Discussion in 'Columbus Crew' started by TrueCrew, Dec 11, 2023.

  1. stanger

    stanger BigSoccer Supporter

    Nov 29, 2008
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    My opinion obviously, but I just don't see the following;

    Cucho leaving. Unless we are getting a kings ransom which seems doubtful. He has already bounced around in Europe and is being paid pretty well here where he is The Man.

    Morris leaving. Although I do think he is improving I just don't see his play as translating to one of the big boys. Would he really want to go play in the second division in Europe?

    Schulte leaving. He needs a few starts for the USMNT to get a work permit I believe. While that could happen, I don't think it will be this year.

    All three of these guys will be paid at the top of their positions for MLS on their next contract. Why not stay here and win me the opportunity to tattoo more stars on my ankle?
    Tobias C repped this.
  2. soccerncbus

    soccerncbus Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Mar 29, 2018
    I agree that I don't see Cucho and/or Morris leaving this summer. The reason I could see Cucho leaving is if Nancy thinks he's "bad for the locker room", which I don't think is the case. It seems he simply broke a pre-defined team rule and Nancy suspended him the same he would have any other player. I know @LaMacchia heard some things to the contrary though, so we'll see what happens.

    Regarding Schulte, he is already eligible for a work permit. An EPL team could sign him right now without any issue.
  3. stanger

    stanger BigSoccer Supporter

    Nov 29, 2008
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    Maybe I'm not seeing what you are but I didn't see where that site shows his eligibility?
  4. soccerncbus

    soccerncbus Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Mar 29, 2018
    Type in his name. It calculates a players scored based on all the GBE parameters and determines whether they "pass" or not. Schulte passes.

    The English FA changed their rules a year ago to make it easier to qualify. You can now qualify even without the number of international caps which used to be required if your league is within a certain "Band".

    Major League Soccer’s rise has been reflected by its promotion from Band 4 to Band 3, with the Russian Premier League moving the other way. This will make it easier for English clubs to sign players from MLS, and harder for them to sign players from Russia. Any MLS player who plays at least 80% of their club’s minutes will now be eligible for a GBE regardless of league position or international caps.
  5. TrueCrew

    TrueCrew Member+

    Dec 22, 2003
    Columbus, OH
    Columbus Crew
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    The thing that makes U22s attractive is that the acquisition costs (transfer fees) do not impact the salary cap numbers. Normally, if you pay a $5 mil fee for a guy, that makes him a DP.

    Now, the DP has a max budget charge of $675k or so, the rest comes out of the clubs pocket (salary & rltransfer fees), but you only get 3.

    The U22 allows you to go get 3 (or 4) more guys who are transfer fee worthy, but not have them bust your budget (I think the U22 cap figure is $200k) or count as a DP, even if you paid big bucks for them.

    Obviously, the draw back is the age limitation. Those guys are less proven. But that only applies to when you sign them. Matan is still counting even though he is well over 22.

    Either way, you can max out at 6. Bet it 3+3 or 2+4.
    TRUJDUB21 repped this.
  6. Kyle Crew

    Kyle Crew Member+

    Feb 23, 2013
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    3 DPs and 3 U22s vs 2 DPs and 4 U22s.

    Option one you get one more superstar in their prime (or close to it) and (hopefully veteran) experience.

    Option two gives you more of a selling upside, but it’s a guy that won’t be proven, might flop, might hate moving away from home. More of a risk. That the extra GAM lets you have a deeper squad.

    Either way could work, depends on current roster construction for each team really.
  7. crew2112

    crew2112 Member+

    Jan 25, 2008
    Dayton, OH
    Columbus Crew
    We would be better team with more Nagbe/Camacho/Ramirez/Gressel types than with one more DP. It’s our bottom guys that need upgraded. That $2M GAM is underrated. It would allow a few more TAM level guys on the roster and that makes us a better squad.
  8. TrueCrew

    TrueCrew Member+

    Dec 22, 2003
    Columbus, OH
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    DPs: Cucho, Rossi, Nagbe
    U22s: Matan, Morris, Hinestroza

    I think our next tier of guys is pretty strong: Moreira, Amundsen, Camacho, Schulte, Yeboah, Ramirez, Farsi, Zawadzki, Cheberko.

    I think beyond the top 14-15 is when the dropoff hits. Sands, Arfsten, JRR, Jones, & the 2 backup GKs are serviceable. That's 21. After that, we are outside the circle of trust completely.

    BTW, I'd note that we may have multiple cards to play to strengthen the rister come July (or before, the primary window is still open).

    Option #1: Buy down Nagbe. This would open up a 3rd DP spot. And under the new rules, teams can have 3 U22s AND 3 regular DPs. The 3rd does not have to be a young DP/under TAM level DP to keep the 3 U22s. We could go big with a new DP.

    Option #2. Butly down Nagbe, replace with a 4th U22.

    Option #3. Buy down Nagbe, convert/extend Matan on a standard contract. This is Matan's last year of U22 eligibility anyway. This would give us 1 DP + 1 U22 spot or 2 U22 spots.

    IDK what our cap situation is, how much Garberbucks we have to buy guys down with, but I do know we have 2 INT spots open & let Molino go from the current roster, who was making DP level money. I have to believe there is some space, even after Farsi & Zawadzki got new deals.

    Even if we kept Matan at U22, I think there is enough space for another significant roster move in addition to the Nagbe buydown + DP/U22 move. Maybe 2 more.

    I think Nancy just needs to see the team play more to decide where we need reinforcements. CF, WF, CM/AM, and RWB would be my early contenders. Cheberko & Zawadzki have played well enough to take defender off the board. Sean & Jones close to taking CM/DM off. Hinestroza, Arfsten, and JRR have been more borderline.

    I don't think we spend DP $$ on a RWB, though. I think the team is pretty high on Habroune. He is a CM/AM type.
    TRUJDUB21 and MLSinCleveland repped this.
  9. TRUJDUB21

    TRUJDUB21 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Sep 28, 2021
    I am extremely skeptical of this roster rebuild/transition notion.
    What irks me is when we plead fixture congestion/rotation issues while have 6 open spots (3 Senior/3 Supp, if I guessed right).

    We chose to be thinner until the summer window. Own it.

    Well yes we do chose to be thinner until summer window because there will be much better players available. If there was a target they wanted that was available they would have most likely already made that move. The whole point Nancy/Bez had made is that their process is making sure they get the right guys. They are going to add quality and bring players through the system. If they see a Amundsen type on another MLS team it has to warrant value for the need. Currently we have a core group that he talked about but injuries, suspensions have certainly taken a toll and cost us a few points. The rebuild/transition has seen one full season. Again we aren’t going to not add any more players this season. Why because every year is a new team and it is a never ending process. But we won’t leave so many open spots every year. Some guys like Hughes won’t be here much longer. Some guys like Quinton probably won’t be around if they don’t start improving. We don’t see MLS players get cut very often, heck Bez was reluctant to get rid of Molino for years. There are some players from the Porter-Bez era that were going to be mainstays but you can’t tell me that includes everyone currently on the roster. Bottom line we need to get better , deeper and move forward as a Club. Nancy made due with what he had and we got rid of what didn’t fit with the team concept. He was never going to just cut half the roster and start from scratch. I see your point of view as we returned most of the top contributors for the Cup team. But that team irrespective of results didn’t make the Rebuild/Transition complete once we won the cup. It’s one great accomplishment but eventually if Nancy stays here long enough (we all hope) the original 12 guys here prior to 2023 season won’t be.

    the list:
    Starters :

    players who didn’t start regularly for Porter:
    Quinton ( draft pick22/ signed 23)

    this group is a large part of that Core he uses, Hughes is a homegrown who was already in the system as is others signed in 23 or 24 who were here in the system before Nancy. We can go in circles about when the actual rebuild / transition is complete. But I would say looking at contracts when we open the 2025 season the rebuilding/ transition from the Porter era is over. For you and some others I guess that transition is complete. I just can’t see how making the best of what you inherited quantifies the completion of a rebuilding process. So some may or could argue it’s not complete until every player on the roster joined under his watch.
  10. TRUJDUB21

    TRUJDUB21 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Sep 28, 2021
    Agree, we need another CB unless he plans for Zawadzki to eventually replace Camacho. We have 4 CBs in rotation for 3 spots. We definitely need a back up RWB. Arfsten looks good in the attack perhaps he takes the Yeboah route and really improves. But we are basically just going to be upgrading or bringing in competition outside of needing depth at CB & RWB. Hope JRR improves but how long will Ramirez hold up ? Do you add another Forward or wait till next summer?

    We don’t know what’s going on with Matan contract and long term plan but we know the Crew is looking at Jarne Steuckers and others . Steuckers played in 32 games had 6 G & 7A
  11. TRUJDUB21

    TRUJDUB21 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Sep 28, 2021
    At any moment we could get a offer that puts the player in a better league and we profit from the sale. It’s never a good time for us when it happens mid season. But Zelarayan getting a huge offer … did you see that coming ? I didn’t . But we made it work and hopefully they have targets in mind if someone makes a offer we can’t refuse for the players you mentioned.
  12. stanger

    stanger BigSoccer Supporter

    Nov 29, 2008
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    Lucas was available because Rossi was coming in. Or Lucas would still be here.
  13. TRUJDUB21

    TRUJDUB21 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Sep 28, 2021
    Yes i agree Bez knew the rules , he knew Nagbe couldn’t be bought down. Now when he originally did the contract he maybe thought the numbers would be different but Bez can play coy and most ppl will not know the difference. Thing is we get offers all the time for guys. I thought Zelarayan would be here longer because usually ppl don’t pay so much for a older MLS star. People have made offers for Cucho and others but until the money is too much to pass up ,we won’t sell him or anyone and just try to break even. But most players will want a opportunity at a higher league or substantial pay raise. Bez made it clear we are a selling club that’s the vision so embrace it. This summer at any moment we could end up selling a starter if the situation is right. Idk if your implying we shopped Lucas but they always have their eyes on potential targets. But I definitely agree they lied because they knew fans would be upset that we sold LZ. Also it’s a fact that we got younger while making a profit but if it was not Rossi it would have been someone else. LZ was going to start losing value and put us in a situation like we were in with Pipa. Was a smart savy move by Bez.
  14. ColumbusFTW

    ColumbusFTW Member+

    Jul 18, 2018
    A target forward would be top of the list for me. Rossi is more comfortable being the setup guy, Matan isn't a goal scoring threat, and Cucho likes to roam rather than acting like a pure CF striker. We need someone who can reliably put away chances while logging starter's minutes. Ramirez and JRR are best as 70' subs.

    Additionally, having someone on the right that can reliably serve in dangerous balls or connect on combo plays with Matan/Cucho would do wonders at diversifying the attack. Currently we run about 80% of the attack through the left wing (Amundsen/Yeboah/Rossi/Hinestroza). The better playoff teams will take that away if the Crew don't become more dangerous on the right side. The ECF comeback was sparked by playing up the right wing after Cinci had taken away the left side.

    CM and CB look to have good starters and second options, so I'd look at depth signings there rather than paying for a DP level player at those positions.
    TRUJDUB21 and Crew Chuck35 repped this.
  15. TrueCrew

    TrueCrew Member+

    Dec 22, 2003
    Columbus, OH
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    Steuckers would be a U22 after Nagbe is bought down.

    My biggest priority would be a #9. Big, fast, and good.

    Counting Zawadzki, we have 5 CBs (Amundsen, Moreira, Camacho, Cheberko). Quinton as the 6th. I think that is fine, though Zawadzki being the primary cover at RCB, CM, and RWB is problematic.

    Things will be clearer in 3 months.

    But I feel good about the top 15: XI + Bush, Cheberko, Zawadzki, & Ramirez.

    Hagen, Jones, Sands, Arfsten, Hinestroza, JRR, & Quinton are all still early days. But for the most part, all have been at least serviceable so far.

    Embryotic for Habroune & Mrowka & Hughes.
    Bill Archer and TRUJDUB21 repped this.
  16. TRUJDUB21

    TRUJDUB21 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Sep 28, 2021
    Forwards 5 ?-4 ?

    Cucho Hernandez 25
    Christian Ramírez 24,25O
    Diego Rossi 26,27 O
    Jacen Russell-Rowe 24,26O

    Max Arfsten 24,26O ( could argue he is not a forward)

    this group could certainly add a player a younger target CF like a lot of us have been mentioning before the start of the season. Ramirez has a option for 25 and is getting older. You hopefully can keep Ramirez and move JRR down the depth chart and when Ramirez is gone hopefully JRR is ready for more minutes. I just think we aren’t wrong for wanting a better target forward option now vrs waiting on JRR to develop.

    Also I’ll add that if we don’t sell Cucho then this offseason we have to extend his contract.

    to keep this post from being super long I’ll just breakdown each position group. The number behind the player is when the contract runs out and O is for last option year.
  17. TRUJDUB21

    TRUJDUB21 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Sep 28, 2021
    Any update on Bush and his injury status ?

    even if he was out for the year I don’t see us adding another keeper probably just pull up Crew2 GK Lapkes if we needed someone on the Bench.
  18. TRUJDUB21

    TRUJDUB21 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Sep 28, 2021
    Defenders 7 (8)
    Mo Farsi 27,28O
    Steven Moreira, 25,26O
    Will Sands, 24, 25O
    Philip Quinton 24, 26O
    Malte Amundsen 24, 25O
    Yehven Cheberko 26
    Rudy Camacho 25

    On loan:
    Keegan Hughes 24,26O

    Do we add Yeboah & Arfsten to this list ?

    We could use another RWB but perhaps Nancy is sold on Farsi & Arfsten. We have plenty of options at LWB. CB we don’t have a lot of traditional Center backs. Long term it’s hard to say who they envision as the replacement for Camacho in the middle. But unless they find a younger guy who can actually compete to start there it’s unlikely we add another young developmental prospect unless it’s at the expense of Quinton. You always have to attempt to improve your roster. We also have plenty of roster spots and could add a RWB & CB.
  19. TRUJDUB21

    TRUJDUB21 Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Sep 28, 2021
    Midfielders : 8
    Alex Matan 24 ?
    Aidan Morris 26
    Darlington Nagbe 25,26O
    Yaw Yeboah 24, 25O
    Sean Zawadzki, 27
    Derrick Jones 25,26O
    Taha Harbourne 27,28O
    Marino Hinestroza 26

    Would love to extend Matan or get a update on his contract status if we somehow have a option to keep him here beyond this season. If we do add Jarne Steuckers or anyone how will that impact this position group? Seems like the only way we add to the midfield is if it is a playmaker like Stueckers. Would also love to hear a update on him like perhaps confirming he will be coming on a free transfer once his current contract runs out since his club is reluctant to let him go ( or let him go for cheap )
  20. Bill Archer

    Bill Archer BigSoccer Supporter

    Mar 19, 2002
    Washington, NC
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    #1245 Bill Archer, Apr 15, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2024
    Hagen will do just fine. Showed some good stuff. Jones is a journeyman and isn't ever going to be starting caliber. I've never gotten the love for Sands, and if he's lost a bit of that speed he won't last.

    The jury is still out on Arfsten but I dont see anything special, I don't believe that Hinestroza will ever be much more than a one trick pony like Diaz. If Nancy can turn him into a soccer player Im fully willing to call Nancy a god.

    , I've lost faith that JRR has the potential to develop much more (he should move in with Ramirez and devote himself to learning how to work your ass off to make a living up front in soccer*) and Quinton is a USL career waiting to happen.

    Most if not all of them are easily replaceable.

    * I love Ramirez. He's the classic example of a guy who goes to work to feed his family. All that's missing is a lunch bucket. He has a team first attitude, I'll give you 10-1 that he's a terrific locker room guy and gives you 100% every second that he's on the pitch.

    Put his head on JRR and you'd have a Best XI hitter.
  21. GoCrew1996

    GoCrew1996 Member+

    Jan 20, 2007
    Columbus Crew
    Completely agree. He's been an incredible signing for us not only for the big goals he's scored but for his seemingly amazing attitude and desire to help the team off the field.

    Ramirez is an interesting study on leadership, though. I've talked to people who knew him while he was in Minnesota and they say he was an absolute dickhead who would sometimes refuse to train because he thought the players around him were garbage.

    Here's an example:

    "When Ramirez was here in MN he only trained with the team whenever he felt like it. He said it was a waste of his time to train with players who were so bad. He made this known to everyone, which completely alienated him from the rest of the team. He also routinely tried to tell other players how to play their positions, which started several fights and caused almost everyone to hate him. There were a couple of players, like Ibarra, who he never did that to and who he got along with, but generally speaking most of the coaching staff and a lot of the players thought he was a total jerk."

    Wonder when and why it clicked for him because I've heard nothing but amazing things about him since he came back.
  22. 96er

    96er Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    I have a hard time thinking of a player who smiles and laughs as much as Ramirez does on the field. If he blows a big chance? That gets a big hands on the head and a laugh and smile. Complete a pass for an opportunity/assist? Thats a big smile. Goal? Buddy you better believe hes laughing and smiling. What a delight that guy is.
    Bill Archer and the_rickler repped this.
  23. soccerncbus

    soccerncbus Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Mar 29, 2018
    That's wild. That seems totally out of character for him based on what we can see as fans. I wonder if that was during their NASL days or after they moved up to MLS.

    I'm sure he's changed a ton over the past 7-8 years though. He was insanely good in NASL when he was in his early 20s, and probably got a pretty big head as a result. Bouncing around a few different teams, playing for some much more established head coaches, and playing with some far bigger players probably humbled him a bit. Getting older and having kids probably also helped as well.

    I'm sure he's still arrogant. Any decent number 9 has to be arrogant. But he definitely seems to have learned how to be a good teammate and a leader on the team. He's been one of my favorite non-marque signings that we've had in a long time.
    TRUJDUB21, Bill Archer and TyphonInc repped this.
  24. soccerncbus

    soccerncbus Member+

    Columbus Crew
    United States
    Mar 29, 2018
    I've never understood the Will Sands love either. He's a decent player, but pretty one dimensional. You never have to question his commitment though, which is something I do love about him.

    I've been coming around on Arfsten though, even ignoring the winning penalty he put away. He's still a bit unpolished, but I can see why Nancy was talking so positively about him during preseason.

    I'm not nearly as negative on Hinestroza as you are. We only have a very small sample size with them, but I think he's got something. Definitely much more than Diaz did. I think he's still getting used to Nancy's system and by the end of the season he'll look like a very different player than what he does right now.

    I agree on JRR, although I think Ramirez would have taken a lot of his minutes so far if he were healthy. I don't see him ever being a consistent starter in this league. And I definitely agree on Quinton. He's got a career in USL waiting for him.
    TRUJDUB21, Ball Kicker and zman31 repped this.
  25. Minnman

    Minnman Member+

    Feb 11, 2000
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    Sands was a reasonably bright spot - or at the very least, was performing better than many of us expected - relatively early into the 2023 season. Obviously, this was before his injury, but also before many of our substantive roster moves, before Nancy's system fully kicked in, before we saw Yeboah developed into a solid starter in that same role, and, honestly, well before we looked like a championship contender. He looked okay, good even, but none of us really had enough of a chance to see him play to make an informed decision about him.

    Having him on the roster is a no-brainer. He carries Homegrown status and, basically, costs the team nothing in terms of his salary budget hit. As long as Yeboah's around and playing well, Sands is a depth player at that position.
    TRUJDUB21, KCbus and zman31 repped this.

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