I think that Stanford had New Zealander Ryan Nelsen about the same time as Elliot. Nelsen played for DC United.
LA on film 🎞️. #LeaguesCup2024 | #BeatLA pic.twitter.com/lgB39lwAuE— San Jose Earthquakes (@SJEarthquakes) August 13, 2024 GO SAN JOSE EARTHQUAKES!!! -G
All of those Leagues Cup graphics are embarrassing, especially the ones showing the victors mocking the defeated. I guess it's supposed to be comic book style, but....eek.
Especially embarrassing since amateur fan-created Heritage Cup poster art was quite a bit better, from my perspective, than the multibillion dollar Apple stuff. An example:
I’m going to be in The Smog Thursday through Saturday. Only as deep as Thousand Oakes, so maybe only the second or third circle of hell, but still … It’s going to suck. On the upside, I’m hanging with friends and we’re all going to see Jon Anderson. F#$& el-lay!! I’m not optimistic about this game. Go Quakesfans!!
Thankfully no stupidly narrowed playing field for this game. Stage for tonight 🏟️. #LeaguesCup2024 | #BeatLA pic.twitter.com/p9MKRPEozD— San Jose Earthquakes (@SJEarthquakes) August 13, 2024 GO SAN JOSE EARTHQUAKES!!! -G
Hope you don't get the runaround after traveling such a long distance, and you enjoy all the good people! Roundabout way of saying have fun!
Speaking of ex-Stanford defenders, can the EQ trade for Naomi Girma? She would be an excellent partner for Rodrigues!
Not really. Besides, if the Earthquakes can’t handle playing on a normal-width field like everyone else, then they need to get better players rather than artificially f-ing around with the playing field size. GO SAN JOSE EARTHQUAKES!!! -G
Some old man today in grocery store saw me wearing the Simon Elliott Quakes jersey and told me the Quakes suck, I dont know anything about soccer, and proceeds to tell me, American soccer is for pussies and says to watch players like Ronaldo and Messi. It old him Messi is in Miami, he argued with me until I showed him... dumb ass.