News: Mauricio Pochettino: In or Out?

Discussion in 'Chelsea' started by StamfordBridgeLions, Feb 27, 2024.


Mauricio Pochettino - Sack him?

  1. Keep him forever he is great

    2 vote(s)
  2. Sack him now he is truly awful - it wont be getting any better with Pooch

    1 vote(s)
  3. Give him until the end of the season - then reevaluate

    10 vote(s)
  4. Give him at least 4 years - Liverpool spent four years, [Jurgen] Klopp didn’t win a title but got th

    4 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. StamfordBridgeLions

    Chelsea FC
    Sep 4, 2016
    Chelsea FC
    Conte? Not sure he would do much with what we have. He's not great working with kids.
  2. lobomojo

    lobomojo Member+

    Chelsea, Gillingham
    Jul 17, 2004
    Chelsea FC
    I don't know, I think the kids might need his discipline, hunger, and they need to learn to start "eating grass", and unlike Hazard and more experienced players, they might not tire of it so quick once success comes.

    On the other hand he is not one to compromise nor are Todd-et al and the Brighton carnies, so it might not last long but it might be good kick-start transition to a winning attitude.
    StamfordBridgeLions repped this.
  3. StamfordBridgeLions

    Chelsea FC
    Sep 4, 2016
    Chelsea FC
    Really not sure what type of manger we need. Conte and Jose are effective bullies working with a grown up team. Tuchel might be more reasonable with developing youngsters but again it is not his forte. Not sure Pep would take the job. Not really sure Nice guy Potter would have done much with them other than some Kumbaya moments. Poch it is for now, I am not seeing many viable candidates.

    I thought we were getting some more coaches? Set pieces?
  4. Rman3349

    Rman3349 Member

    United States
    Oct 31, 2006
    Chelsea FC
    Been many months since I've posted here because this season is such a drag, but came back to post this:

    lobomojo repped this.
  5. Crawleybus

    Crawleybus Member+

    Oct 18, 2013
    Chelsea FC
    I thought perhaps the fact that Tuchel, Potter, Lampard and now Pochettino have all failed to get anything out of the team might just suggest that the manager isn't the problem?

    I see Livramento is tearing it up for Newcastle, the amount of talent that we've let go is astronomical, in my opinion there are two major things wrong with our club 1) whoever is in charge of recruitment and 2) the medical/fitness department. I think the problems come from behind the scenes.
    Rman3349, limpidrock and lobomojo repped this.
  6. lobomojo

    lobomojo Member+

    Chelsea, Gillingham
    Jul 17, 2004
    Chelsea FC
    Well, Tuchel did not really get a chance with his new regime team, I think he would have had us at least in the hunt for Europa +, though tbf at the time I was alright or more with him leaving for football reasons, :)eek:lesson learned about greener grass) though I was really liking him as a fun unique character. Potter a disaster, Lamp an interim dead man walking a dead team, Pooch better than Potter but never was or will be the answer, Todd-et al are the biggest problem but Poch has screwed the pooch far too much as well, just an awful 2nd half tactical changes and subs showing all season.

    Don't really know what we need either, leaning towards a tough young up and comer the players can respect. We are not an elite team anymore:( so not sure how we can get a proper elite coach with no CL on horizon anytime soon and Todd-et al would not listen to such a gaffers advice anyway.
  7. Crawleybus

    Crawleybus Member+

    Oct 18, 2013
    Chelsea FC
    In what way? The club is in exactly the same position. The only difference is that Potter didn't even have Palmer to bale us out, lord knows where we'd be this season without him.

    Fun fact - we've let in 2 goals for every one of our last 5 fixtures............our problem used to be an inability to score, seems our inability to defend is our achilles heel right now.
  8. limpidrock

    limpidrock Member

    Mar 19, 2008
    We've already blown our transfer budget for the next 7 years. No good manager will come to a club where there's no money to spend.
    Brock Hannsen repped this.
  9. Crawleybus

    Crawleybus Member+

    Oct 18, 2013
    Chelsea FC
    Add to that the fact that there are no 'elite' managers left that we haven't already sacked at some point and those that we haven't are already with their feet under 'other' tables and also any up and coming managers have seen how we don't give any managers 'time' and I am afraid that we are stuck with Pochettino.

    Still I still do think he will do OK given time and backing - unfortunately I don't think he'll get either of those things at this club.
    limpidrock repped this.
  10. lobomojo

    lobomojo Member+

    Chelsea, Gillingham
    Jul 17, 2004
    Chelsea FC
    49% win pooch
    39% potter

    After 28 PL matches
    40-pts 49-for 47-against pooch
    39-pts 29-for 30-against potter

    so a little better and aesthetically more pleasing subjectively to see more goals and more goal misses which is not to say we are a good watch.

    As I said I do not see pooch as the answer and I want him gone so I am not saying he is much better than your 2nd cousin potter:cautious: just less a disaster.

    Do I think we can find a gaffer who will have us sending a fright into Pep soon, no, but I do think we can find one that would have had us 10- 15 points better this season and better than potter or pooch, despite just today Todd apparently saying "THE PROJECT" is right, and on course in turning great individual players in to a great team. Me, I am less sure we have that many great players in the making.
    StamfordBridgeLions and limpidrock repped this.
  11. lobomojo

    lobomojo Member+

    Chelsea, Gillingham
    Jul 17, 2004
    Chelsea FC
    The exact quote:

    “We just need to let the process develop and give them the time to go from being unbelievable individual players with great skills to fold into a team,” Boehly says of the catastrophe on the pitch in two years since he and his fellow owners took over.

    “The good news is people care so much. And the bad news is people care so much. That leads to times when they’re frustrated with the team and the owners. I get that, but we just have to continue to stay the course.”
  12. StamfordBridgeLions

    Chelsea FC
    Sep 4, 2016
    Chelsea FC
    The main difference between Poch and Potter is that under Poch we actually score goals and we try to score goals, under Potter that was never happening. The proof is in the proverbial pudding. He who dares wins. . . Had Poch only dared a bit more against the scousers in the final in extra time, we would have won some actual silverware.

    Thankfully the De Zerbi to Chelsea rumours have died down. He is not the answer.

    I am not seeing 'the' manager out there that could do this.

    Poch is desperate for the fans to like him.
  13. Crawleybus

    Crawleybus Member+

    Oct 18, 2013
    Chelsea FC
    We also seem to 'let in goals'! (no clean sheet since January, 2 goals or more in the last 6 games). Fact is we were far too quick to judge Tuchel, far too quick to judge Potter and are already getting itchy trigger fingers over Pochettio. The government dismantled this football club and we are building it up from scratch (luckily we are lucky enough to have the money to do it) and ANY manager is going to need more than 1/2 a season to turn things around!!

    We sack Pochettino now and its back to square one, just as it was when we got rid of Tuchel and just as it was when we got rid of Potter! Thing is we ARE showing signs of improvement and now would be the very worst time to start again.......again.

    Arteta didn't take over Arsenal and suddenly they were top of the league.
  14. Rman3349

    Rman3349 Member

    United States
    Oct 31, 2006
    Chelsea FC
    Agree with all this. To be clear, Poch is not our biggest problem, probably not even in the top 5.

    Still: Out
    lobomojo repped this.
  15. Brock Hannsen

    Brock Hannsen Member+

    Feb 3, 2014
    Hartford, CT
    Chelsea FC
    It's already been said, but if a new manager is brought in, they will need to be on board with not getting new players. Our budget is gone and we'll likely get points reduction as it is. That eliminates Conte and any other elite manager. They will want better players.

    Tuchel did not want to deal with ownership.
    Potter was not good enough.
    Poch is not good enough.

    Churning managers is also very expensive and we can't afford it. Amorin is off to Liverpool. Alonso is staying at Leverkusen, waiting for a real top job.

    Thiago Motta (Girona)
    Paulo Fonseca (Lille; almost went to Spurs)
  16. Rman3349

    Rman3349 Member

    United States
    Oct 31, 2006
    Chelsea FC
    Big Thiago Motta fan (Bologna btw, not Girona :))

    Who even knows anymore because again, the manager is far from our biggest problem so even a great manager could fail and get chewed up here, but if it were him I'd be very excited
  17. Brock Hannsen

    Brock Hannsen Member+

    Feb 3, 2014
    Hartford, CT
    Chelsea FC

    Poch is not the only/biggest problem, but he is a big problem. i wonder how quickly a real manager could come in and get the most out of these players.

    Like, say, we bring in Klopp in a pipe dream and dont change any players. No way we draw Sheffield.
    Rman3349 and lobomojo repped this.
  18. lobomojo

    lobomojo Member+

    Chelsea, Gillingham
    Jul 17, 2004
    Chelsea FC
    yep, a great manager would be ideal, but a manager who had not lost 4 points to the two worst teams, with the game in hand would have had us in good position for the Europa place, even after all the earlier squandered points.
    StamfordBridgeLions repped this.
  19. StamfordBridgeLions

    Chelsea FC
    Sep 4, 2016
    Chelsea FC
    Poch does lack something. Change for change sake is not a good idea. Who out there would do a better job? Happy to go with a new bloke in the summer IF there is one. Is there one? Who is he/she?
  20. Crawleybus

    Crawleybus Member+

    Oct 18, 2013
    Chelsea FC
    There isn't anybody, certainly nobody prepared to 'risk' their reputation by coming to a club where there is a strong possibility of getting sacked after 6 months.

    As pointed out earlier (by yourself I believe) the manager isn't the problem at thus club.

    Poch is starting to get a tune from these kids and sacking him will simply take us right back to square one.
  21. StamfordBridgeLions

    Chelsea FC
    Sep 4, 2016
    Chelsea FC
    Yeah we are just doing the hokey-cokey here - In or out or shake it all about?

    Never going to love Poch. He will always be a bit Spursy. But there are not really any decent alternatives at this point in time and the disruption of another manager would take its toll [actually maybe not as much as we think as many of the current squad were not here for ALL the other managers]. But the point is, we dont need change for change sake.

    Who would be the best manager to manage and coach these "Chelsea babes"? I do think it is about time that the media give us some credit for having a very young squad and take some of the noise away from the "billionaires" label. But who is the next big thing in football management? I am not seeing anyone tbh.
  22. lobomojo

    lobomojo Member+

    Chelsea, Gillingham
    Jul 17, 2004
    Chelsea FC
    I still like Nagelsmann, if that bridge was not already burnt, and he had said he wanted a deal set up before the Summer but apparently Bayern are going to sign him as they found the grass was greener before Tuchel


    no sense making the change before summer and seeing who is available then; it still drives me crazy that even with all our mishaps we would now be in 6th, probable Europa, with a match in hand if pooch had not blown the Burnley and Sheff Utd matches, and I do think he gets most of the blame for those two. And no he is not by far the biggest problem, but that does not mean he is the solution or not also a big issue.
  23. Crawleybus

    Crawleybus Member+

    Oct 18, 2013
    Chelsea FC
    That will NEVER happen - certainly not from the Man U/Liverpool supporting media in this country anyway! The Daily Mail 'hate' us because they are United obsessed, the Mirror 'hates' us because the London borough of Chelsea is EVERYTHING that the socialists hate but for me, for some reason, the Daily Express is the worst rag of all for it, their constant 'anti' Chelsea rants and stories are incessant.
    lobomojo repped this.
  24. Crawleybus

    Crawleybus Member+

    Oct 18, 2013
    Chelsea FC
    Why do you believe this? Personally I'd put most of the blame on the players, its the same players (the fit ones) that Pochettino is forced to send out there.
  25. lobomojo

    lobomojo Member+

    Chelsea, Gillingham
    Jul 17, 2004
    Chelsea FC
    Well on the latter, Sheff Utd. playing Conor at wing, and Cole out of position (more mf than the freer #10 we saw yesterday, to try out a 3 cb-ish on D system, why should we need 3 cb's with Enzo and Caicedo shielding also, against Sheff. Mad was left with out support on rt and on left Conor does not offer the threat there Mud does nor can he lead the press and transition from back there. That match was crying out for the line-up we saw yesterday, and if Gusto was not fit enough then why not play Alfie, he had earned it. Sheff is19th for a reason, take it to them, don't try to be cute. And as good as Caicedo was yesterday he was lazy shite in that one, so pull him early and try something else.

    And if we don't have better more experienced game managers with a lead as players, like against Burnley as well, then yes there is a reason managers make millions a year. They are not there to start some players and just kick back; make adjustments, change tactics, make timely proper subs, kick some asses, pooch is a shit 2nd half coach, the total opposite to Klopp and others most matches.

    I never rated pooch as top class, ok but not top class, still don't, but to make your argument I was surprised to see:

    "It has been over two months since Chelsea last lost in 90 minutes in all competitions and only Liverpool, Manchester City, and Arsenal have a better record in the past 12 league games.

    Since the consecutive 4-1 and 4-2 defeats to Liverpool and Wolves, Chelsea have actually been pretty good. There is mitigation here - notably that their defence remains worryingly leaky and no team in the top 12 has conceded more than their 23 during the same period - but the signs are going the right way, ish."
    (Football London - yeah I know)

    I think, the reason pooch never won anything at tots, nor as much as others at PSG, on top of being a terrible 2nd half coach, is that he does not seize opportunities he should, i.e. the desperate losers' play for penalties mentality in the Cup loss when we were on top of match, and the draws to two rubbish teams. So i do hope we can find better
    StamfordBridgeLions repped this.

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