Yes its Season 2003/4 in the ECSFL here in the UK. The Manchester Mets have already started their season with a 4-3 win over Disley Lions, coming back from 3 nil down after 30 minutes! This Sunday we're playing Torpedo Grove, and we're gonna win to stay top of Div 2 in the ESCFL. Tune in to to read all match reports, next fixtures and if it doesnt bloody rain all the time, match video footage! we love footy, we love Man Utd and the 'Metrostars', so c'mon and love a little old club like ours, its grass roots soccer mandingas, warts an all straight from the UK. Ah..its a beautiful game....
Yes John C does deserve some recognition, he's our very own Luke Chadwick, never gonna win any beauty awards, but he's a bloody good footballer. Did you know Neil Rodford used to be a former MD of Fulham Football Club? Chris R played proffessionally for clubs in division 2/3, Micky T had trials for Man City, and the rest are lower level natural footballers, that like nothing more than getting hammered on a Saturday night, and crawling out of bed on the Sunday morning, to battle it out for me and the Club. Thats commitment people. Its a cross between 'The Replacements & Hardball', without the glamour! Lets hope I can get some footage this Sunday to show you all (battery always dies on me - I've changed it twice, costs £50 a go you know - and its not as if we're really mega rich! in fact these guys have to pay to play each Sunday morning!) But we love it.
Count me in. Until now I've never been able to follow an English club on a personal level, but after having a look at those guys how could you not root for them? LETS GO METROS!!!
Thanks Guys for all your posts, I've told the boys your forming your own individual fan clubs! The picture of Micky is fantastic isnt it! Micky is ex-british Army, had a trial with Man City (16yrs old), but didnt get thro. He played as centreback yesterday and got man of the match. I did film the game yesterday, but its crap. I left the camera on and got 5 minutes of inside my bag, with me talking in the background, then I handed the camera over to Nigel (one of our few following fans), and he managed to film 30 mins of just cant get the staff these days! I've taken some digital pictures and added them to the site, they should be on tomorrow. I've approached Stockport College and manchester Uni to see whether theres any students interested in taking on a project, they get to film our games, follow us through the season, do some interviews etc, and we get to put good footage on the site. Hopefully one of them may think its a good idea - a kind of fly on the wall doc about a little old sunday league side. By the way, we won again yesterday 4-2 against Torpedo Grove, so we're still top of the league, and if the last two teams are any thing to go on, we'll win it. Get in.......
Forza Manchester Metros. Drink beer and play Futbol its great. Now can M.U please return Tim Howard. Thanks Fan from across the pond
Hi Clacio#20. Yeah we do like to enjoy ourselves here in Sunday League. Regarding Timothy, I'm sorry but we're keeping him. Fab's not exactly performing, and since Tim's come over he's been outstanding. He's solid and looks like he's gonna be a major asset to us this season. We like a gobby keeper, and we've not exactly found anybody like that since Peter left. But we do have some crunch games coming up, especially this Sunday against the Gunners. Even though Portsmouth held them to a 1 all draw last weekend, their still looking sharp, I saw them against Middlesborough and they absolutely ripped them apart, so you guys should tune in to this Sunday's game as its gonna be a cracker. We (Man U) need to be at their best, and we've not really produced that yet, although we've got the points in, we should raise our game against them though. Prediction: (Dare I tempt fate?) Man U 3 - Gunners 2 (Fingers crossed!)
Yea I understand. Even though Tim was one of the best and most popular guys on the MetroStars and the entire league,we all understand it is by far the best move for him,And also American Futbol. Just look you found this Website and I assume you never heard of the MetroStars before Tim H. Fine choice of a name for your club by the way. As for Howard you have a fine keeper there Enjoy!! Man U 2 -Gunners 0 Clean sheet for T-HO
Please don't ever again mention the word "Mets" when talking about the MetroStars, regardless of country.
Hey, dont want to jump on the back of the MetroStars, its actually a tribute so chill man. Anything to raise your profile over here is a good thing isnt it? To be honest, somebody should do more, I want to see an american soccer revolution, it be great for the game all round. (It may be the only sport we might be able to beat you in!!! ) Just enjoy it all.
No dig on you Guys. He was refering to the " NY Mets "a pro Baseball team here in the States. No to good of a team also the past few years I might add. Metrostars - Mets not to flattering Metrostars - Metros
Soz matey. mm Baseball, not my thing. Closest thing we have over here is rounders, but thats really played by girls. Happy 5 nil victory over the greeks on Tuesday, even so, we were a bit sloppy (Man U), so we need to be on our game for Sunday. I also watched the gunners last night, they play like that again in the Champions League and their getting the wooden spoon! I did expect better from them. Anyway, we're playing High Lane this Sunday in the ECSFL, make sure you all log on to see how we get on (Still top of the league!).
Hi Guys, Well what a heart ache of a day yesterday. Firstly manchester Mets lost at home to High Lane Rangers 2-1, very disappointing game, mistakes made all round, but its early in the league!!!! Match reports and pictures on site sometime today/tomorrow. We also have a new chat room, so log on and have a gander at it. And then theres Utd Vs Arsenal......................what can I say, I'm still in shock. 92 minutes, Ruud gets a pen, bangs it over the bar, unbelievable. But that will be overshadowed by Vieras sending off, and yes it was a sending off. Suppose he didnt have his first yellow, what he did warranted a card, so it happened to be his second so he's got to go off - hopefully it will be upheld as what they did to Ruud afterwards was inexcusable (soz any gunners fans! - but c'mon, its just not cricket!). Shame really, as the result went Chelseas way, its gonna be be a great season in the premiership now!