Let's get this 6th Qualifying match over with

Discussion in 'USA Men' started by GIO17, Oct 28, 2004.

  1. GIO17

    GIO17 Member

    Nov 29, 1998
    I know that the boys don't have to worry about this one since they have clinched the top spot in the semi-Final group but for pete sakes.............

    LET'S GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry, but I would like to know who will be the other three opponents are in the final round. I know some of you are saying you can pencil in T&T, but still it's not official. I am very over ainxious I know, but let's get this darned thing over with and fast. Thank goodness November is coming soon. After seeing what the boys did in DC against Panama I guess you can say I'm starving for more of those fun goals we saw.

    But I am getting tired of waiting for this last Semi-Final Qualifier. Let's go and get it over with.
  2. nancyb

    nancyb Member

    Jun 30, 2000
    Falls Church, VA
    DC United
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Well, if my damned time machine hadn't gone on the fritz, I could give you your answer right away.
  3. EvanJ

    EvanJ Member+

    Manchester United
    United States
    Mar 30, 2004
    Manchester United FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I feel that way also. And the wait from the November 17 games to the first Hexagonal games on February 9 is a longer wait (12 weeks) than the 5 weeks from the October 13 to November 17 games (Mexico-St. Kitts and Nevis on November 13 is meaningless).
  4. voyager

    voyager Member

    Jun 10, 2004
    Frederick, MD
    DC United
    Paging Mr. Capacitor, Mr. Flux Capacitor. Please report to garage #1. Your DeLorean is waiting.
  5. eldiablito

    eldiablito New Member

    Jun 8, 2000
    in Sagy's shadow
    Well mine just happens to be working.

    I just got back from the future and here is the answer to your query, GIO17...

    1. USA
    2. Mexico
    3. Guatemala
    4. Trinidad & Tobago
    5. Costa Rica
    6. Panama

    Unfortunately the deLorean ran out of gas before I could find out when we actually play these teams in the hex. But for now, you'll just have to take my word for it. I'm so glad to be of service. :)

    If only my crystal ball would show me which teams USA will draw in their group on December 9, 2005.
  6. Zathras

    Zathras Member

    Jun 16, 2003
    Brazil, Netherlands, Nigeria.

    You heard it here first. ;)
  7. eldiablito

    eldiablito New Member

    Jun 8, 2000
    in Sagy's shadow
    Great! Now we do also have the esteemed honor of playing Germany in that opening game--shocking the world with our revenge. :)
  8. yankiboy

    yankiboy New Member

    Sep 2, 2003
    Laurel, MD
    That's odd. When I used my time machine and went to the future i saw

    1) USA
    2) Mexico
    3) Costa Rica
    4) Guatemala
    5) T&T
    6) Panama

    FYI: Guatemala didn't beat the Asian team (And "no", I'm not gonna tell you who it was because it's not my job to tell you every f*ing thing--you'll just have to wait and see).
  9. Adam Zebrowski

    Adam Zebrowski New Member

    May 28, 1999
    my ouija board says:

    1) USA
    2) Mexico
    3) Honduras
    4) Guatemala
    5) Jamaica
    6) T&T

    with guatemala eliminating Iran!!
  10. Flyin Ryan

    Flyin Ryan Member

    May 13, 2004
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Could you imagine some team like Iran or South Korea coming to play at someone like Guatemala or Costa Rica?
  11. Adam Zebrowski

    Adam Zebrowski New Member

    May 28, 1999
    costa rica does get quite a bit tourist actitvity from japan...

    guatemala woud be the more out of the way place from my perspective...

    no direct flights from tehran to guatemala city.......

    the soccer stadium in tehran is massive, close to 140,000 although the pitch is quite a distance from the stands...

    would be nice to have the iranians go to saprissa to play...

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