Matchtracker of all the WWC matches

Discussion in 'Women's International' started by Jo, Sep 20, 2003.

  1. Jo

    Jo New Member

    Jan 15, 2000
    This may have already been posted, but if not...

    Here's the link to "watch" all the WWC matches via Matchtracker:

    Scroll down about l third of the way and there is a place to click on the matchtracker.

    For those of us who do not have all those other-language TV channels.

    Yahoo has an EXTENSIVE amount of material about the WWC including many video clips of the USA players.
  2. DennisM

    DennisM Member

    Dec 10, 2000
    Nya Sverige
    The matchtracker isn't bad. Rather a lot about the game. But soccer is often a game not of numbers though.

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