I can't stand it anymore. I like to come to these boards to find out whats going on with my team. I need more, lots more, from the Quakes organization. My season ticket renewal pack still hasn't been open, and it won't be open till I see more than what has been said and done. Sampson is going to South America to look for players. Dom sticks to the college cup. Remember folks, 4 senior and 2 youth internationals allowed per team. The Quakes have lots of room. Please, no more posts on a Quakes centipede in the Bay of Breakers,favorite stupid mascots, or more rumors about another group of mexicans buying the Quakes. Another very loud rally should be organized. This time no holding back.The last one was too much of a sugar coated job. Our mayor is a joke. All the money in that city hall, and for what? Now we are going to have car races downtown, what the hell is that? Just mad in SJ. Where in the hell did my pills go?
Dude, chill. It's early in the holiday season to be so angry....you've got 23 shopping days left to build up a proper temper; why jump the gun?
if you've got time to whine about nonsense like this (for example, threads that you can, you know, NOT CLICK ON) sounds like you have plenty of time to organize the next rally. I eagerly await your forthcoming plans and look forward to seeing what you can pull together. now, you'll have to excuse me. I'm off to vote for Rikter.
You're not mad, just angra . I would just say I'm a bit bored. It's been a while since we had an AEG deadline, or investor bail, or star player leave (OK, not that long a while), or any other crisis. You kind of get addicted to it after a while.
*Welcome to the offseason....please, pull up a chair, grab a free drink coupon and partake in the useless commentary around the boards for the next 4 months.....we are bigsoccer-addicated, and one day, you will admit that you are, too. *What's stopping you from planning it? SSV and their rally may have been the thing that gave our Quakes at least one more season. Sugar-coated or not, I am MOSt thankful for SSV, AND the rally they put on.... *We all know he's a joke. We have come to that conclusion around here.....but I'm sure you know that consiering you have been reading up on all of our useless threads............ no, I'm not trying to attack you, I am just tryingto prevent you from having a corinary over something so lame........
Think not renewing will help in the investor search? SSV's (and others) actions have given us another year and raised awareness. You're angry because everything has not been resolved in the first few weeks of the off season? Not realistic. I agree a rally should be planned--but it should be for OPENNING DAY, in downtown, ending a couple hours before game time. That would give us a great showing.
This, along with the centipede, is a step in the right direction for our quest, IMO. We should be willing to explore and act on opportunities to keep our story in front of the media--and by extension, the masses--without becoming "tiresome" to hear about. Ideas like the centipede are terrific because they promote the Quakes and remind everyone of our on-going saga. It also portrays Quakes fans as fun-loving people. I'm all for keeping visibility in all manner of ways during the off-season....besides, it's also a great chance for us to enjoy our team and each other in the offseason.
THis is the most important thing about The Rant. Once again, it seems like AEG is not funding the team properly. This, of course, could work out to SJ's benefit: it could keep breeding a "hungry", young team hell-bent on success. Lord knows that not all foreign players work out well in MLS...
That's your problem, right there. Stop it. You're only gonna drive yourself more batty doing it. Please, put down the keyboard, go outside, inhale, enjoy the snot freezing your nosehairs together, now exhale. Think of these boards as the National Enquirer of soccer news. Hey, I heard aliens took Ramiro to Norway!
If you can do a better job than we have then by all means....step up to the plate my friend. Show us how much better you can do it all. The problem is.....you only know a very small fraction of what is going on. Waisting time? Looks like we bought some time.
Amen. SSV has not disappeared, and there continues to be lots of activity behind the scenes. So everyone should keep the faith. Meanwhile, the most important thing Quakes fans should do is to buy season tickets (including fulfilling your SSV pledges if you made them) AND convincing your friends and colleagues to buy tickets as well.
Tony, I react to posts like this the way I used to react to my kids throwing food out off their high chair. I just sigh, clean up the mess and knew they will eventually grow out of it. Don't waste time responding.
You see, Tony, you obviously mistook what he was saying. He was saying that by wining and dining potential investors, that ya'll may have added pounds/inches to your waists, NOT that it was a waste of time. IBT: pathetic
Absolutely. As a member of SSV, I demand to see waist measurements for SSV founders, before and after investor search! And amen to that. I don't think SSV can succeed if we just sit around and expect the founders to run around like mad saving the world for us. They're running around like mad anyway, but I think they'd agree that everyone has to contribute in some way in order for the effort to succeed.
If you think we've got it bad here (or if it makes you feel better by seeing similar misery of fellow fans), go over to the Metrostars board sometime. Just by looking at the titles of the threads there, you'll see how "angra" they're. https://www.bigsoccer.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&daysprune=&f=1 Or go to a thread like below. It's certainly not a very pretty picture. http://www.metrofanatic.com/php/boards/index.php?showtopic=3356 The things in common among the 2 most miserable franchises on the opposite coasts of the continent (Earthquakes/Metrostars) are: They're both owned by AEG and both have tremendous hurdles to overcome to get their own stadiums. Until the situation with both Earthquakes and Metrostars is collectively resolved, MLS will be taking 1 step up and 2 steps back. Getting both of these teams sorted out should be the no. 1 priority for the league office right now.
Hey, guys, don't get mad...pop in your "We Believe" DVD - you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll relive the greatest game ever! Relieve seeing the Wee Man running down the concourse with that golden goal! It'll brighten your spirits. Man, I want that team back.
Just because players come from foreign nations, even those 5484.15 miles away, does not mean they are better than US players. No one loaded up more than the Metrostars, and they only got two more points in the season than the Quakes did, and bombed out of the playoffs without a goal.
Yeah, just look at Sampson's track record on players from thousands of miles away. Anyone remember David Regis? Gee, great addition to France 98.
Thats all you got? YOU just don't get it. Nobody is saying that just because you are a foreign player you are better than an American player. All I would like to see is the Quakes trying a little harder for a top foreign player. Like the ROACH in LA, Moreno in DC, and the list can go on. We all have seen a few bombs from foreign countries but we also have been lucky to see a few good foreign soccer players. Having said all that bs I also must say that I can't wait to see an All American MLS soccer team that can compete with any other team no matter where they come from.