I should point out that my original title for this piece was "Die, Mother********er, Die!" and I wanted to use this picture:
At some point in that game, I thought I heard Magee saying, "It's not that I'm lazy. It's just that I don't care." Danke.
I was thinking about this movie earlier today on my way to work. My lane of 66 was at a complete standstill while the other lane was moving freely. I changed lanes, and my new lane immediately stopped while the lane I'd been in suddenly started moving. That went on for 30 seconds before I switched back. Immediately my new (old) lane came to a stop, while my old (new) lane started up. And so on, through four lane changes. Straight out of the opening to this movie. But anyway. I agree with your description of that game's value; I've watched it, or at least the goals from it, several times earlier this year to cheer myself up after matches that didn't go so well (cf. Pumas away, Candy Canes at home). And now thinking about it has made me feel warm and fuzzy at work today too. Good stuff.
They did. I guess they got too much hate mail from "Feels Like The First Time" that they decided not to use any more of my 70s music references.
That movie rocks! Nothing like the part were the geek was rapping hardcore then when the bum walks up to his window he slinks down into his seat and rolls up the window.
Took The Boy to this game... two things: 1) It was the first game that he really paid full attention (he was only 6 and previous games he was more interested in his Legos and comic book collection.) 2) Now, unfortunately, he expect a goal deluge for every game we attend... I suppose it is a bit of a crash course on the life of a frustrated soccer fan. Good article, Dave.
It's a good thing Greg Lalas doesn't have these kinds of editorial issues, I love his 80s music references I just loved that game, as much for the parking lot AFTER the game, as the game itself
Wow Dave, you're really popping these things out! Nice job as usual. I can still remember my extended St. Louis family watching that game because I was screaming so much. None of them were soccer fans let alone DC United fans, until that day. Well I wouldn't call them fans, but they enjoyed the whooping.
Samir: No one in this country can ever pronounce my name right. It's not that hard: Samir Na-gheen-an-a-jar. Nagheenanajar. Michael Bolton: Yeah, well at least your name isn't Michael Bolton. Samir: You know there's nothing wrong with that name. Michael Bolton: There was nothing wrong with it... until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys. Samir: Hmm... well why don't you just go by Mike instead of Michael? Michael Bolton: No way. Why should I change? He's the one who sucks.
Thanks, and thanks everybody. I only have two games left to write about and then I'm moving onto a different series for the team.
I wasn't at this game. I was driving to Connecticut for a family event and listening on Spanish radio. After the fifth goal, I told Leslie that if we scored six, I would marry her. Our radio signal cut out before the sixth, but we checked online that night. Good thing I'd already bought the ring. Sachin
was that the game where stewie stopped by afterwards and i ran him around piggyback? god i was loaded that night, how did i get home. i was supposed to leave at halftime and go to a wedding reception, yeah right....