Saw this idea mentioned on the MLS website. I think this all-star game match-up once a year would help the MLS grow much more quickly than a once a year game against a foreign club like Man U, Chelsea, or Everton. Such a match-up would give North Americans and the rest of the world the impression that the two leagues are on about equal footing and the USA/Mexico rivalry would make for a hotly-contested game. Meanwhile, Liga MX would have the opportunity to expand its fanbase in the United States and Mexican expats living in the US would have the opportunity to watch some of their home league's stars in person. Make it happen!
I always thought that Liga MX is missing a huge opportunity by not having English broadcasts of their games. I mean, after the MLS season, I have European games in the morning, but nothing in this time zone. I would watch quite a bit of MX League games if I didn't feel dirty and unAmerican for doing so
Mexico does not do all stars, maybe getting a Mexican club to play would be easier. Also Scheduling, the game would have to be Early July or Late December, I doubt the FMF would stop the Liga MX (and the cup) to play an all-star game. Then again Money makes the world go round. Everything has a price.
I agree. It may be tough for Liga MX to wrap their heads around the benefits of an All Star game (and to be honest, it's hard for me sometimes too), but I think it would be fun and, more importantly, a chance to pull in a little extra cash.
I disagree, Liga MX is not popular among non-spanish speakers. I don't think that type of game would do anything good for MLS.
You do know there's a whole lot of Spanish-speakers in America, though? Like, Americans who speak Spanish? And follow Liga MX? And spend money? And all that? I wouldn't do it all the time, and it would probably have diminishing returns, but it would be fun and (most likely) lucrative the first time out.
It doesn't have to be something done every season though. Perhaps you do it every 5 years or once per decade even. Or maybe it's an MLS 25 year anniversary thing. Mix it up.
Liga MX may be wary because of how top heavy MLS teams are. There's a very real chance the Mexican All Stars would get spanked. It makes more sense for the Liga MX teams to play club-v-club where their substantial depth gives them an edge.
I hadn't thought about that. Just out of curiosity, would a Liga MX all star team look much dissimilar from the Mexican national team?
Well, no Chichirito, and Hercules Gomez would be on it. There would be a few other changes. I would like to see it, but again, Liga MX's strength is their quality 1-20, not their star power. I would say MLS team 1-3 are far better than MX, but Mexicans teams 4-20 are far better than MLS. So I can't see Liga MX exposing themselves like that.
It would have players like Humberto Suazo (Chile NT), Carlos Darwin Quintero, Luis Amaranto Perea (Colombia NT), Oribe Peralta, Marco Fabian, Jesus Corona (Mexico NT/gold medalists), Felipe Baloy (Panama NT), Lucas Lobos (Argentina), Cesar Delgado (former Argentina NT player, Gold Medalist), Walter Ayovi, Christian Benitez (Ecuador NT), etc.
I feel that they would think it would diminish their standing as the premire league in CONCACAF. I assume they already worry about losing market share to MLS, why would they want to strengthen MLS's position by playing to our strength?
That is a lot of forwards in the line up But yes a Liga MX all starts would be full NT players from south American and a few Brazilian.Argentinean players. Even goal keeper it would be between Corona and Vilar (Argentina). BTW timing would be an issue, it would have to be before the Liga MX starts during pre-season, some teams may not want to let their players go (then again money talks). It would be much easier to play against a Mexican club as someone above commented, maybe for the 20th anniversary they could play American or Chivas Guadalajara.
Riiiiiiiiight. Like how diminished the Premier League is when Chelsea comes over here and loses to us. Twice. And how MLS actually folded after Real Madrid beat our All-Stars in 2005 (which not a lot of people know! It's a whole new league now!). That's funny, in all the years we've been playing in the CONCACAF Champions League, all I've heard is how that's the measuring stick, how we have to win that and have to beat Mexican teams in that. Now it's a summer exhibition game between two sets of guys who practice maybe twice, with liberal substitution rules. So that's how market share gets determined! Thanks! Next you're going to tell me they thought our US Open Cup was so cool, that's why they brought back their cup! So they didn't lose "market share" among people who only like one league or the other!
Maybe it should be Ascenso MX All stars vs. MLS All stars. In Copa MX (Mexico version of the Open Cup limited to D1 and D2) all 4 semifinalist are from 2nd Division. Some very good games, and yes the D1 teams had a mix of backups and starters playing and they did not take the tournament that serious, but still, D2 went 4 for 4 (3 wins in PK).
You could make the argument that it wouldn't be a competition among even perceived peers. Would the Liga MX All-Stars play the NASL All-Stars? What would they have to gain? What would MLS have to gain by playing the stars of a second-division league?
It was more in terms of quality, Ascenso MX is more in the level of MLS than Liga MX. Is a shame Copa MX winners do not make the CCL, I think what ever team wins the Copa MX could do well in the CCL, much better than many Central American and CFU teams that is for sure.
And if you're MLS, at no point in your lifetime would you ever do anything that would even remotely make a public statement to that effect.
Different sitution though. The EPL, La Liga and so on, are well established as two of the top leagues in the World. Mexico is the top team in CONCACAF, but that's not saying much. MLS is arguably second now, despite soccer remaining a niche sport and nations like Honduras, Costa Rica and Guatemala having longer established leagues. As MLS continues to improve and as high profile DPs continue to raise the profile as well as contributing on the field, the size of gap between them and Liga MX is a constant source of debate. What better way to acknowledge MLS as a clear rival, than to make the time to pit your all-stars against theirs? That's a potential perception anyway. Of course, the other possibility is that the Mexican perspective follows the logic they applied to the Superliga: if MLS wins the game, then they'll claim it's a stupid exhibition game that they don't care about. If Liga MX wins, then they'll use it to assert their dominance. I don't like the All-Star game anyway. It's an unecessary game lumped awkwardly into the calendar of a league that already has multiple factors constraining and compressing it's schedule. The claim seems to be that we hold it because it brings in important revenues for the league. If that's the case, then I think we'll get top dollar by continuing to host top European teams, as they offer a more reliable draw.
Great Idea. Hold it in Houston or somewhere with a large Mexican American pop. and a brand new stadium you want to show off. The hardest part will be getting Liga MX on board due to scheduling and them not having experience with the concept (as far as I am aware). Whomever says their All Stars will be outclassed by ours is dead wrong. Just because you can't name their best players doesn't mean they aren't good. They get a higher class of South American talent and they have a good chunk of the Mexican National Team players who have had our number recently in meaningful games and won the Olympics. I think it can make for a great match-up and if we're lucky the players will play for a little pride.