Liga Boliviana...Playoffs 2008

Discussion in 'Bolivia' started by gringolimon, Nov 6, 2008.

  1. gringolimon

    gringolimon Member

    Club Bolívar
    Sep 12, 2007
    White Plains, NY
    Bolivar La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    Does anyone know the schedule and format for this playoff? I looked everywhere but the only info I found was from wikipedia (below) but other than that, there are no further details nor the schedule.

    Se jugará entre Noviembre y Diciembre de 2008, su finalidad es definir al 3er. clasificado a Copa Libertadores 2008. Cada pareja de rivales clásicos juega dos partidos de ida y vuelta. Los equipos se emparejan entre sí en una ronda de ganadores y otra de perdedores para jugar otros dos partidos de ida y vuelta. Los ganadores de la ronda de ganadores y el mejor equipo de la ronda de perdedores clasifican a las semifinales. Estas y las finales se definen bajo las mismas reglas del Toreno Clausura.
  2. CHICO13

    CHICO13 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2001
    SECTION 135
    The Strongest La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    The Strongest vs Bolivar este domingo a las 11:00
  3. gringolimon

    gringolimon Member

    Club Bolívar
    Sep 12, 2007
    White Plains, NY
    Bolivar La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    Actually this is what I was looking for but thanks chico.

    Below is also a more detailed description of this ¨play off¨. I don´t know about you but I like this new format. It´s like the Big East Tournament, where everyone has one last shot to make it to the Copa.

    Partidos de ida


    08/11/08 La Paz: La Paz Fútbol Club vs. San José 15:30
    09/11/10 La Paz: Bolívar vs. The Strongest 11:00
    09/11/10 Trinidad: Real Mamoré vs. Guabirá 16:00
    09/11/10 Potosí: Real Potosí vs. Universitario 15:30
    09/11/10 Cochabamba: Wilstermann vs. Aurora 16:00
    09/11/10 Santa Cruz: Blooming vs. Oriente Petrolero 18:00

    Partidos de vuelta
    16/11/10 Oruro: San José vs. La Paz Fútbol Club 15:30
    16/11/10 La Paz: The Strongest vs. Bolívar 15:30
    16/11/10 Montero: Guabirá vs. Real Mamoré 16:00
    16/11/10 Sucre: Universitario vs. Real Potosí 15:30
    16/11/10 Cochabamba: Aurora vs. Wilstermann 17:00
    16/11/10 Santa Cruz: Oriente Petrolero vs. Blooming 19:00

    La segunda ronda fue programada para los días 23 y 28 del mes que viene; en ella se enfrentarán los seis ganadores de la primera fase, en tres llaves; y al mismo tiempo los cuatro mejores perdedores, en dos.

    La liguilla de perdedores tendrá una final, que se jugará en dos partidos los días 30 de noviembre y 3 de diciembre; el vencedor de ésta será el cuarto semifinalista.

    La Liga acordó que para determinar a los cuatro mejores perdedores se tome en cuenta, primero, los puntos sumados, luego el gol diferencia, de persistir el empate, mayor gol a favor, los goles de visitante y, finalmente, el sorteo en el caso de que dos o más equipos empaten.

    De acuerdo con lo aprobado ayer en la sede de la Liga, en la ciudad de Cochabamba, los partidos semifinales se disputarán en fechas 7 y 10 de diciembre y los ganadores de éstas jugarán la doble final el 14 la ida y el 17 la vuelta; no habrá tercer partido, pues la definición será bajo el sistema de Copa Libertadores, es decir que en caso de empate en puntos valdrán los goles convertidos.

    El campeón del torneo Play off se clasificará como Bolivia 3 a la Copa Libertadores de América de 2009, siempre y cuando éste no sea Universitario, que ganó el torneo Apertura, o el vencedor del Clausura, que aún se está disputando. En caso de que uno de ellos obtenga la corona del tercer torneo del año, aparte de ir a la Libertadores se clasificará también a la Copa Sudamericana de 2009.¨
  4. CHICO13

    CHICO13 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2001
    SECTION 135
    The Strongest La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    Gracias a ti. I looked but couldn't find it. I did see where el Servicio Nacional de Impuestos (SIN) is going to spank the FBF for 21 milliones de bolivianos :rolleyes:

    click on El Deportivo
  5. gringolimon

    gringolimon Member

    Club Bolívar
    Sep 12, 2007
    White Plains, NY
    Bolivar La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    I heard about that...did you know that the debt originated in 94 from the sales of tickets for el mundial de USA´94.

    94?!?! I know this is all on the FBF but you would think SIN would have ¨spanked¨ them earlier than wait more than 10 years.
  6. 1MADDOG

    1MADDOG New Member

    Aug 15, 2000
    LOL! Another thread hijacked!

    Them taxes need to be paid. Bolivians don't mind paying taxes here, but when it comes to paying in our mother land, we complain. They suck, but we're not going to see improvement in our infrastructure unless taxes are collected from the wealthy.

    Bad timing though.
  7. MrNiloBraun

    MrNiloBraun Member

    Jan 16, 2007
    So much wrong with those statements I don't even know where to begin. I'll just say good luck with your new US president, lol, please point me to the free hand out line:p redistribution of wealth FTL
    Hijack over!

    Alguien sabe que pasara si Aurora gana este playoff? Ya tienen su puesto asegurado en la Libertadores o no.
  8. invein

    invein New Member

    Jun 18, 2008
    Arlington, VA
    Quit living in the 80's Nilo or at least, don't take the marxist philosophy and apply it to the U.S., because even as it's been its reality in part since the introduction of welfare, social security, etc, it will never become full fledged as some lunatics fear. Because the US is simply not a Bolivia, or a Cuba- it's the world's first power- and here, as oppose to those countries who gave in- the will of government is the will of the people. There are way too many arguments why that couldn't happen like those who are scared would imagine it would, and if it does- it isn't like they think it will be.

    May be you weren't too serious about your comment, but it's the second I've seen from you. Strike two. :p Anyway, I don't want to make it into a discussion, just an opinion.
  9. CHICO13

    CHICO13 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2001
    SECTION 135
    The Strongest La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    I'll let this post stand but say anymore political posts will be binned and/or deleted. Gracias....
  10. MrNiloBraun

    MrNiloBraun Member

    Jan 16, 2007
    LOL, relax invein I'd suggest that you don't read my posts in such an emotional manner, trust me they're not, they're tongue in cheek.

    PS - by the way, are all limp-wrist, scared of their own shadow, zombie liberals as sensitive as you?:D strike three?:p;)
  11. gringolimon

    gringolimon Member

    Club Bolívar
    Sep 12, 2007
    White Plains, NY
    Bolivar La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    True. Lets leave this thread for what the title represents: the play off league. The political discussion should be in another thread.
  12. MrNiloBraun

    MrNiloBraun Member

    Jan 16, 2007
    Have we had ONE thread that hasn't yet veered off course?
    So does anyone know the answer to my original question, what happens if Aurora wins the playoff? they already have Libertadores through their clausura championship, do they just give it to the runner up.

    I think it's both interesting and a bit disturbing that not even the teams really know what's going on. Not very shocking unfortunately.
  13. gringolimon

    gringolimon Member

    Club Bolívar
    Sep 12, 2007
    White Plains, NY
    Bolivar La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    I tried not to sound confusing but with this format, it´s hard not to.

    According to the following article below, if a team wins the Clausura (in this case Aurora), and also wins the Play Off, not only will they be Bolivia 2 for the Libertadores 2009 but Bolivia 2 for Sudamericana 2009, which was originally awarded to the subcampeon of the Clausura (in this case Blooming).

    If this happens, Bolivia 3 for the Libertadores and and Bolivia 1 for Sudamericana 2009 will be up for grabs. The subcampeon of the Apertura (La Paz F.C.) will play on neutral ground against the subcampeon of the Clausura (Blooming). The winner will be Bolivia 3 for the Libertadores 2009 and the loser will be Bolivia 1 for Sudamericana 2009.

    In my opinion, if Blooming or La Paz F.C. prefer playing in the Libertadores than Sudamericana (which I would), and they do not win this Play Off, they will both be hoping that Aurora does win it all so that they can have a shot at being Bolivia 3 in the Libertadores.

    On a personal note, if Bolivar doesn´t win it, I hope Aurora does so La Paz F.C. has a shot at the Libertadores. :rolleyes:
  14. CHICO13

    CHICO13 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2001
    SECTION 135
    The Strongest La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    Great slate of games today, Gringo is there a site that updates results as they go or do we have to wait until tomorrow?
  15. gringolimon

    gringolimon Member

    Club Bolívar
    Sep 12, 2007
    White Plains, NY
    Bolivar La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    Bolivia is pretty good with giving results from the Bolivian league but I guess they also didn´t know about and/or understand this ¨play off¨.

    I did find in the bolivar site ( that we tied it 0-0. This sucks because it was considered a home game for us and since visiting goals count twice, that means we have no other choice but to win in la vuelta.
  16. CHICO13

    CHICO13 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2001
    SECTION 135
    The Strongest La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    What do you mean "we" ? :D
  17. gringolimon

    gringolimon Member

    Club Bolívar
    Sep 12, 2007
    White Plains, NY
    Bolivar La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
  18. Che Matador

    Che Matador Member

    Apr 22, 2003
    Inside the Beltway
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    Yea I saw the game on jumptv...... It was pretty much boring until the incident at the end of the game. In injury time one of the Aurora players gets sent off, he was wasting time and the police tried to get him off the field, well the player got mad and started pushing the police. Police officer retaliated and then some Aurora players went after the officer. Haha then the police decided to use their pepper spray and Aurora players were on the ground…….. I remember one of the players hitting officers with a stick/broom….. 20-30 min later they decided to resume the game…… Aurora now was down 2 players I believe……While they try to restart the game (Wilster has a free kick from the outside corner of the box). The Aurora keep says/does something to the ref and the ref gives him a red card….. So now Aurora is down 2 players + their goalie. All Wilster players are up for the free kick (even their keeper). Free kick was horribly taken, Aurora have an open net, Aurora counters, right before halfway line Aurora player shoots the ball…… it slowly looks like its going in, ball speed gets slower, slower, slower…. It looks like its going in…………. haha hits the post…. Game over. Aurora wins.
  19. CHICO13

    CHICO13 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2001
    SECTION 135
    The Strongest La Paz
    Nat'l Team:

    You have to love our league
  20. Marco1869

    Marco1869 New Member

    Nov 20, 2007
    haha thats awesome
  21. gringolimon

    gringolimon Member

    Club Bolívar
    Sep 12, 2007
    White Plains, NY
    Bolivar La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    Either el diario has got their info incorrect, the LFB is confusing everyone (including themselves), or all of the above but according to the article below, it seems visiting goals don´t count twice. So if next sunday´s game is all tied up, it´s going to penalties.
  22. gringolimon

    gringolimon Member

    Club Bolívar
    Sep 12, 2007
    White Plains, NY
    Bolivar La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    Here are the results of the Primera Fase of the Play Offs.
    Bolivar won! Yeah!

    Blooming vs Oriente Petrolero Agr (5-4)
    Bolívarvs The Strongest Agr (2-1)
    Real Mamoré vs Guabirá Agr (3-0)
    Real Potosí vs Universitario Agr (6-4)
    WilstermannvsAurora Agr (3-2)
    La Paz F.C. vs San José Agr (4-3)

    For those tigres fans, don´t worry. You guys are still in it. Yeah, your team is one of the 4 best losers. :D So you guys are in the Repechaje.


    Llave 7 San José vs The Strongest
    Llave 8 Aurora vs Oriente Petrolero

    The winner from both this Repechajes will meet each other in the quaterfinals below.

    Cuartos de final
    Blooming vs La Paz F.C.
    Ganador Llave 7 vs Ganador Llave 8
    Bolívar vs Wilstermann
    Real Mamoré vs Real Potosí
  23. MrNiloBraun

    MrNiloBraun Member

    Jan 16, 2007
    It's official no Libertadores for the Cholis, got booted out of the tourney in penalties to Real Potosi, sorry Cholis I guess that Claure money hasn't kicked in just yet:p
  24. CHICO13

    CHICO13 Moderator
    Staff Member

    Oct 4, 2001
    SECTION 135
    The Strongest La Paz
    Nat'l Team:
    It might just be a Happy New Year! :)

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