previousnext previous How is he ever suppose to follow in his footstep's when he already weighs more than Lio! Kidding of course.
Kind of even if you ask me... although to be honest, I think Cristiano takes an edge over Leo on this one.
I obviously support Messi over Cristiano... But that chart is unfair... Barça won the CL, Copa, and Liga in 2009 before Cristiano went to Madrid. I actually don't hate Cristiano... I do however, DESPISE Mourinho. Unlike most people on this forum, I used to love Madrid because of the connection with River and when they had Higuain and won back to back ligas in dramatic fashion in 07 and 08 it was great... BUT I only started to hate them when Mourinho showed up. The man is the cancer of football The man is scum. I hope he fails at every job he has from here on our Oh and... VIVA MESSI!!!!!!
You're right... take those out. But the chart still looks the same to me. Cristiano Ronaldo -- second to Messi in every aspect.... for life. Poor dude.
Anybody know why the Messi game out here in LA was canceled? I was thinking about going. I checked a couple days ago and there were tickets left. Never mind, 45k were sold, but I think it had more to do with playing at Lima last night. "For reasons yet to be determined, the match fell through completely, with rumours abounding that promoters pulled out after catching wind of unsubstantiated speculation that Messi wouldn't be taking part due to fatigue thanks to the woefully inept scheduling (the Barca star was reportedly due to fly from Peru and land in LA three hours before kickoff)."
La Policía peruana echó a los hermanos de Leo, al papá del brasileño y a los hijos de Mario Yepes del banco de suplentes al inicio del segundo tiempo. Por los malos tratos, se armó un altercado entre los policías y los familiares, a los que no les consiguieron lugar. Messi se enteró del incidente y pidió el cambio inmediatamente. Al salir del campo de juego, se retiró del estadio y fue directamente al hotel, sin pasar por las duchas. Más tarde, canceló su viaje hacia Estados Unidos, donde el miércoles iba a jugar otro amistoso en Los Angeles, con 50.000 espectadores en el Memorial Coliseum. No fue el mejor cierre para la gira del crack rosarino.
However, I hear the Chicago game scheduled for the 6th is still going on, so that could have been a made up story to cover-up for fatigue. Poorly organized, honestly.
Yeah, Lima to LA is something like a 9 hour flight. Plus already playing a couple of games then have that long flight. I was looking forward to seeing some of them play. BTW, I wonder who the genius is that scheduled this. Trying to squeeze every ounce out of the players.
He will be able to participate in the next World Cup. The only variable will be his mind, not his skills.