Metro v DC Cup Semi/Court Tavern Info

Discussion in 'New York Red Bulls' started by Empire Supporters Club, Sep 26, 2003.

  1. Empire Supporters Club

    Feb 7, 2000
    The Empire Supporters Club will gather at the Court Tavern in New Brunswick from 4:30pm on next Wednesday before our crucial Open Cup semifinal against D.C. Great beer, great jukebox and plenty of carry out eateries in the hood to get you warmed up for the match. Get there early if you need to keep MetroTard off of the Slade jag. Ride shares post needs or offers.

    Once inside Yurcak Field, the ESC will congregate all the way to the left side of the main stand, on the side behind the Metro team shelter.

    To get to the Court Tavern from the Turnpike, take exit 9 (NEW BRUNSWICK) and bear right on ramp
    Merge onto Rt 18 N
    Take Rt 27 S and get into left lane quickly
    Take left onto Neilson St
    Take right onto Church St
    Go through 1st light across George St, Court is at the end of next block on Church.
    It would be wise to try parking along street as soon as one turns onto Church. There are a couple of lots near the Court, as well.

    From the train station, go down platform stairs and turn left down Easton Ave and cross Albany St towards McDonalds and the Rutgers bookstore. Turn right onto Spring St and walk one block to Church. Court is on the corner.

    6:45 departure from the Court for the match (15 minutes away) is a good idea as most will want to get through the traffic and over to the match in advance of the kickoff. As is customary, first round's on Jamison...

    Come On, Metro!
  2. okcomputer

    okcomputer Member

    Jun 25, 2003
    That night is the weekly open mic night at the court so feel free to bring guitars and poetry.
  3. Joe Coleman

    Joe Coleman Red Card

    Sep 20, 2003
    Kearny, NJ
    will Gio17 get any sleep before this I wonder
  4. nyrmetros

    nyrmetros Member

    Feb 7, 2004
    any carpools coming from Queens / Nassau County?
    also anyone got an extra match ticket in case this fixture sells out?
  5. Joe Coleman

    Joe Coleman Red Card

    Sep 20, 2003
    Kearny, NJ
    yeah I have an extra ticket
  6. jamison

    jamison Member

    Sep 25, 2000
    NYR, please don't fall for that one.

    I will be there around 3-ish, as I just got the day off. I'll try to bring a disposable camera on the DC trip and get the pictures processed by Wednesday.
  7. nyrmetros

    nyrmetros Member

    Feb 7, 2004
    thanx for the tips mate :)
    I'm working on clearing up the day as well so no problems will keep me from seeing my first Cup game of the season...
  8. red&black1

    red&black1 New Member

    Mar 8, 2003
    Kearny NJ
    quick question....

    I have work till 6pm. u think that will leave me enough time to get to Rutgers from Kearny(giants stadium area) by 7:30?? and will there be any tickets left if i get there late??
  9. Red Star Metro

    Red Star Metro New Member

    Apr 27, 1999
    Re: quick question....

    shouldn't be a problem. even if it were to sell out, one could get a pretty damn good view by just hanging out outside of the fence around the field.
  10. GIO17

    GIO17 Member

    Nov 29, 1998
    Actually Joe I'll be fine. Since they ticked me off on Thursday night.
  11. Calcio#20

    Calcio#20 New Member

    Jul 10, 2003
    Once again I might entertain the thought of trading 1 tix for a ride to @ from the Court.Last time I was horribly stood up By my so called friends.If interested get back.
  12. jamison

    jamison Member

    Sep 25, 2000
    I'm taking the 3pm train from Penn Station to New Brunfus, so I should be in the hood around 4pm.

    Looking forward to some Husker Du on the jukebox.
  13. Beerman

    Beerman Member

    Feb 16, 2001
    Denville NJ
    Re: Re: quick question....

    True True True.
  14. okcomputer

    okcomputer Member

    Jun 25, 2003
    The court has arguably the best jukebox in NJ.
  15. JRedknapp11

    JRedknapp11 Red Card

    Dec 5, 2001
    -- Always have an extra seat in my car available for a fellow red and black supporter.
  16. NJPsycho

    NJPsycho New Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Dirty Jerzee
    True True True. They also have reasonably priced pitchers.

    Does The Court know we're showing?

    How far is the drive from The Court to the field?
  17. okcomputer

    okcomputer Member

    Jun 25, 2003
    The court is about a 10 minute drive with traffic to the field. Beer is very reasonable priced at the court. Its 2.50 bud bottles and I think pitchers range from like 6 to 10 bucks depending on the beer. Yuengling is a good bargain at the Court.
  18. Sccrlvr27

    Sccrlvr27 New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
    New Jersey
    Is there an age requirement for attending.. im only 16

    Anyone kno how to get there from 287?
  19. Ron Ferguson

    Ron Ferguson New Member

    Dec 12, 1998
  20. JRedknapp11

    JRedknapp11 Red Card

    Dec 5, 2001
    For those in the know... is it easier to get to the Court when comming from 287 if you get on the Turnpike or is there a better exit off of 287 ?
  21. Casper

    Casper Member+

    Mar 30, 2001
    New York
    Are the non-ESC welcome?
  22. Calcio#20

    Calcio#20 New Member

    Jul 10, 2003
    Of course!!! All are welcomed. And if you are interested membership is only $10.
  23. Roehl Sybing

    Roehl Sybing Guest

    Oh, I'm definitely in. One thing, though...first time out to Rutgers, how long do you suppose the wait time will be at the will call window?
  24. Casper

    Casper Member+

    Mar 30, 2001
    New York
    Are people expecting a sellout? I've never had to buy a ticket ahead of time for a Metros game before...
  25. MasterShake29

    MasterShake29 Member+

    Oct 28, 2001
    Jersey City, NJ
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    For 287 directly to the field - Exit 9 (River Road / Rt. 622*) toward Rutgers / Highland Park, go through lights for Centennial Ave., Plainfield Ave., (go a little bit) Hoes Lane West / Johnson Drive, make the first major left, Sutphen Road (you'll see Rutgers sign on right). Make left on to the first major road, you'll pass stadium on way to parking.

    To get to the Court Tavern - best way is not to take 287 in the first place. Turnpike is much better if it's not completely out of the way.

    * Note, if you look at a map, River Road may be called Route 18 or 514, which used to be true but is now 622.

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