Left Back- The Source of Aggravation

Discussion in 'USA Men: News & Analysis' started by robchap628, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. robchap628

    robchap628 New Member

    Aug 28, 2004
    Watching Ramiro Corrales last night (why was he called up again) caused me realize that the US has not has not had solid play at LB in years.

    The Lewis experiement, Bocanegra getting smoke against Mexcio in WC qualifying, Albright, Hejduk and even Arena's desperate attempt to make room for Convey in the starting XI by playing him threre. It's been bad.

    Aside from Spector who has shown some potential but has yet to play consistently, who do we have?
  2. QuakeAttack

    QuakeAttack Member+

    Apr 10, 2002
    California - Bay Area
    San Jose Earthquakes
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    This is news? Sorry, but you have taken a little bit longer than most people to realize the problem.

    By the way, the answer to your questions is "nobody" at the upper International level (I.e. outside of CONCACAF).
  3. robchap628

    robchap628 New Member

    Aug 28, 2004
    It's something that has constantly been bothering me over the past few years, and last highlighted the severity of the problem. Moor's play was poor, but Dolo is solid, Simek may turn out to be capable as well.

    The fact that the Bradley would turn to a 30 year old, with very little national team expereience and no upside potential is pretty disturbing.
  4. soccertom

    soccertom New Member

    Jun 2, 1999
  5. wooglin12

    wooglin12 Member

    Mar 26, 2005
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    I vote for agoos.
  6. trip76

    trip76 Member

    Jul 17, 2007
    North East USA
    we need to be working on neven subotic.
  7. Kevin8833

    Kevin8833 Member

    Jun 18, 2007
    Estero, FL
    How about a little outside the box thinking, if we have no good LB, why use one? Why not try a 3-5-2, we do have some solid prospects at LB though with Randolph, Wallace, and Myers.
  8. gmuscar

    gmuscar New Member

    Jun 11, 2003
    Mark Birch could be the answer....look for him to have break out season with DCU
  9. Bajoro

    Bajoro Member+

    Sep 10, 2000
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    No matter what formation we use, someone has to be able to defend the right wing -- a left back or an outside left midfielder. Those guys had way too much time on the ball in our attacking third last night -- up top and on the flank.
  10. QuakeAttack

    QuakeAttack Member+

    Apr 10, 2002
    California - Bay Area
    San Jose Earthquakes
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    United States
    Bornstein (maybe - defense is suspect)
    Bocanegra (tried this one - can't handle the pace & passing - ugh!)
    Pearce (maybe - inconsistant)
    Simek (rightback)
    Albright (rightback)
    Demerit (centerback)
    Corrales (depends on the CONCACAF team)
    Burciaga (unknown)

    Sure. We have some potential (Bornstein and Pearce) and adequate (Bocanegra and Corrales), but there is no solid players like the list for rightback...
  11. robchap628

    robchap628 New Member

    Aug 28, 2004
    Bocanegra- gets smoked outside everytime, he's way too slow and not that good on the ball either.

    Pearce- pretty much comes down to him and Spector, but why would Bradley start corrales over Pearce? All I know of Pearce is the very few times I've seen him for the US which is not enough me to form a solid opinion. So for now I'll have to trust Bradley.

    Simek- he's a right back. probaly will end up competing with Wynne for when Dolo retires.

    Albright- get serious.

    Demerit- see Bocanegra.

    Corrales- I usually don't like to jump to conclusions on players, but after last night I have little choice. He was terrible.

    Burciaga- Never really got a fair shot in my opinion, but has been called into camp numerous times and didn't seem to catch anyones attention. I recall him being a step or two slow for the international level.
  12. glove

    glove New Member

    Mar 20, 2001
    Pretty sad our LB spot imho is worse off than ever. Fuggin Hejduk would do better than most options right now but if your not in camp(mls guys) now you can forget it. It did not help that Convey gives no cover having Beaz to cover on overlaping runs would have helped. Pearce should have gotten the start go figure. Even worse was the human matador at RB Moor, just send him back to Dallas forever please! Spector seems the logical choice followed by yes Bornstein against CA teams. WTF ever happened to Cory Gibbs? If healthy ever he should get a callup.
  13. Heathens '87

    Heathens '87 Member

    United States
    Mar 4, 2004
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    Perhaps someone else will emerge from MLS and/or Olympic play, but right now, I think Bob needs to talk and work with Pearce and Bornstein about their development as they're the hope for this round of qualifying. Bocanegra can play outside, as can Conrad, and Spector is a good cover across the back-line if pressed, but nobody has gripped that job yet.

    It's still early in the cycle but a decent answer needs to come by September.......
  14. Stan Collins

    Stan Collins Member+

    Feb 26, 1999
    Silver Spring, MD
    I'll look for that but right now I see him as a left-footed Drew Moor. Crosses better than the other candidates, but not fast.

    I think we now understand why Bradley wanted to give Bornstein every chance to make that position work. I think he still has a shot. He has the speed and endurance to go both ways. He goes forward with authority. He obviously needs work on the positioning, but the book is not closed on him yet.
  15. Ghost

    Ghost Member+

    Sep 5, 2001
    Pearce has played the best and is super fast. He plays regularly in the Bundesliga. Right now, it's him. His problem seems to be a bit of attitude that irks Bradley.

    I don't know if this is as large a problem as we seem to think, in the sense that there is an obvious, acceptable answer. It will be a weak spot, I agree.
  16. Ghost

    Ghost Member+

    Sep 5, 2001
    Yeah, I agree, Stan. But what would a hypothetical player discussion be in this forum without a DCU fan chiming in to mention his team's starter at the position?

    I personally think this finally could be the opening that Josh Gros is looking for.

    Or how about Brandon Prideaux.

    Or how about Santino Quaranta.

    Or how about John Wilson.

    Or maybe we could naturalize Fecundo Erpen.
  17. m vann

    m vann Moderator
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    Pearce has played a fair amount for Hansa Rostock. But to say he's a regular is a stretch. His was free to leave during the transfer window and a discipline issue cauased a row with his manager. The coach said he was done. According to reports there's a chance things will be patched up. We'll see in the next few weeks. I like Pearce, I think he's a slightly better option than Bornstein but he's gotta find security at Rostock before he earns the keys to the LB position. Outside of Pearce and Bornstein the options are slim, very slim.

    Gros is "semi-retired" as he is sitting out this season as he recovers from his head injuries. He may return for the '09 season depending on the outcome of his recovery.
  18. flash1316

    flash1316 Member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    I say we start building for the future now with Spector and Anthony Wallace. I think they can produce the goods. I don't want to settle for mediocre fullbacks. We need to find a young (or old) LB who can perform on the international stage or move a midfielder back there. Whichever option we choose between the youth or a mid it needs be put into action asap so they can get the development they need between now and 2010.
  19. jbgeach

    jbgeach Member

    Apr 5, 2005
    Chattanooga, TN
    keep an eye on Randolph at the olimpics he is a long term solution
  20. gyr0

    gyr0 New Member

    Mar 31, 2002
    Agreed, an article posted on USsoccerplayers.com recently mentioned Jurgen Klinnsman's split was the USSF was partially based upon his insistence upon developing positional players long before they reached the starting 11. No more converting wingers and forwards to positions which they were unfamiliar.

    Corrales IS a left back by trade, but this certainly doesnt make him a good one. This decision really makes me question Bradley's competence as he would have deviated from the Arena model early in his tenure (first/second) game.
  21. Martin Fischer

    Martin Fischer Member+

    Feb 23, 1999
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    Because Pearce hasn't played a competitive game since December.
  22. StingRay37

    StingRay37 Member

    Dec 4, 2000
    North Carolina
    Please do not anger the soccer gods with this blasphemy.
  23. Reccossu

    Reccossu Member+

    Jan 31, 2005
    I think Frankie may be the current best left back eligible for the Nats. Read all you want about the talent pool into this.
  24. SCBozeman

    SCBozeman Member

    Jun 3, 2001
    St. Louis
    Frankie Hejduk or Frankie "RB" Simek?

    I'd put Boca and Spector, both of whom occasionally play this position for Premiership teams, ahead of Hejduk. Simek would be out of position.

    Not playing Pearce in the Mexico game was a bit mysterious, especially after Dos Santos came on and made Corrales look every bit as the plodding foul machine he is.
  25. FakeFlopper

    FakeFlopper Member

    Jul 21, 2005
    Austin, Tx
    Bornstein is going to be Bradley's choice barring injury. I don't see Pearce being able to be that good to make Bradley sit his boy. As bad for that spot as I think Bornstein is, he's pretty damn fast and would have done way better at protecting that side then Corrales.

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