  22. geordienation

    geordienation Moderator

    Apr 21, 2001
    Newcastle United FC
    Sunday morning at HDC

    As I was scanning through the Home Depot Center site, I came across this little item:

    Tailgating is prohibited at The Home Depot Center and on the campus of California State University, Dominguez Hills.

    Ummmmmm, what? I think this was well known before now, but what are the plans for a pre-game (other than to nurse hangovers from the night before)?
  23. Knave

    Knave Member+

    May 25, 1999
    Re: Sunday morning at HDC

    That's been noted a few times already ... don't worry about it too much. See the links below:

    Sunday morning possibilities are below:

    And now that I look at those links, I think I should merge this into the existing thread.
  24. Knave

    Knave Member+

    May 25, 1999
    ... mod's note ...

    I pruned this thread down to the informational posts and merged the rest into the other travel thread. I've also put an index on the first post to serve as something of an FAQ.
  25. geordienation

    geordienation Moderator

    Apr 21, 2001
    Newcastle United FC
    Knave, thanks for the merge. I looked right past this thread title. [head slap]

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