A map of Turkish football, Divisions 1-2, is now live at: http://www.footiemap.com/?co=turkey Please let me know if you have any corrections and I would be happy to post them. Many thanks.
Dear Blue Note At first ; Thanks a lot for your classy effort. --I will do my best to support your site about it. Regards iwa
By the way, It looks wonderfull site. Very usefull. Quality interface. @ Mod can we make this sticky please. 'its very easy guide to Turkish clubs_footy site and location of clubs of Turkey''. Regards iwa
Hi MechCAK Wellcome to the Bigsoccer'Turkey Board. I hope you will gonna have great time here. Regards iwa @ -Thank You to the our Mod. --Cheers BlueNote.
Basim Abbas in Kurdistan of turkey Dyar baker باسم عباس كارلوس العراق و نجم منتخب العراق الوطني ( باسم عباس ) (تشكيلة نادي ديار بكر لمباراة يوم امس و لعب فيها نجمنا باسم عباس اساسيا ) بعد سلسلة من الاخفاقات و الخسارات يعود فريق ديار بكر الى عزف لحن الانتصارات من جديد من ملعبه ووسط جماهيره ففي مباراته يوم امس ضمن الدوري التركي الممتاز مع فريق كنجلر بيرليي (اتحاد الشباب ) و التي هي من فرق الجيدة وفاز عليه بهدف وحيد مما ادخل الفرح و السرور في قلوب محبي و مشجعي الفريق الديار بكري خاصة بان الفريق قدم امكانيات جيدة و بدأ بداية قوية و لكن في المباريات الاخيرة تعرض الى اخفاقات و نتمنى كل التوفيق لنجمنا باسم عباس و فريقه و هو يخوض منافسات الدوري ديار بكر ( باللون الازرق ) × كنجلر بيرليي ( باللون الابيض ) و اليكم بعض من صور اللقاء و شكرا لكم Carlos Iraq and Iraq's national team star (on behalf of Abbas) (Range Club Diyarbakir game yesterday and it played a key Abbas on behalf of our star) -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ After a series of failures and losses due to the team Diyarbakir singing the triumphs of a new From home and among the fans In the match yesterday in the Turkish league with excellent team Kenjlr Burleii (Union of Youth) Which is one of the good teams and won by one goal, which brought joy and happiness in the hearts of the lovers and fans home Bakri special that the team made good potential and began a strong start, but in recent games, was to failures And wish every success to our star on behalf of Abbas and his team and is engaged in periodic competitions Diyarbakir (blue) × Kenjlr Burleii (white) And you meet some of the photos and thank you introduceme9@yahoo.com</SPAN>
Dear Friends some of the opinions I read here about Turkish Soccer is not correct. Soccer in Turkey has a huge future. I have Coached many Turks in Germany. To-day Özil, Altintop, Sahin all three are playing with Real Madrid, one of the best teams of the world. There are 11 Turkish players at the German Bundesliga at the present time and about 47 Turkish players at the 2.nd German league. With the U15 German National team there are 7 Turkish originated players, including Team Captain. Just wanted to share information. Thank you.
Häh??? All you were saying is that footballers with Turkish origin in Germany have good opportunities. But how does this make football in Turkey better? I would even argue that one of Turkey´s main problem is that they look for too many Turks from foreign countries and therefore neglect to properly train the young Turks in Turkey...
No way, I don't agree with you. Probably you did not played Soccer other than Amateur Clubs and you are not interested in high performances. Turkey beat Estonia last day 3-0 and they had 5 players from different European Countries. One of the best player in Turkey was transferred to Atletico Madrit for 12 Million Euro. If you follow German news you will see what the Federal German Coach Loew said about Turkish Soccer. Usually poor Countries and/or Families produce better Soccer players. Because they dont go to school and play soccer all day long. Just like Brasil or Argentina.
Oh Estonia!!! i am impressed... But see how can it be, that half the team is from European countries, even though there are far more young and poor Turks living in Turkey? Also how can it be that relatively rich countries, like the Netherlands and Germany produce very good footballers too? Sahin for example comes from a good family and even made his "Abitur", and probably would have studied in an university, if he wouldn´t have become a pro footballer. Still I am not saying Turkey is bad. They are good, but not as good as they should be in comparison to their size and interest in football. I would rate Turkey like for example Croatia, who have around 5 million people and my point is, that as long as they keep on being dependent on a foreign pool of 3-4 million ethnic Turks, they will stay on the level of small countries like Croatia, Serbia, Czech republic etc...
Sir, I was employed as Assistant Coach with Suoer league of Turkey Gaziantepspor for 8 month. Turkey has almost 80 million people living. Certainly just like USA everyone does not play soccer. Sahin is only one exception, I can give you names like Pele, Maradona, Beckenbauer, Gerd Mueller, Messi and hundreds more. If you visit Copacabana you will see how many young boys are playing soccer almost all day long. All Turkish soccer players in Germany or Belgium, Austria (3rd Generation), even if they have other Nationality, are completely dependent and connected to their original Country. I have witnessed it and talk to many of them myself. They are different than us, they feel that they belong to the family and their Country. They have unbelievable ''National Stolz''
So your argument is that fewer people of the 80 million people in Turkey play football, than off the around 5 million Turkish immigrants in Europe? Hmm somehow I doubt that this is the case... You mean players like Özil, Gündogan, Tasci, Inler and Derdiyok?
Yes like them and many more. As far as I know from Frankfurt Police authorities there are 5 million Turks working in Germany but only 5% are immigrants rest are guest workers. There are many very bad Turks, but also very nice ones too. Same with the Germans, there are also very bad ones and very good ones. I don't believe in Nationalism which caused millions of casualties in my Country during the World War 2.
Yes like them and many more. As far as I know from Frankfurt Police authorities there are 5 million Turks working in Germany but only 5% are immigrants rest are guest workers. There are many very bad Turks, but also very nice ones too. Same with the Germans, there are also very bad ones and very good ones. I don't believe in Nationalism which caused millions of casualties in my Country during the World War 2.
Yes I mean also many others. As far as I am informed by the Police authorities in Frankfurt that there are 5 million Turks in Germany but only 5% are immigrants, rest are guest workers. I am not a Nationalist, there are good Turks and Bad Turks. Just same with every Nation. My Country was damaged and caused millions of death during the World War II, I hate Nationalism.
I guess German Soccer Coaches are much better than the Turkish ones and therefore Ozil, Sahin, Derdiyok ect. are coming to the world star scene.