Do the Milwaukee Armada and Chicago Tormenta exist anymore? Also, there was an Ironmen Reserve team listed on the f-ed up PASL site that isn't listed now (although many of the teams are listed multiple times in different divisions). It seems like Stockton is the only team actively doing anything with the PASL since they signed their watershed agreement. Meanwhile AISL teams have played more exhibitions against MISL teams.
Both Tormenta and Armada are still around. They played each other in December.
I have seen the wave armada.they are a strong side with couple former players (asmonovic,willian,reti and gilpatrick)and many of the best amateur playing for them.They are coached by the wave gk coach Mark Litton and assisted by the head coach of the croatians club team,probley the best team in wisconsin.The wave keeps their scores updated on the website and it looks like they dont lose to much
I thought Art Kramer was the coach of the Armada?!? am I wrong about that cause the last time we were up in Milwaukee for the Storm game, I swore Van the "So called" Man announced Kramer as Head Coach.
yeah the armada is playing in the premier mens league at the local indoor facility, and we play the other majors teams around the area. We just defeated the Tormenta the reserve team of the Chicago Storm for the third straight time, and actually we have some guys who played in the current misl. We have one guy who played for the steamers, mostly on their practice squad and he also played with the harrisburg city islanders. We got him because he is a local guy. We also have old veterans and some guys who are fresh out of college who recieved all conference awards. We have made big steps in the progression of the team and we are currently 20-2 and 3-0 at the cellular arena. Hopefully there will be someday something called the MISL 2 where every team has a reserve team, and have playoffs and everything. That is just my dream, doubtful that it will happen with out proper sponorships and the fact that team travel already is expensive. maybe have milwaukee detroit and chicago play each other in one division who knows.
They just played each other yesterday after the Wave/Storm game. Is there any way I could see a roster of the Armada? I'm curious to know who's on the team since we watched a bit of them yesterday. The Wave's site has no roster.
There is no roster on the site becuase we have made so many changes this year that it would not be up to date. We play in two leagues with some players that only play on thursdays. Otherwise the rest of the team will play on Saturdays. I will gather up the rosters from my file and post a roster as soon as I can. School comes first though sorry.
Wave Goalkeeper Coach Mark Litton is also the head coach of the Wave Armada this year (assistant coach is Tommy Markovic from the Milwaukee Croatian Eagles club). Last year he was the assistant coach to Johnny Torres, who was coaching the Armada along with playing. Litton has made quite a few changes to the squad this year when he moved into the head coaching position. Last year they only played 9 games all season. This year they will end up playing almost 40 games. Coach Tozer is looking for this reserve team to be more legitimate this season, so Litton has increased the amount of games, and the number of players that Coach Tozer is watching for potential. They play in a Men's A competitive league on Thursday nights, and the WASA Men's Major Division indoor league on Saturday nights. Aside from that, they have 7-8 games at the Cellular Arena following Wave games, and two trips to Chicago to play the Tormenta. They are also playing several futsal exhibition games against local hispanic futsal leagues, who are putting together all star teams to play the Armada. After yesterday's win against the Tormenta, the Wave Armada has a current 20-2 record, which is considerably better than their 1-8 record last year. Here is a roster of current players, which are split between the Thursday and Saturday night leagues: Keepers Luciano Deleon Dafydd Jones Ryan Dineen Defenders Adam Schultz Aaron Schroeder David Markovic Fedya Korjenic Edgar Barrantes Gustavo Reyes Mike Vukovic Rubin Ramon Midfielders Matt Foehse Fredy Padilla Shane Lohr Tenzin Rampa Noe Carranza Ramon "Choko" Alvarado Jason Willan Alen Osmanovic Sean Reti Misael Maza Martin Castro Lati Ziba Forwards Dewayne Gilpatrick Jorge Valadez Demetrius White Scott Widule Richard Rowell
r u Kidding me?!? White is on the Armada?!? the same one that got drafted by the FIRE but never got signed(I think that was the case)?!? If so I have his FIRE no name on back either but it was one of his jerseys.
You must be pretty fit, because Jason has been training and is as fit as he has been in a years. He is playing on a regular basis in different indoor leagues. I would take him at 36 yrs old any day over all the wanna be's out there. He still is a top quality player. He was brought into the Armada to help the younger guys learn the indoor game. He can't help but elevate the level of play whenever he is on the field. Willan just recently went to Orlando Florida a week or so ago and helped a Milwaukee team (Kalts FC) win the 3v3 soccer National Championship. He may have had some issues off the field during his career. But on the field, he has always been class.
Yes, that would be the same Demetrius White. He trains on and off with the Wave, and plays pretty regularly with the Armada. Not a bad player at all. Just needs consistent coaching and an environment that will help him grow. The right coach can handle him.