Just think its odd that the MISL league offices are in Westport, CT and no teams play in either CT or NY, or even NJ. What is the league's average attendance? I read that the salary cap is $300,000 - what are the roster limits? Tell me more - I want to learn about the MISL.
Been there, give me some real information. Do teams make money? How many players on a roster? Something besides what the league wants me to know.
I think that some teams make money, but not sure how many. If I had to guess I would say Milwaukee, Cleveland and maybe Baltimore. Both Philedelphia and Kansas City have gone through some changes lately in their front offices and operating models. For roster size, I think it's 15. And for the salary cap, some teams are getting around it by having players also work for the organizations their ower/owners are involved in. For example the owner of Baltimore also owns a bank and some of the players have had jobs there. Their captain last year, retired to take a full time position in banking. Last year I think the average attendance was around 3,500.
So the average salary could be $20K, better than the A-league average. Attendance: Not great, but still pretty solid. Thanks for the info.
MISL Rosters The MISL has a roster max of 20 players, but deams can only dress 16 per game. I've seen various posts/articles on the league salary cap but I gather that it's alot of "haves" and "have nots" on various rosters! They've got some "funky" rules regarding player selection and roster rules. In the Harrisburg dispersal draft, I saw names of players who have NEVER played indoors - how can a team own the potential rights to a player who has never signed a league contract?! Attendance varies GREATLY from team to team and game to game. Dallas drew some big crowd (18K?) in their first MISL game - but it was also the first event of the new faciltiy. Milwaukee seems to draw well most of the year. From what I've read, Philly seems to be slipping the past few years but still does well with the Youth/Camp day games each season. I'm not sure about any National TV coverage - I thought I had read about a limited contract last season but haven't seen anything other than the All-Star & Championship match on TV. Some clubs may have some regional packages
I'm sure its have's v have nots for salaries. Some guys is making $35K and two guys are making $6K each. They had games on FSW last year, and I think they'll be back on Friday nights this season.
The MISL average attendance last year was 5,500 per game, not 3,500. Dallas led the league with 7,000 per game, and Harrisburg was last with 3,000. Dallas did NOT start this season with the opening of a new facility. They started the 2001 WISL season with the first sporting event at the newly built American Airlinnes Center, normally home to the Dallas Stars and Dallas Mavericks. That was the only home game they have ever played away from Reunion Arena. According to the MISL website, they will be back on FSW this season with 14 games and the entire best-of-five championship series.