beside Juergen Klinsmann. Today it was officialy announced that Martin Vasquez, ass. coach at Deportivo Chivas at the moment, will be the assistant coach of Juergen Klinsmann. Joining German Giants Bayern Munich from 1st July 08 onwards. Nobody knows Vasquez in Germany. Can you tell something about him? Only heard that he has the same philosophy like Klinsmann.
Need to ask the Mexican fans that, Deportivo Chivas is in Mexican League, Chivas USA in the MLS side.
Here's some basic information about him. He's a previous US international, has played club soccer in both Mexico and the US. He's a currnet assistant at Chivas USA. Here's a link to some background information about him.
I don't think there's a club named Deportivo Chivas, the Mexican side is named Guadalajara. Pretty rad that an ex-MLS player, ex-US Nat, ex-MLS assistant, is now the number 2 in the biggest soccer club in Germany.
lets not forget he also played with the Mexican National team. The only player to play for both the US and Mexico. above all else he is a real good guy
Press Release from MLS/ChivasUSA: Vasquez bio:
In english sometimes some things are sound different to German. Like this one: Cause basically he will not do. He only wil be the Head Coach. The Manager will stil be Uli Hoeneß.