Didn't kikin say he's get his deviated septum fixed after he'd hung up his boots? F'ckin eagle beak, lol.
It is a little-known fact that Kikin was actually signed for Benfica's falconer team, not the football team. Even there, he was a fracaso.
lol even the eagle looked all depressed n shit...it was an omen. lol shit looks like its about to cry...
I voted yes, but only because I always want our soccer players to represent us at higher levels. I don't think so though. Next we'll be saying he's the next Chicharrito. He's not as talented, he's doing well now which I am grateful for and hope he does his best tomorrow, but he's an average mexican nt striker. He wont leave his name to be remembered with the NT imo.
as much shit as kikin gets for going to europe, and being so bad upon returning, he was pretty good in the time leading up to the 2006 cup.
My prediction is Europe is going to come at Mexico more aggressively and ruin Liga MX by taking all their young talent. Double edge sword if you ask me after winning the gold, it just showed how good our league is at producing talent, all down hill from there folks.
La liga MX isn't suffering because players leave, players leave because the league is suffering. Although I see your point about maybe it being bad for our players to go on to better things and leaving mexico, I think that any mexican player who has a chance to play on the best teams of europe should go. I don't think people should leave mexico, for low table teams no matter from what league.
I agree. I'd honestly be ok with the idea of Ayala at Mallorca/Oribe at Norwich like previous rumors state.
http://www.kicker.de/news/fussball/...ebarria---betis-sagt-nein.html#omsearchresult Ultimos parrafos. El que no entiende el aleman, es un ********.
he has the talent to easily play in any league in the world.. all he needs is an opportunity but the problem is that his name is not sexy enough plus he doesnt have hype behind him so no team will give him a fair chance []__[]