Mike Seagroves

Discussion in 'MLS: Expansion' started by CAVEMAN, Aug 13, 2002.

  1. Mike, have you organized anything for Okc MLS supporters? If not I'm interested in starting, or assisting someone start, some movement here in Okc, can you help?
  2. Viking64

    Viking64 Member

    Feb 11, 1999
    Tarheel State
    It's Segroves. And I won't call you a name for getting it wrong.

    And he might be too busy doing something else.
  3. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    And here I thought he was a working schlum like me. JK. i just dont want this thing to fail. I have contacted so many people I think im pissing 'em off. Ah, well. If I can help just call for your local neghborhood weslinging...'er...cave dweeling Caveman!

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