just thought Id give some people a heads up http://procart2.evocative.com/****************/item.jsp?item=50_NIKMVAP_MB_FG&category=174 well since this censor is so lovely you cant click on it but its from the OB so just go to their website.
O - N - I - O - NBAG (take out the hyphens) http://procart2.evocative.com/o-n-i-o-nbag/item.jsp?item=50_NIKMVAP_MB_FG&category=174
copy this into your browser window and remove the space between the words tiny & url http://tiny url.com/6rrdh hth chunk
IMHO - They are the best web soccer store in NA. Great service, but a bit pricey. The name is banned here because they USED to be the official Big Soccer Store and had a falling out with BS.
er ok i got into the web already but i dont get the slightlest idea why u guys are talking bout this site ? u can get mercurial vapor everywhere ? it is cos it's cheap ?