Little Drummer Boys

Discussion in 'FC Dallas' started by paladius, Jul 22, 2012.

  1. paladius

    paladius Member

    Sep 27, 2003
    Frisco, Texas
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Did I see 5 separate drummers in a line last night? They were performing in unison and were impressive.

    Is that something the Beer Guardians/DFE have arranged or was that a one-time occurence arranged by the front office? Couldn't make it to the game last night and had to watch tape on TV, but the sound those guys produced was awesome.

    ...Now if we can only get a ton of flags in the stands (like all the other teams)....

    ...And then they need to add way more bleacher seats. The guys at the north end are creating the type of atmosphere that will keep people coming back to watch matches.

  2. Sportsfan783

    Sportsfan783 Member

    FC Dallas
    Oct 8, 2010
    Midland, TX
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    They are there every game and walk around the concourse before the game. They help drown out the sound of the visiting supporters. They drum in unison with the beer garden chants. Just Makes for a great atmosphere all around.

    I am not sure who arranged it though.
  3. tenorintro

    tenorintro New Member

    Mar 4, 2012
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I heard from one of the Dallas Beer Guardians that it was a joint effort between supporters and the FO. He said he thought HSG was footing the bill for the drummers. They must be pros or something. Regardless, I agree it's very cool.
  4. Rex Kramer

    Rex Kramer Thanks Rex

    Aug 1, 2007
    Plano, TX
    It's the Mavs' drumline. They were brought in by the FO to drown out the bad language coming from the beer garden, but they prefer to work with DBG and Inferno. FO are paying them.
  5. tenorintro

    tenorintro New Member

    Mar 4, 2012
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Way to take the optimistic view. If that's the truth, then the drumline is doing a terrible job, since a couple of the songs have some questionable language that is more easily heard now, when everyone is centralized, than it used to be.
  6. scottishbeagle

    Feb 7, 2012
    Providence Village, TX
    Nat'l Team:
    I dont care the reasoning, I am just glad they are there. I sit in 101 most of the time, and even though you can hear thew BG loudly, it can be hard to join in because of the distance. the drums help bridge that gap. I long for the day more people join us in 101, and there is a wall of noise from the BG, around the red shamrock in 101, to the DFE, and beyond. we can all dream, right?
  7. rossgreen

    rossgreen Member

    Jul 16, 2006
    Who are the New Boys? I saw them last night next to the visitor's section.
  8. Rex Kramer

    Rex Kramer Thanks Rex

    Aug 1, 2007
    Plano, TX
    It's not "the optimistic view", it's what one of the drummers told us.
  9. oman

    oman Member

    Jan 7, 2000
    South of Frisconsin
    That kind of bums me out. I was hoping it was some ex-Frisco band members who go permission to do their drum line thing at the games and they were actual fans and this was going to be some sort of start of a tradition for locals.
  10. oman

    oman Member

    Jan 7, 2000
    South of Frisconsin
    Oh, it's great for atmosphere.
  11. Soyrizo

    Soyrizo Member

    Dec 7, 2010
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    lol I've given up on match day atmosphere in Frisco. It's less stressful to just watch from home and let the FO have their girl scouts and nick cannon drum line.
  12. paladius

    paladius Member

    Sep 27, 2003
    Frisco, Texas
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I had, too, but there is something growing at the north end and I think those folks need our support. The fact that FCD is willing to spend some bucks on drummers doesn't bother me -- Portland spends $200,000 a year in support of the Timbers Army. Look at the support they have.

    I just want Dallas to no longer be the quietest venue in MLS, which it is right now.

    The front office needs to look at what has transpired in San Jose of all places -- their fans go crazy and sing and chant non-stop for the whole game. This from a city that couldn't support soccer worth a (bleep) just a few years ago.
  13. scottishbeagle

    Feb 7, 2012
    Providence Village, TX
    Nat'l Team:
    without being a smart arse, how do we make that happen? does the FO really listen to fans ideas? are they interested in having a "timber army"-style group, or rather continue to try to fill the ground with u-12 girls teams? when the FO are given these sort of suggestions, what happens?
  14. paladius

    paladius Member

    Sep 27, 2003
    Frisco, Texas
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Okay, you're preaching to the choir. One can only hope. If I had invested all my money in this franchise, I'd be camped out with the front offices (and supporters' group heads) of seattle, portland, kansas city, san jose et al until I figured it out. But hey, it's not my money.

    Seriously, I just found out that Kansas City has a truly amazing pre-game video that they use to pump up the crowd. They also do regular flyovers (yes, I know we do it on the fourth) and they shoot an amazing confetti cannon (two on each goal) every time they score.
  15. whatareyoulookingat

    Jun 11, 2008
    Can I just ask why theres a seemingly obsession with thinking flags and banners somehow constitutes an atmosphere?
    ivannomad repped this.
  16. paladius

    paladius Member

    Sep 27, 2003
    Frisco, Texas
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    When you have NONE, it is another step in the right direction.
  17. scottishbeagle

    Feb 7, 2012
    Providence Village, TX
    Nat'l Team:
    I would say they are Part of the puzzle. Flags, banners, drums, singing all add atmosphere. I think its the same reason there is that big scrolling screen around the stadium.....just trying to get people excited and in to the game.
  18. Cowtown Felipe

    Cowtown Felipe Member+

    Mar 12, 2012
    Fort Worth, TX
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The drumline rocks! I talked to a couple of the drummers a few games ago. You can hire them for parties, etc. How did Your Texas Rangers improve their gameday atmosphere? By winning consistently over the last few years. Before that atmosphere was always pretty weak. Especially bad when visiting fans made more noise than the Rangers fans.
  19. oscar_in_fw

    oscar_in_fw Member+

    Jul 24, 2007
    Kansas City
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I remember a few years back, I took my nephew and his buddies (all Yank fans) to watch a Rangers game and got very annoyed with the Yankee 'noise'. More recently, I was hearing LA galaxy chants very close to where I was sitting. That was pretty annoying. I got childish and added the word "Suck!" anytime their chant ended with "Galaxy".
  20. Skippysasquirrel

    May 11, 2012
    San Diego, CA
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Alone they aren't, but they are certainly evidence of (or a part of) the atmosphere.
  21. gotyourback

    gotyourback Member

    Jul 18, 2002
    You might be surprised how much the early leaders of The Inferno put into providing atmosphere.

    HSG systematically squelched a LOT of hard work, and chased off the best thing that ever happened to the franchise - Andy Swift.

    Karma's a bitch.
  22. Skippysasquirrel

    May 11, 2012
    San Diego, CA
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I don't know the story. What happened?
  23. sweeper33

    sweeper33 Member

    Jul 24, 2000
    We need a permanent thread for this one.
  24. boneall

    boneall Member

    Sep 8, 2008
    FC Dallas
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Re: the drumline

    They have been there since the game where Dirk scarfed Lamar, I speculated that match if they were part of the Mavs drumline, makes sense hearing that they are. I sit in 103 and personally love what they bring. The first match they were very much 'winging it', as time has progressed it seems they have communicated or just simply picked up what the DBG/Inferno want from them and it's only getting better. Really adds to the experience. I had some family use my tickets to the Portland match and they raved about how cool they were.
    scottishbeagle repped this.
  25. Brushes Sand

    Brushes Sand Member

    Oct 12, 2000
    oh the irony. you people are kidding, right? after doing everything they could to create a front office that was hostile to the 96ers and chasing off damian and chamo and the rest of the drumline, they are now PAYING for drummers?

    the vast majority of you have your fcd ticketing serviced by a member of what at one time was the hands-down best drum corps in US Soccer... but he isn't chiming in here... so Pegasus, who is still around, he should get stuck in.

    if you want one explanation why the team sucks on the field, go back to what Matt Witosky always said...


    the north end may be cool, but why did it take 10 years for them to figure out that seats down low going to the touchline were required? john wagner was told exactly that at the meeting at ben's half-yard house in the summer of 2003.

    but generica drums and generica banners are artificial constructs that do not add karma.

    it is absolutely hilarious that the front office now has to pay for drums and tifo in order to look legit, when they used to have the best drummers in MLS, and the person who invested more than $100k of his own money over 10 years on visual fenestration after inventing in 1996 the everywhere-copy-catted tradition of Every Nation Represented.

    remember, the hunt children own the franchise. YOU owe THEM.
    Kermmy803 repped this.

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