Anyone ever order directly from the Loja verde on-line internationally like Canada? Did everything work out ok? Reason I ask, is i've ordered many times last year through a contact there. But he no longer is there. I got a quote from someone there, but when I did the check out process on-line, jerseys were 14euros cheaper, and I can pay using my credit card instead of going to bank and sending money via wire transfers. Just looking for some feedback from anyone who had experience with On-line ordering.
I did once. It worked out well, but shipping is a killer. I think the people that ordered through the contact got better shipping rates.
Here's my thing, Someone there contacted me with a quote for the new orange jerseys. I want 2. The said it's 74.99 each total 149.98. plus shipping $20, and 5% discount for socios $162.50 (all figures in euros) When I go online to my checkout, looks like this Camisola Alternativa com PUB 12/13 - 60.97 EUR Camisola Alternativa com PUB 12/13 - 60.97 EUR Sub-total 121.94 Envio (shipping) 26.80 TOTAL 148.74 Why about a 15 euro difference. Just wondering if some error, and i can via visa, as opposed to going to bank and doing a wire transfer like in the past. I'm scratching my head, should i just do it on-line.
so I got the anser as to why the price difference. Lady emailed me and said that she forgot i didn't live in portugal, therefore the IVA amount is 0 euros. I assume it's their taxes. Guarda-redes, when you ordered on-line, did you have any issues? Did you get exactly what you ordered? Also, did you get a tracking #?
I had no issues at all whatsoever. I ordered a customized Schaars jersey last August and it arrived perfect, then last October I ordered the autographed RvW jersey and it arrived perfect with all the extras (i.e. voucher for tickets to a game). If you're ordering something custom, just make sure to double check the spelling of the name and the number. Otherwise I have no qualms about ordering from Loja Verde.
awesome. thanks dude. It makes it easier too, cause you can just pay with your credit card as apposed to doing a bank transfer.
No problem. If I wasn't headed to Sao Miguel in a few weeks I'd probably want to split the shipping with you and get the new home and away myself. I'm leaning towards a wearable RvW home and a Capel away. $64 plus shipping. no option for player name and number. worthwhile if you don't want to buy from the official store.
the Loja Verde email more or less stopped working time ago, they used to answer very fast, now it's either slow or not at all. Pitty, even here in Portugal there are people from outside Lisbon who can't go there and would rather buy from LV than elsewhere, also because LV has a lot more stuff than any other general sports shop.
As far as I know LV is the only place you can buy a Sporting camisola with official name and numbering. Personally, LV is my only option when it comes to buying Sporting stuff. Benfica and Porto have a lock on distribution with Nike and Adidas...unfortunately Puma lacks far behind them, at least in this hemisphere. So even finding/buying ancillary items like shorts, balls, jackets and scarves around here is impossible.
I was in Istanbul last week (where the Puma factories are, that make the Sporting kits!), entered a Puma store, and they had nothing from Sporting! Amazingly, they had some Adidas kits. Here in Portugal several shops (like Sportzone) do sell official lettering, but I don't think they ship abroad!
Loja Verde it is. Here in Toronto, you will find last years models. I went up to Puma store at cookstown outlet mall, and the had last seasons sporting jerseys for about $55. no lettering. So it's perfectly fine to order on-line ad loja verde then?
it's perfectly ok if you are ok with the horrendous shipping cost the online shop asks. No, it is not run by the same people, the online shop is run not by Sporting but by an outside firm, so I guess they make extra € for themselves. The LV email was working fine until one guy left, he was great in helping people and running that, now the email seems to be dead. I already complained to the socio help email, no answer, if more complaints arrive maybe they will revive the LV email again, which would be great!
Product is still the same i hope. Do they get the product from alvalade? I ordered 2 custom jerseys and a pair of shorts on Tuesday night. Hope I don't have any issues.
Don't worry! I ordered twice from them. Last August and October. Both times the jerseys were fantastic. I didn't know that Sporting didn't run the online store, but they certainly have a close relationship with them, the RvW autographed jersey promotion was on the club website and sold on the online store only. Mine came just as described with the vouchers for free tickets.
Yes Fedex. Less than a week. Those insane shipping charges aren't just for show, they actually buy you quick service. I used to order a lot of jerseys from kitbag and subside, they'd charge $19 and it'd take 3-4 weeks to show. Now I order direct from Loja Verde and if I order on a Monday, if it's already ready to go (i.e. RvW) it was here by friday. Only official store with faster shipping is Roma. They got me a jersey by friday from a late tuesday order.
i placed my order late tuesday, but haven't heard anything back yet. maybe cause it's a custom jersey. hopefully i get it by enf of the week.
personalized. my last name and my own #. But trying to get someone to reply to a email on status of order, is unreal.
Yeah that's going to take longer. They have to get someone to get all the letters together....unless your name is A. Martins