FC Dallas vs. LA Galaxy – Charity Game on March 15th I got 8 tickets coming to me for this game! Hopefully he doesn't have a sprained toe or a bad hangnail that weekend. I hope Posh is with him!
It will probably be the highest attendance ever for an exhibition game for FCD. And that is a record that will last a long time.
Hmm this is the first weekend of my spring break. It would be nice to take in an FCD game before summer comes.
saturday, weather shouldn't be terrible, free tickets... if it's under 18,000, will someone get fired? (and can it please be Beckham?)
I meant free for people who had the original tix - that's right, isn't it? I have no clue, I live on the other side of the planet, don't take ticket advice from me. PM Drum'r Boy.
This is the make up game for the Stupid League game where Beckham did not even get on the plane, right? Well, it has the same meaningful nature. It might actually help the team get ready for the season, and just see how much Ruiz will damage FCD. This friendly will not be like the Mexico US friendlies, which are anything but. I would think that anyone with a knick will not play, as it will be more important to be fully ready for the season. I think it would be amusing if Golden Balls does not show up. Dead but dreaming, Scipio Diabolus, vox fatum. Contra. SGLF
Yes the tickets are free for those who had seats to the July 31st game. But, don't start hammering your sales rep just yet..... "Everyone who secured seats to the FC Dallas vs. LA game last July 31st (when Beckham did not come to Dallas) will receive complimentary seats to this game (an equal number to match what you had for the July 31st game). If you secured your seats through the Front Office you will receive the same seats for this game if you claim them by the deadline. Ticketmaster orders will be handled separately and on a best available basis. NOTE: all the information concerning redemption of tickets will reach you by email, phone, and mail format. I will not answer questions concerning the redemption of tickets as the customer service department is handling all this communication. PLEASE feel free to contact them directly with questions."
wow. Way to read the most negative interpretation of that email. But hey, this is the internet and that's all people do is pick apart everything the way they want to so they can make a big fuss over it. I don't think he's lazy or not hurting for business.... I'm sure they are going to get hammered with questions on this and they are proactively trying to avoid that by having a plan in place with customer service reps that will handle this deal. Once the schedule is out the sales reps will be busy selling tickets to games, and that generates money. Giving out replacement tickets to a 'free' charity game doesn't add any money in the sales reps pockets. Even if you're right, it doesn't really matter to me. They have someone that is going to make sure I get my tickets, I don't care if it's my regular sales rep or the guy that hoses the trash out of the stands after the game.
No, it is how the process is being handled. We've beefed up the customer service side of things. This should improve customer service, but it will take a little time for people used to going just to their account executive to learn that for a lot of things, they can go to the customer service rep as well. Think of it as another layer of customer support.
We'll see, I'm waiting for some evidence of this. I think telling your customers that they have to refer to a flowchart to know who to call regarding what issue is a pretty idiotic system. But that's just me.
I think you're going stir crazy in the offseason and trying to find every little thing to complain about.... like they have to prove every little decision they make to everyone. come on. I don't recall seeing a flow chart. there's a group of customer service people that are going to help with ticket transactions. whoop-die doo. quit making a mountain out of a mole hill.
guys he isnt that good he is a marketing dream but he isnt a good player and LA saw that this season cant believe people are still like going crazy for that dude he blows... in more ways than one haha