Looks like he's on trial with Rapid Vienna: Teammanager Stefan Ebner jettete indes zurück nach Wien. Rapid ist daran interessiert, Testpilot Matt Luzunaris zu verpflichten. Der US-Boy wird wohl vorerst mit einem Platz bei den Amateuren vorlieb nehmen müssen, muss nichts desto trotz aber dennoch bis 31. Jänner angemeldet werden. Link: http://www.nachrichten.at/sport/fussball/639211?PHPSESSID=aa6a051e8bb2a8d0898a05cffd0542f7 He was listed as a freshman at Central Florida this year: http://ucfathletics.cstv.com/sports/m-soccer/mtt/luzunaris_matt00.html Bio says he's a 6' 1" striker from Florida who has trained with Newcastle. Here's the club site, but I haven't checked it for news of him yet: http://www.skrapid.at/ Seems he was a youth teammate of Altidore. The club web site has an interesting piece up: Matt Luzunaris (Schulz Academy U-20) convinced the coaches of Rapid Vienna in his first training sessions so much, that they are considering to offer him a professional contract. After scoring 4 goals in an internal scrimmage with the Professionals of the most successful club in Austrian history, the Rapid Vienna coaching staff decided to take him to their 10 day pre-season camp to Turkey, where they also will play 4 games vs. other 1st division teams from other countries. “Matt is definitely a player for us for the future. He is young, fast, great in the air, and can score goals. That’s exactly the player we are looking for”, stated Peter Pacult, Head Coach of Rapid Vienna. Alfred Hoertnagl, Sports Manager of Rapid Vienna: ”Matt fits perfectly in our concept of developing young promising players for the future. Matt has the quality to even use Rapid Vienna for a bigger career in a few years. We will help him as much as we can to do that”. Link: http://www.schulzsocceracademy.com/home/222565.html
Other than getting more money, he should've stayed in MLS. This is my second year in Vienna and the Austrian league sucks. MLS is definately on par, and if the games were played in the states MLS teams would almost every time. I watched Red Bull Salzburg play last year and New York would've handled them pretty easily. The problem with the Austrian league is there is a lack of small skillful players and quick forwards. Maybe this dude will add some pace to Rapid's attack. If he's fast and a decent finisher he could score 5-10 a year in the A-Bundesliga.
He couldn't be in MLS right now because he's not a Gen Adidas player I believe. Also, the pay in Austria, as we have seen with Jaqua, appears to be alright.
Plus, being in Austria he has a better chance of being noticed by better leagues. The Bundesliga poaches from Austria all the time.
I posted earlier walking out the door, but now looking at the situation, it appears to be a promising one. I especially like the quote about the team being willing to help him progress to a level where he could move on, they wouldn't say that if they didn't think he has a lot of potential. What was his situation in the ODP and Youth Nats program? Does anyone know anything else about him? Also, trialing with Newcastle may imply a Euro passport.
According to Rapid's site, they won't sign him. Trying to find out more. EDIT: Here's an article (in German) suggesting that they wanted him but coudln't make it work financially. Of course, that could mean a lot of things. I guess we'll see. Seems, from reading the press over there, that he impressed 'em. Link: http://www.nachrichten.at/sport/fussball/641304?PHPSESSID=7b3417c4b2386fe9fe6a797d009ce3e1
Looks like he signed with SCS bet-at-home.com -- the second "S" in SCS stands for Schwanenstadt. Scored a goal for them against LASK Linz: LASK Linz – SC Schwanenstadt bet-at-home.com 2:2 (1:1). Tore: 1:0 (7.) Adi, 1:1 (35.) Luzunaris, 2:1 (61.) Adi, 2:2 (69.) Helly. Link: http://www.nachrichten.at/sport/642948?PHPSESSID=575e0d603855a45ce1ca871bd26473e8
*Is bet-at-home.com really part of the team's name? *Are they in the top tier of Austrian soccer or a lower division? *Do we have confirmation he actually signed or could this be him playing a game as a trialist?
Wikipedia has him on their roster, although take it with a grain of salt. And yes, bet-at-home.com is really part of their name. I had the same disbelief as you. And they are in the second division, mid-table.
The earlier article about the failed deal with Rapid indicated that the Schulz Academy in Florida suddenly demanded a sky-high transfer fee after personal terms had been agreed with Luzunaris. Rapid said no thanks. So it really did fall through because of the transfer fee. The article mentions that Luzunaris was subsequently transfered to Schwanenstadt, a.k.a. SCS bet-at-home.com. The team's website doesn't list him as one of their incoming players (top set of names), and he's not listed on their roster, either on the Bundesliga.at site or on the team's website. But given that he scored in the practice match against the Bundesliga team LASK Linz, perhaps he's training or trialling with the squad. Unclear to say the least.
As of a couple hours before the transfer deadline, Rapid hadn't come to an agreement with management of the Schulz Academy. Everything was settled with Luzunaris, but then his price was driven up. I suspect it was at least indirectly due to an offer from Schwanenstadt, because it seems Luzunaris ended up there before the deadline. Though the player would have gladly signed for Rapid, the team decided to pass, the article reports.
I am still wondering how a youth team can request a transfer fee... wouldn't that be a violation of some NCAA rule???
Apparently the Schulz Soccer Academy is headed by former Austrian pro Josef Schulz. They also competed in the Megacard Sommercup in Austria. No doubt that's how Luzunaris came to the attention of Austrian clubs. Don't know how usual it is for a development academy to request a transfer fee, but somehow Luzunaris ended up in Schwanenstadt even though he was ready to sign for Rapid. And I'm not sure it would violate NCAA regulations. I know it's not the same situation, but Lapira was still eligible for Notre Dame after appearing for the Irish national team.
I would speculate then that Schultz demanded the FIFA development minimum to be paid to him. That may have amounted to a few hundred grand and Rapid may have balked.
Here's the take from Schulz: Matt Luzunaris, former team mate of Josmer Altidore at the Schulz Academy, signed a professional contract in Europe. After impressing at the training with Austria’s most popular club, Rapid Vienna, Matt Luzunaris caught the attention of many other clubs in Austria, too. Because of the fact, that Rapid didn’t get the Austrian citizenship for the “Austrian Soccer Player of the Year” of the last 2 years, Stefan Hofmann, who is German, in time, Matt was their 7th foreigner, and only could have played for the Amateurs of Rapid Vienna for the first 4 months. After discussing this situation with his managers, Schulz Academy boss Dr. Josef Schulz and Dr. Skender Fani, a famous sports lawyer from Austria, they together decided to accept a very attractive offer from SC Schwanenstadt in the second division in Austria. Link: http://www.schulzsocceracademy.com/home/226383.html
So, from that, we can deduce that the Austrian B-liga has a 6 foreigner rule? And that the Germans still count as foreigners? (they don't forgive the Anschluß easily) Very odd for a EU member.
Well, one look at the Red Bull Salzburg squad tells you there's no six-foreigner rule. They've only got a hand full of Austrians. So I suspect that part of the story, which isn't included in the Austrian press report posted on Schulz's site, isn't quite accurate. More likely, Rapid told Luzunaris that they were planning to play him with the amateurs for a while. He wasn't too happy about that, and the Schwanenstadt folks got wind of it and made him an offer. That's pretty much the version the Austrian press article relates. Incidentally, the article also notes that Frank Stronach's team offered Luzunaris a three-year deal.
well 6 foreigner rule only applies if you want money from either the tv station or the oefb(austrian soccer association) Salzburg doesnt need this money cause the have a budget of about 60 million euros
Matt got a few minutes in the club's first match upon return to the 07/08 season, a 1-0 win. Looks like he had been starting and, occasionally, scoring in the last few pre-season matches, too.
Schwanenstadt is on a three-game win streak following the winter break, moving up from 7th to 3rd in the process. After beating the Austria Vienna Amateurs 1-0, they won two home games 4-1 and 3-1. Matt got about ten minutes in the first, started but was subbed at the half in the second, and got a couple garbage minutes in the third. No goals so far.
Apparently a newly formed club named FC Magna will be acquiring the playing license of Schwanenstadt for 2008/09. I'm not quite sure what the impetus for this club is or what exactly is going on, but it's probably not good news for Luzunaris. Link: http://www.soccerway.com/news/2008/May/05/austrias-kuljic-drops-down-to-magna-