For the reasons of our present travails than young Woody. He has Zamoras boots and Bywaters gloves. I dont doubt he also has Dailly's teeth, Harewoods aim and Pardew's tactical nous. The boy is definately evil! Above all else he is also a teenager and therefore dangerous to approach and open to wild mood swings and acne. I'm a high school teacher and a parent (of a bloody GEORDIE) so I know what i'm talking about. If we dont get back on the premiership this season I have no doubt who is to blame! Watch your back so called Woody!
Footstomper.I have tried to give Harewood his finish back but Alan Pardew will not let me.he thinks his crossing is better, obviously thats why he is on the right of midfeild. Come on West Ham thrash Millwall i still have my enthusiasm( i am aware i proberly just spelt that wrong lol) towards West Ham but they are testing me to get beat by Brighton! come on you irons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to say this guys but I blame WHULass myself. It was all going so well until that last picture (oh dear, not a pretty sight), reckon the players must've seen it too!