A milita led by Clive Bundy's son has taken over a federal building in Oregon http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry...onal-wildlife-refuge_56888a61e4b0b958f65be382
Buncha sissy cultists are no comparison to freedom loving sovereign citizens with militia training...
I think this one is going to be around awhile, so I moved it to its own thread. The "Sovereign Citizen" movement is worthy of discussion as well.
Since this now has its own thread... As much as my first impulse is to see the funny side of their drama queen nonsense (such as "Y'all Qaeda" and "YeeHawdists"), I also pity these people. What kind of powerlessness, fear and self-loathing must they be suffering to make their belief system necessary in order to cobble together at least some kind of fragile self-respect? Or to think that what they're doing is a good idea that will bring them social admiration as "patriots"? It's funny and sad all at once. Naturally, social media is having a field day with the media and law enforcement hypocrisy surrounding this: http://mashable.com/2016/01/03/ange...-Prod-RSS-Feedburner-All-Partial#GI5YsROt4uqJ Speaking of which, events like these are really useful for exposing hypocrisy and blind spots - especially our own and yes, we all have them. One of the best responses I've seen comes from Jim Wright: Jim Wright 18 hrs · Yes, I'm watching the Bundy militia nuts in Oregon. Let's let that one shake out for a day or so, see what happens. Right now, it's just a bunch of sorry little goons who've locked themselves in an empty building. That's a good place for them, they can't hurt anybody but themselves. _________ First Impression: Leave them in there. In fact, don't let them out. Sooner or later, they'll get hungry. Then we'll talk.
For once it pays to visit the lower half of the internets, comments on articles about these numbskulls are hilarious. This is one of the better solutions I've seen so far:
The birders are mad. Don't anger the birders. Audubon Society of Portland Issues Statement Seriously the most polite missive ever issued.
January 3, 2016: Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1908 by President Theodore Roosevelt to protect the vast populations of waterbirds that were being decimated by wanton killing by the plume trade. The 188,000 acre refuge represents some of the most important bird habitat on the Pacific Flyway. It is one of the crown jewels of the National Wildlife Refuge System and belongs to all Americans. In 2013, the Refuge adopted a long-term management plan developed through an inclusive collaborative process that brought together the local community, tribes, conservation groups, state and federal agencies, and other stakeholders. These stakeholders have continued to work together to implement this strategy which includes one of the biggest wetland restoration efforts ever undertaken. You know, when avid sportsmen Teddy Roosevelt decides it's time to stop killing certain animals in certain places, it's time to stop killing them.
Or to stop wars, as he did in winning the Nobel Peace Prize the same year he finagled Panama away from Colombia.
Well he was a Rosenfelt,kin to the crook who brought socialism to America and hatched the OneWorldGubmint called the United Nations,whose Agenda 21 is clearly all over this "refuge" and "wetland restoration". /stormfront
Well hunters want to conserve animals so they can keep hunting, that is why he created the national parks, to not run out of shit to shoot. He was no tree hugging hippie.
Looking at that headline and playing back in my mind the amount of times that ABC (and CBS and NBC and CNN, etc) are declared puppets of the left ...... and it makes my head hurt. Seriously? LOL ABC should be ashamed and embarrassed about running a headline on this situation that says THAT. "... followed by Oregon wildlife refuge action ..." Good grief.
https://www.balloon-juice.com/2016/01/04/open-thread-the-common-clay-of-the-new-west/ This thread has a lot of funny. Fail Qaeda Yokel Haram
Suppose they started a war and nobody came. ??? Ignoring them is the ultimate humiliation. Then pick them up when they get bored and go home.
The cops are still probably still unmotivated over the bad rep they've been getting over the killings of black men. They may need some ISIS troops embeded with them during the assault.
When dealing with the Audubon Society, beware... (Of course, if you have seen 3 Days of the Condor, I really like that phone call between Robert Redford and Max Von Sydow, speaking of the Audubon Society.)