Milwaukee already awarded expansion?

Discussion in 'MLS: News & Analysis' started by wufc, Jul 12, 2005.

  1. wufc

    wufc Member

    May 1, 2005
    UC Irvine
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
  2. CrewDust

    CrewDust Member

    May 6, 1999
    Columbus, Ohio
    Columbus Crew
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    Are they going to did up the stadium plans from 2002?
  3. fidlerre

    fidlerre Member+

    Oct 10, 2000
    Central Ohio

    Wow. Did this come out of left-field? Sure seems like it.
  4. GersMan

    GersMan Member

    May 11, 2000
    Now this is expansion right? No chance of KC moving to Milwaukee is there?
  5. fidlerre

    fidlerre Member+

    Oct 10, 2000
    Central Ohio
    I doubt it. That announcement would come at the ASG.

    This seems like an "expansion rights" press conference kinda deal.
  6. suppitty

    suppitty Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Wow, big news obviously if it is true. While I'd rather see a team in Houston, Portland, or Rochester; Milwaukee is not a bad option in my opinion. If they are playing in a stadium from the start, then that will be fantastic, and will be a great new standard for MLS. Not only will cities need plans for a stadium, they may now need to have a stadium ready.

    Over/Under 100 posts by midnight?
  7. GersMan

    GersMan Member

    May 11, 2000
    Hopefully with a little more to it than previous similar events *cough cough Cleveland cough cough* - *cough cough Oklahoma cough cough*
  8. wufc

    wufc Member

    May 1, 2005
    UC Irvine
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The great thing about Milwaukee is that sans the Superclasico, this will be the closest rivalry in the MLS. Less than a 2 hour drive seperates Milwaukee from Chicago.

    Yea, good thing you bring up Cleveland. It was pretty much a done deal until the city refused to back the stadium and the owner died. I would worry A LOT about the former, since it could easily happen to Milwaukee.
  9. jri

    jri Red Card

    Sep 28, 2000
    This would be awesome for Peter, and I think pretty good for the league. I doubt Milwaukee can ever be a giant, but a steady 15k type yeah..

    Should be a great rivalry with Chicago...

    Cool to get out of left field stuff. SJ to Houston certainly won't be..
  10. lemons

    lemons Member

    United States
    Nov 20, 2004
    Atlanta United FC
    I'd love to see a team in Milwaukee. It would create a killer rivalry with Chicago.
  11. wufc

    wufc Member

    May 1, 2005
    UC Irvine
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Today's already been a day of surprises. First Greg's firing, and now Milwaukee. Maybe Harrison before midnight?
  12. jri

    jri Red Card

    Sep 28, 2000
    You smoking crack? :D
  13. Revolt

    Revolt Member+

    Jun 16, 1999
    Davis, CA
    San Jose Earthquakes
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    United States
    Shazam! A wary congrats to Milwaukee on getting an EXPANSION club. This sure has been kept under the rug. Personally, I would rather see MLS expand in areas other than mid-sized metros with struggling MLB clubs - but the Milwaukee Suds will be an excellent addition to MLS.

    I assume the ownership group is dropping 10 large as an expansion fee, plus, what? 50 large on the new stadium. Damn! I'm envious.

    And slightly cynical. I'll be looking to see if the MLS announcement has an 'if' there somewhere.
  14. anderson

    anderson Member+

    Feb 28, 2002
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    I just did a quick search on Google News for my own education and figured others like me who haven't been following developments in Milwaukee closely may also find these articles from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel helpful for some additional background:

    PabstCity foes push soccer stadium, 07/11

    Attorney makes MLS, soccer stadium push, 07/07

    Looks like they'll have some interesting political negotiations over where the stadium would be built. Nice problem to have.
  15. Sanguine

    Sanguine Member

    Jul 4, 2003
    Reston, VA
    San Antonio all over again?
  16. jri

    jri Red Card

    Sep 28, 2000
    Should the title on MLSnet read, "Happy Days"?
  17. Jabinho

    Jabinho New Member

    May 29, 2004
    Right now there is no "Major Announcement Wednesday" at MLSnet and I have my doubts about this whole thing being real anyway..
  18. WarrenWallace

    WarrenWallace Member

    Mar 12, 1999
    Beer and Cheese
    From my viewpoint, this seems to be a press conference announcing that Milwaukee is going to try to formalize a bid. And this is also perhaps used to get more attention for a downtown soccer stadium.

    (cross posted)
    The Packers moved all the games back to Green Bay back in the 1990s. The Packers used to play at Milwaukee County Stadium and that stadium was destroyed in 2001 when Miller Park was operational.

    Milwaukee is also home to Marquette University and UW-Milwaukee. However, both schools do not offer football.

    Uileihn(sp) Soccer park is not really an option. Logistically, it was hard to get to that park when there was 5k fans. It is also an small stadium (bleachers, wood, not aluminum) with the seating on 3 sides of the stadium. You would have to rebuild and redo the whole field since it also floods very often and it is hard to play on the field if there has been rain in the past few days.
  19. anderson

    anderson Member+

    Feb 28, 2002
    Houston Dynamo
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Well, we'll learn more tomorrow, but the articles seem to me to imply that the key difference is that Milwaukee has an identified potential ownership group working on the project, whereas San Antonio had a lame duck mayor as the project's major proponent.

    Perhaps some Milwaukee area posters can help us out with some local insight, but the Greenberg group at least talks a good game - here's a snippet from the 07/07 piece:

  20. okcomputer

    okcomputer Member

    Jun 25, 2003
    Milwaukee strikes me as potentially another KC. Not a big market that already has a MLB team that has a hard time drawing fans. At least they will have the advantage of a SSS which might be the difference.
  21. Stan Collins

    Stan Collins Member+

    Feb 26, 1999
    Silver Spring, MD
    Keep in mind one difference between this bid/announcement/whatever and San Antonio, Cleveland, whomever is that the SSS is going to be, at least according to the articles on the subject, privately funded, with the possible exception of a Tax Increment District (which is public help, but isn't the same thing as cash).

    If that turns out to be true, then it vastly improves the odds.
  22. Stan Collins

    Stan Collins Member+

    Feb 26, 1999
    Silver Spring, MD
    Well, my response to your first sentence was going to be "and what's wrong with that??", since if the second one comes true, KC has been evaulated as viable by both Lamar Hunt and by the investor group that wants to buy the team from him (and for that matter, by Murstein).

    I do take your point, though, that this is a small and crowded marketplace, and this franchise is likely to never lead the league in revenue, so that's a valid consideration.
  23. Sanguine

    Sanguine Member

    Jul 4, 2003
    Reston, VA
    agreed. Milwaukee also has basketball, which makes it even worse potentially, especially if the Bucks make the playoffs.

    But if they've got an ownership group and solid plans for a stadium, more power to 'em. An involved ownership group should be able to get the fans out, even with competition.
  24. sidefootsitter

    sidefootsitter Member+

    Oct 14, 2004
  25. WarrenWallace

    WarrenWallace Member

    Mar 12, 1999
    Beer and Cheese

    The area in question (Pabst City/Park East Freeway).

    Park East Freeway is located above at WI-145. The freeway spur was destroyed by the city to make way for more development.

    The proposed Pabst City development (and soccer stadium) is around the southeast corner of I-43 and WI-145.

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