Due to escalating operating costs, the MetroStars will be increasing ticket prices for the 2004 season. However if you renew your 2003 Metromembership, you get the same 2003 price. Be one of the first 150 MetroMember Accounts to renew with full payment, and receive a FREE parking pass for all 2004 MetroStars home games at Giants Stadium. (Minimum value of $150). Remember renewal orders begin on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 at 10:00AM, so take advantage of this offer and don’t delay.
Level 2003 Adult 2004 Adult 2003 Youth 2004 Youth 12th Man $900 - $1,100 - NA - NA Platinum $496 - $528 - $336 - $354 Gold $400 - $432 - $272 -$285 Silver $304 - $336 - $208 - $225 Bronze $208 - $240 - $144 - $161
Fixed your post. Well done Metro. Hit up the semi-faithful while you still have a chance at two trophies. When do we start seeing the ads promoting the fact that we sold a keeper to a really good team?
What do you expect? Prices to come down? This is not a surprise as most sports teams increase prices yearly.
Yeah but most teams have player who make $5M a year. Metros have players who make $250K a year and their prices are almost as much as the other sports. They are just trying to rip people off and making it seem like they cant keep up with the $$. Its really not beleivable specially when they practically have $0 Ad budget, a low salary cap, and as MetroTard mentioned they just sold a keepper for $3M.
When teams in other leagues raise prices, the fan expects/knows that part of that increase will go into obtaining better players for the team. That is an impossibility here because of SEM.
This will help keep them in line with the ticket prices ChampionsWorld charges. It's called parity. I thought you all believed in that concept.
Or..... The Metros are losing so much $$ because of their horrible stadium situation that they had choice but to raise ticket $$ ??? Or..... Nick wants to buy a new condo?
What other sports do the Metros tickets almost match? Get a clue. The same tickets which are now $36 are over $70 at Yankee games, $1,500 for Knicks games, $750 for Rangers games. My tickets which have a face value of $20 would cost me $70 at a Nets game. The tickets are going up about $2 a game. Do I like it, no, but make a realistic argument. As for selling the keeper, I may be wrong, but didn't the league sell Timmy, not the Metros. BTW, the Metros will lose around 2 million this year.
See! You see! That's it! If they weren't ripping us off they'd be losing 4 million! And don't gimme that line about how much Anschutz and Kraft and Hunt love soccer and are devoted to seing it happen here, yadyadayada. If they REALLY loved the game they'd go out and buy an English club, like the Russian dude what bought Chleski. They'd realize soccer will NEVER be big here, so they'd cash in and leave the REAL fans to the football pubs, and the wannabe's to the A-League. Did the Russki buy into MLS? Hell, no! MLS has been around for EIGHT SEASONS, and it still can't draw like ManU!!! No way I'm paying more for season tickets! ... so I'm buying early to stick THEM with this years prices. the $32. I save will not go towards a ChampionsWorld ticket next season. No, I plan to make a donation to the Recognizing Sarcasm on the BS Boards Fund. And it isn't even tax deductable.
If you think ticket prices are high now, just wait until the team moves into it's own stadium. They might not double but it will be pretty damn near.
But at least there would be a good reason for higher ticket prices......$ actually goes to metro, helps pay off new stadium, etc.... The reason why tix are going up next year is because NJSEA is raping Metros blind and they have to pass the bill on to us....
Just to pour salt in the wound (as if the table wasn't enough) my FIRE tix in the second deck Stadium Club level at New Soldier Field (right about where the rope is looped in the bottom center of the photo) are still $15 per. The same seats for the Bears are $195 per.
OK so the same tickets for the Metros would be??? Don't sell there.... Do the math the Metros seats aren't any more money for season tickets for the sections wwhich are equivalent
The point I was trying to make in my post is that the people who actually show up to support the team game after game are the ones who can barely afford the tickets at their current prices. The inevitable large jump in ticket prices at the new stadium will further errode the established fan base. Kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation.
I'm not going to say you are wrong, but what proof is there that the most loyal fans are the ones who can barely afford the tickets?
Just the most common complaint I hear is that tickets are too expensive. Hardly a scientific method but I can only form opinions on what I hear. On a side note, I'm actually adding a seat to my membership starting next season, the cost be damned.
I guess it depends where you are in life and career. I get most of my friends to show up, because they find it's a good bargain.
Yo NYR, We met this Sat AT the game.And I understand money is tight for you. are you a student or just unemployed both are ok of course.But you seem to have a great passion about Futbol And the Glorious METROSTARS!Im sure you can find means to make some matches. PICK YOUR FIXTURES AND PUMP IT UP !! FORZA METRO !!!!
I am poor college student pretty much..... I love me football, and me Metrostars, and lots of other non MLS teams, and non football teams..... I make as many matches as I can..... Beginning of the season was bad for me.... it got better mid summer..... Sat night games are the best for me.... Was great meeting you and some other punks from ESC
Well then Sonny, here's a tip for you. When your old enough to go to a Shaker bar (GO-GO).Cut your $ Dollar $ bills in half before you fold them up!!The Russian Dancers will never know what hit them. FORZA METRO !!!
ANOTHER MetroStar ticket scam? Wow, I'm genuinely shocked. I mean, we've never seen one of these before have we? I don't get the comparison of the Metro tix with the Nets prices. The Nets signed Jason Kidd to a $105 million contract while it's already been noted that some Metros make minimum wage. I guess there will no longer be any tickets less than $20 which will eliminate families from coming to multiple games. If the new stadium is ready in 2005, the cheapest seat will be $30. If they go through with the ticket increases and the ridiculous addition of the Mexican team next year, we're slowly watching the beginning of the end of MLS.