Is there a place online where I can see the jerseys or even purchase them for PAC 10, ACC, BIG 12 or Big 10 schools?
I'm not sure. Maybe check the athletic department websites. An interesting note: Recently, the University of Connecticut had one of those surplus sales, and I went down. Lo and behold, they were selling TONS of UConn soccer jerseys and warmups for both men's and women's teams. Maybe you should keep an eye on surplus sales for the schools and take a look. It wouldn't hurt.
Camps A lot of schools sell them at their summer soccer camps. I'd go to the school's website, see if their was a link to summer camps and contact the person running the camps. I would think schools with big time Nike/Adidas/Umbro, etc contracts would be able to come up with something...
See I don't live too close to any of the schools I'm interested in. I was especially interested about Michigan State, but they have no place to contact anybody from there about that. Any help? Thanks so much!
Northgoal. How did you find out about the surplus sale? I would love to get some gear. Anything still going on with it?
They do the surplus sales once or twice a month. Check your local paper in the classifieds or if I hear anything about one, I'll PM you. I think the next one is on a Thursday or Friday afternoon in a couple of weeks. I can get the date. Anyway, if you know where the Depot Campus is (the former Mansfield Training School), the surplus place is in there. They always put up signs so it's easy to find. Then it's just a case of digging through the piles and finding stuff in your size.
Don't know how much they normally cost since they don't sell them, but the ones I got at the surplus were $5 each. I bought six. I'm a fan.
*GASP!* If I mail you 10 bucks for the jersey and shipping, would you be willing to mail me it? PM me, please.
Here's the UConn Surplus Store info. I won't be able to go due to work, but it sounds like the same deal as the one last month: PUBLIC SURPLUS STORE The August opening of the Public Surplus Store will be held Friday, August 23, 2002 from 10am to 3pm at the old Mail Services Building, 6 Ahern Lane, Depot Campus. The store is open one day a month to all University staff, students and the general public. All sales are CASH ONLY. Checks and credit cards will not be accepted. All items are sold "As Is". No guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, is provided. A partial listing of the current offerings: Athletic Clothing (Parkas, Warm-up Suits & more; most items with UCONN logo), Copiers, Computer Systems (Pentiums, Mac's & low end Servers), Computer Accessories (printers, plotters, monitors, cards & CD drives), File Cabinets (all shapes and sizes), Desks (all kinds), Dishes, Chairs, Book Cases, Lab Tables & Metal Shelving. Prices cannot be quoted over the phone. Items will change monthly. Future Surplus Store openings are:Friday, September 13th and Friday, October 18th. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Wayne Landry at 486-3056 or Please Note: The Central Stores Surplus Center (open to University Departments only now has 2 locations. The old Mail Services Building at the Depot Campus is open Tuesday and Thursday, 1pm to 3pm; the old warehouse at 181 Auditorium Road is open Monday and Wednesday, 1pm to 3pm. For other times, or to schedule surplus drop off, please call Phil Martin at 486-6298.
I tried on the 28th. What I realized as soon as I got "near" the campus is that students were allowed to move in on Friday. I couldn't get close to UCONN so I turned around and decided to wait until next month. Northgoal, thanks for the info though.
No problem. I forgot all about the timing too. I couldn't get up there either, and nor could anyone I know who works at the university. They have them every month, so you'll have plenty of chances.
Just look them up on the internet and call or email the athletic department, ask for soccer more specifically. The ones I've called have been very helpful.