Lost - Season 2 [R]

Discussion in 'Movies, TV and Music' started by TheSlipperyOne, Sep 8, 2005.

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  1. Scottish_Morton

    Jul 7, 2003
    Irvine, Scotland
    The blonde lady doesn't seem to be directly involved with the disapearance of cindy, the last time we see cindy she passes a large stick to the blonde lady who is helped up the rest of the hill by Ana-Lucia. There simply doesn't seem to be enough time for her to do anything to Cindy, despite being nearest to her. This doesn't exclude her from being another 'Ethan' though. Although I tend to think she has kids who have been taken by the others, earlier she had said 'did you see the kids' when Eko came back with Jin and Michael and said he saw the others. As for a cave? Possibly, there does seem to be a small opening, although it doesn't necessarily look like a cave. Does someone or something move in there? Impossible to tell but again maybe.
  2. Dante

    Dante Moderator
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    Nov 19, 1998
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    As and ye shall receive...

    Jack at the hospital


    The tailenders walking through the jungle

  3. Dante

    Dante Moderator
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    Nov 19, 1998
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    BUT... here they are climbing the hill...


    After this shot they show Cindy handing the blonde a walking stick and then she's gone.
  4. Renegade of Funk

    Renegade of Funk New Member

    Jan 22, 2001
    Room 237
    I agree with this statement. If the show's producers had made a continuing connection between the 'apparition' of Walt and Shannon, I think that would have been cool, unique.

    I enjoy that element of the show...such as when Jack kept seeing Christian, who was far too dead to be strolling on the beach, in an episode in Season 1.

    Also, I think it would have been more interesting to see any pre-crash affiliations broken up. Boone/Shannon, Jin/Sun, Michael/Walt...2 of the 3 have already occurred, although I would assume we'll see Walt again. In other words, I was pulling for Jin to buy it.

    What does everybody think of that f'd up teddy bear? Jin and Eko saw it go by tied to one of the "Others" in the prior-to-last-night episode and it was also in the preview of next week's epi, but, it appeared, in the possession of one of the Tailenders. Ana-Lucia referred to the "kids" in one of the arguments she had (edit: Was it Libby?). This makes me think on Danielle's repeated references to how her party got the "sickness" one-by-one.

    Also, isn't the new blonde chick named "Libby"?
  5. Renegade of Funk

    Renegade of Funk New Member

    Jan 22, 2001
    Room 237
    See, I thought it was more dread, as in, "oh please, not those [killer] kids!" as opposed to a mother's "oh where are my kids?" I'll have to look at the epi again. She doesn't seem like an Other though...I bet I could find out if I looked on the Oceanic site. :D
  6. sj_quakes_fan

    sj_quakes_fan Member

    May 18, 2001
    San Jose
    San Jose Earthquakes
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    United States
    If you want a bit of a spoiler on the kids and teddy bear, go to lost-media.com. They have pics in the photo gallery of the next episode. It will give you an idea of what's up with kids and the teddy bear....
  7. scottinkc

    scottinkc Member

    Aug 14, 2001
    Kansas City, MO
    The only person on the first side of the island whom the others have taken is Walt. THey didn't care about the other adults on the raft, nor did they show up the night after the raft sailed.

    You would think that there would be more kids in the back of the plane, the coach section, than the front, business and first class. For some reason, the others want children.
  8. Ringo

    Ringo Member

    Jun 10, 2002
    Rough and Ready
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    might I just add that Dante rocks. hard.

  9. catracha

    catracha New Member

    Nov 4, 2004
    puerto cortes
    SHANNON CANNOT DIE! why doesnt tha bitch michelle rodriguez die huh?
  10. Quango

    Quango BigSoccer Supporter

    Jul 25, 2003
    Colorado Rapids
    Because she was immersed in "The Fog."
  11. blkbrnrvr

    blkbrnrvr Member

    Mar 2, 2003
    Auburn metro
    Blackburn Rovers FC
    maybe kids are tastier. :D
  12. odg78

    odg78 Member

    Feb 14, 2001
    North Carolina
    --Hell, they're basically veal.
  13. TheSlipperyOne

    TheSlipperyOne Member+

    Feb 29, 2000
    Arsenal FC
    If you go down in the woods today
    You're sure of a big surprise
    If you go down in the woods today
    You'd better go in disguise.

    For every bear that ever there was
    Will gather there for certain, because
    Today's the day the Teddy Bears have their picnic.

    Picnic time for Teddy Bears
    The little Teddy Bears are having a lovely time today
    Watch them, catch them unawares
    And see them picnic on their holiday.

    See them gaily gad about
    They love to play and shout
    They never have any care.

    At six o'clock their Mummies and Daddies
    Will take them home to bed
    Because they're tired little Teddy Bears.

    Every Teddy Bear who's been good
    Is sure of a treat today
    There's lots of marvelous things to eat
    And wonderful games to play.

    Beneath the trees where nobody sees
    They'll hide and seek as long as they please
    'Cause that's the way the Teddy Bears have their picnic.

    Picnic time for Teddy Bears
    The little Teddy Bears are having a lovely time today
    Watch them, catch them unawares
    And see them picnic on their holiday.

    See them gaily gad about
    They love to play and shout
    They never have any care.

    At six o'clock their Mummies and Daddies
    Will take them home to bed
    Because they're tired little Teddy Bears.

    Because they're tired little Teddy Bears.
  14. blkbrnrvr

    blkbrnrvr Member

    Mar 2, 2003
    Auburn metro
    Blackburn Rovers FC
    exactly. ;)
  15. Dr.Phil

    Dr.Phil Member+

    Jan 18, 2004
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    know everybody is going to die she waz the only person worth staying alive for :D

    i think the show has gone down.
  16. kcscsupporter

    kcscsupporter Member+

    Apr 17, 2002
    Sporting Kansas City
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    the australian chick, the one that just had the baby, is twice as hot as shannon. sure, her accent helps, but shannon was useless and i won't miss her one bit.
  17. Dr.Phil

    Dr.Phil Member+

    Jan 18, 2004
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    the ausi does not even know how to take care of a baby :D

    point is the show has gotten pretty bad
  18. kcscsupporter

    kcscsupporter Member+

    Apr 17, 2002
    Sporting Kansas City
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    United States
    neither do i, but we could learn.... learn together. :D

    i don't think the show has gotten bad at all. i'm enjoying it just as much as the first season.
  19. MikeLastort2

    MikeLastort2 Member

    Mar 28, 2002
    Takoma Park, MD
    I think it's better than the first season.
  20. Ringo

    Ringo Member

    Jun 10, 2002
    Rough and Ready
    Yeovil Town FC
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    United States
    i think it's taken a step down from the first season. but, even with that step down it's still better than 99 percent of the shows on TV.
    and last week was good, next week sounds promising. I'm optimistic.

    oh, and shannon's mom is a b!tch.
  21. sj_quakes_fan

    sj_quakes_fan Member

    May 18, 2001
    San Jose
    San Jose Earthquakes
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    United States
    Her stepmom you mean right? That was Boone's mom, not hers. Remember in the first season how Shannon tricks Boone into giving that guy she's dating a ton of money and then the guy disappears with it. The guy said Shannon said Boone's mom took all her dad's money. Now we've more a link to what happened. I still think it's a damn shame she died. Her character was becoming a lot more relevant.

    But here's the thing ( I really think I'm off on this, but....), what if Shannon's not dead? Now we have Jack, who had to choose to save one life after the car accident. And now we have both Sawyer and Shannon (who's dad Jack let die) shot. Maybe Jack will be faced with the decision again. Interesting concept. I wish I wasn't off on that. I wish Jack could save them both. But I know I've got to be off on that.
  22. Madison midfielder38

    Sep 29, 2005
    LOST is the best tv show i have ever watched in my life!
    this wendsday (i think i spelled it wrong) we will find out the stories of the "others" on the island! cant wait
  23. Gioca

    Gioca Member

    Jun 13, 2004
    US Città di Palermo
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    This show is pretty bad sometimes, has a good premise though, and I do sometimes watch it though I'm careful not to get too into it because really.. when will it end? Have they said how many series it's going to last?

    If it were like 3 series, I'd be fine with it, but will they just drag this story on until ratings die, then just kill it off quickly? Because if that's the case, they're just leading you down the road to dissapointment. Maybe they'll just call it all a dream or not give it an ending like "Married with Children", that would be awful. I don't trust the TV. On a similar note, whatever happened to those people on Earth 2?
  24. Ringo

    Ringo Member

    Jun 10, 2002
    Rough and Ready
    Yeovil Town FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    mom, stepmom ... maternal figure. whatever! :)
  25. Pathogen

    Pathogen Member

    Jul 19, 2004
    Like you care.
    Columbus Crew
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    An old aquaintence used to call them step-monsters. His was a collasal beeyotch.

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