You'll probably want to look away when some of the actual positions he took as Governor of Massachusetts are brought to the fore. The flip-flops you brought out a the convention for Kerry in '04 would have to be redistributed for your OWN candidate. Don't you guys understand that McCain is your only hope?
The reason I supported Thompson was that HE was the only conservative in race... absent HIM, Mitt Romney represents our only choice for the GOP! McCain's open borders position is intolerable. True conservatives will not back him. He wants amnesty for illegals. Romney will enforce our borders and hold illegals responsible for their lawbreaking. On immigration Mitt Romney stands out! He best represents our core as Republicans. Mitt Romney can beat Obama!
Romney is the ONLY REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE saying that it would be an "absolute good day for America when Roe v. Wade is repealed," regardless what his past position was, I am voting for the guy now and his positions now. Since abortion is a key issue to me, Romney best represents my belief.
But you're saying that you believe him? At every other point in his public life, he was pro-choice. Now that he's running for the GOP nomination, he's pro-life. You believe this isn't just lip service on his part?
To a certain extent what you say may be true... all the candidates are lying to a certain extent... Sen. Obama is lying through his teeth on several issues; so is Clinton, McCain, Romney, and Edwards. But what they say is all we have with no virtuous candidates in the race. We need to pick the best of what is left. Romney seems the best of what we have...
Romney said what he had to in order to get elected in Massachusetts. Probably more of a liar than a flip-flopper.
Not much of a hope, but you're right. McCain is the best republican hope, but it's still a long shot. A Democrat will win. I am reduced to hoping that the democrats don't pick Hillary Clinton.
You're right, actually. To call him a flip-flopper would suggest that he actually has a position on these things.
Romney is closer on all conservative issues and Romney is way ahead on delegates won so far. Neither Hillary nor Barack has managed a budget and neither has foreign policy experience. Neither has yet had to answer tough questions that they will be forced to do in general election. Once we narrow down the field and have Romney in debate against either Hillary or Barack you will see a shift against the Democrats nationally. The GOP has been saving its condemnation of the Democrat field and in the general election such tools (Horton-type ad/swiftboat/et al.) will be used to graphically illustrate the folly of electing an unexperienced Democrat such as Hillary or Barack. Conversely, Romney's Olympic experience and Govenor experience will triumph in the general election against first term senator opposition and his presidential appearance/personality will engender him the populace. Since the leftist youth that rallied behind Obama rarely vote in general election, Obama's base of support will crumble (similar to what happened to Dean). Conversely, Mitt Romney will make a strong appeal to the Hispanic and Latin majority that traditionally do not support African-American candidates (they did not support Obama in Nevada).. This Hispanic Latin group will break from Democrats and support Romney; it is all very clear...
Seeing conservatives rush to the Romney camp is one of the weirdest things I've ever witnessed in American Presidential politics. I realize they don't like McCain, but geez. Romney? I'm not complaining much. He'd probably be my current choice. Giuliani has proven to be a bit stranger than I realized and a lot less competent when it comes to the art of persuasion, which is a required skill in Washington. I believe McCain when he says he can win the war in Iraq, which is a lot scarier than losing it. Huckabee has a little too much Ayatollah in him. Actually, way too much. And Ron Paul. heh heh I said Ron Paul. heh heh.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is YOUR Republican party! ha ha...what a freaking mess Love that ITN is reduced to justifying Mittmentum in ways only he could! beautiful
Well, compared to McCain, it's a no-brainer. Personally, I don't want 50 million more illegal immigrants,4 expanded wars halfway around the world, and unlimited visas by the time McCain leaves office. With Mitt, you know the borders will be closed, he'll find a solution to the wars, and he'll work on the economy with his broad impressive experience in the real world. And he's not a Washington insider (I won't be seeing Lindsey Graham, Joe Lieberman, and other permanently entrenched Washington insiders permeating the Presidency). I also don't want somebody that will never, ever change his mind about anything. That's McCain. Romney's more flexible and would go by what he learns in office. McCain would just say "that way" and not look back. I'm tired of Bush being unresponsive, I don't want more with McCain.
He was the GOP nomination when he ran for governor too. He was still a moderate conservative in Massachusetts, regardless of what his position on abortion might have been. And seeing how abortion is a federal issue now, I don't see how his position on abortion at the time would have helped him win any election for governor. I know everybody loves to call him a flip-flopper, but I don't see why it is such a problem to change your mind about a few issues, especially as you become more experienced as a politician.
ABSOLUTELY. Too many voters can't imagine a politician who actually thinks and reacts instead of decrees.
That's absurd. If abortion is really a key issue to you, then Huckabee is your man. I have no idea what you're saying here. Where in the hell would 50 million illegal aliens come from? In theory, I agree with you. It's just that Romney seemed to change his mind on a whole lot of issues all at once. That said, I don't find a Romney presidency all that troubling. I'd prefer him to Hillary, that's for sure.
Small nation south of Texas; surely you've heard of it... Romney has better credentials on anti-abortion stands as Governor; besides Huck is against smoking and all other sorts of rights... btw: Rasmussen has Florida: Mitt 33, McCain 27, Rudy 18, just as I thought!
If you want to know why I'm liking Romney so far it's comments like these from the Florida debate: What I'll do is I'll run away from the record of Washington. You see, Washington is fundamentally broken. Washington has made promises to us over the last decade that they just haven't been able to fulfill. You can go down the list. They said they'd solve the problem of Social Security. They haven't. They said they'd rein in spending. We got all sorts of people, almost every congressman and senator says they're going to cut spending, cut those earmarks, cut that mentality in Washington. But somehow, every year more and more and more money goes in. They said they'd live by high ethics. They haven't. They said they'd solve the problem of illegal immigration. They haven't. They said they'd get us off of foreign oil. They haven't. Issue after issue that's been raised over the past couple of three decades have -- has been spoken about, and Washington has failed to deliver. And I'm not going to... RUSSERT: Both parties? ROMNEY: Both parties. And change is going to have to begin with us in our party. We are the party of change. We are the party of fiscal responsibility. And when Republicans act like Democrats, America loses. And you've seen that over the last several years. We're going to have to make sure that we rein in spending. It's not just -- we all agree, the earmarks and the pork barrel spending and the bridge to nowhere, that's an easy one to take a shot at. But the big one is entitlements and reining in entitlement costs. And that's where the big dollars are. And then you go on to say how are we going to bring down taxation, because we have the highest tax rate next to Japan in the world? That hurts our economy. What you're seeing in the weakening dollar, in the declining stock market, in foreign countries coming here to buy into our banks, you are seeing an underground -- the foundation of our economy being shaken by the fact that we haven't been doing the job that needs to be done in Washington. And I'm going to Washington to change Washington.
There are 50 million illegal aliens here? Fully one-sixth of our nation's population? When did that happen? It seems to me the number keeps going up.