I was wondering if you guys want a new subforum EXCLUSIVELY for league play? my idea for possible threads within new subforum matchday preview (interviews, head to head stats) matchday recap (scores, lineups, interviews) matchday PBP (though not every game will get this except the rivalries) matchday media (videos and pics of goals, cool plays, etc) matchday stats (standings, relegation table, etc) what do you guys think? All we need is ten 1 LMvCP 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------------- seems like league play discussion is scattered around the forum.... and just hoping to make it easier......
no it would be a subforum of the club forum CLUB forum --Cups and Competition --League and Playoffs --America --Chivas --Cruz Azul --UNAM
So is this an attempt for an undercover rivalries forum? Either way. I'm in. 1 LMvCP 2 EduarDitto 3 RS 4 TURICATO9 5 OG Junglist 6 NachoNation 7 8 9 10 Lyrical Suicide
Sounds like a decent idea to have a neutral place where we can beat on each other senceless...... I'm in. 1 LMvCP 2 EduarDitto 3 RS 4 TURICATO9 5 OG Junglist 6 NachoNation 7 elvasco 8 9 10 Lyrical Suicide
Watever 1 LMvCP 2 EduarDitto 3 RS 4 TURICATO9 5 OG Junglist 6 NachoNation 7 elvasco 8 Robert_08 9 10 Lyrical Suicide
1 LMvCP 2 EduarDitto 3 RS 4 TURICATO9 5 OG Junglist 6 NachoNation 7 elvasco 8 Robert_08 9 Gol de Mexico 10 Lyrical Suicide Done.
So would the "Club Forum" rarely be needed/used for posting? All Club Threads would be moved to League and Playoffs?
All the "official club threads" in the main club forum would remain where it is. So it would still be used. The league and liguilla subforum would be exclusively for league action, interviews, highlights, standings, etc the current set up is very disorganized..... in the MAIN mexican forum, you have some threads about league play. in the MAIN club subforum, you have some club threads and random prediction threads. I want league play to be centralized and have it where each matchday visible...
So then what are we going to use the main forum for? Beside the random football thoughts it's kind of dead
The main forum will still be used for random questions and threads like "too many argies in the mex league" and other stupid threads.... Just like Cups and Competitions isolated the tournaments that the MFL participates in, I am hoping that League and Playoff isolate league stats, previews, recaps, etc..... currently, we have to switch between the club forum, the main forum.
so this would be quality highly moderated forum for strict Club league talk pools, newb questions, argies, etc would stay in main forum. It could be used rarely for only quality discussion and posts most of stuff would stay in main forum. ?
that is the objective..... to have a higher quality subforum where league discussion is promoted. Like you said... the random futbol thought threads, the official eurocup thread, the official champions league thread, the i hate televisa threads, and virtually any other football question or discussion will be for the main forum. As you can see, the main forum is basically just that.... from threads that go on hating argies to who has better broadcasters.... the main club forum is basically nothing but "official" club threads because they dont generate enough discussion to have their own personal sub forums like Cruz Azul, Chivas, America, UNAM. league discussion is random and spread out. We need to isolate it. We need to have threads dedicated to matchday previews, matchday recaps, matchday media and video threads.
Too many sub forums as it is. Why not just open a new "Oficial league and liguilla" therad in the main forum and make it a sticky with the understanding that it is only to discuss quality topics related to league and liguilla?
We do not have too many sub forums. All of them generate enough volume to maintain themselves and more discussion takes places in those subforums than other forums in the Americas (not including Mexico Forum). An official thread for the tournament already exist and it does not function well. You have league discussion scattered around. Just like the Cups and Competitions isolated discussion regarding Mexican clubs in international competitions, we need a subforum to do the same for league play. Right now, you have to jump to many threads to find and discuss what great goals were scored this past week. That is a problem. 10 people already signed up so there is a demand for it.
I personally dont like threads with subforums above them. Like it is in the Mexican Clubs forum Atleast this league forum would move those Club threads to this league Forum i assume, keeping the top level Mexican Clubs forum rarely utilized. Then there is the pbp threads: There is a pbp thread for America vs PUmas in the America forum then the Pumas forum then a League forum. you have to jump 3 threads to look for info on a game, goals and what not. What about all match/pbp thread going into the league Forum and NOT in the individual club forums? Probably not doable and say a wila, lol, wants to diss a chicva, they cant do it in the League forum but could do it in a Wila forum.
That is basically my point. There are too many places as it is where info is scattered around. Close some of the subforums maybe? if you create this new one? if you move the club forums into this new one, that would make sense
the individual club subforums are FAN forums. They can discuss ANYTHING they want from who is the best player ever from their club to their current youth system set up to set up PBP threads. Personally, i do not like the fact that the "fan forums" are strictly moderated and that any poster that is not a fan cant start a discussion that may be uncomfortable to the fans. But it is what it is..... You guys are not grasping the concept.... The main CLUB forum is for random discussion about mexican clubs in any division and topics include "official fan thread", administrative affairs, personal questions, random thoughts. The big 4 generate enough interest that their own subforums are justified. Mexican clubs in international tournaments generate enough interest the subforum is justified. You can not tell me that having a LEAGUE forum is not justified, when alot of discussion is on it, but just scattered around the main mexico forum and the main club forum. do not even count that FAN forums or FAN threads because those are for fans of those particular team and contrasting opinions and ideas regarding those clubs are not welcomed in those threads/subforums.
just to be clear..... MEXICO FORUM - random thoughts, news, questions, and ideas about football in general, but more so on Mexican football. MEXICO NSR FORUM - random thoughts, news, events, questions, ideas, how to's, MEXICO NATIONAL TEEAM FORUM - random thoughts, questions, polls, discussion about all Mexican NTs. Mexico NT News and Analysis and History subforum - official news, interviews, pictures, videos, rosters, history of the NT. Strictly moderated. MEXICO ABROAD FORUM - news, discussion, and rumors of Mexican players/coaches participating outside Mexico MEXICO CLUB FORUM - random thoughts, questions, polls, fan threads, discussion about all Mexican club affairs America subforum - Fan forum. any thing club related. FOR FANS ONLY Chivas subforum - Fan forum. any thing club related. FOR FANS ONLY Cruz Azul subforum - Fan forum. any thing club related. FOR FANS ONLY UNAM subforum - Fan fan forum. any thing club related. FOR FANS ONLY Cups and Competitions subforum - Mexican clubs participating in international and domestic cups. League and Playoffs subforum - Highly moderated. For Mexican League First Division affairs. Possible threads include matchday previews, match day recaps that include standings, interviews. Also, the video/media thread where videos, sopcast, podcast, interviews can be downloaded or uploaded. The purpose is to have each matchday present without having to jump around from different forums or pages looking info or posts.
So for instance, would you expect to see a Tecos-America thread in the subforum, or simply a Matchday 4 thread?