Mateja Kezman

Discussion in 'Chelsea' started by Riz, Dec 6, 2004.

  1. Riz

    Riz Member+

    Nov 18, 2004
    R-ville, Murrlin
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:

    And thus ends this thread. :)

    A new one shall be started in time, I am sure, but this thread will stand as the first ever thread dedicated to Mateja Kezman, aka MK9. :D
  2. Clan

    Clan Member

    Apr 23, 2002
    I don't have the heart to do it to you - so why don't you just go ahead and start another one :)
  3. Riz

    Riz Member+

    Nov 18, 2004
    R-ville, Murrlin
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:

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