Latest from Reuters ...

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Craig the Aussie, Nov 5, 2004.

  1. Craig the Aussie

    Craig the Aussie New Member

    May 21, 2002
    Sydney, Australia
    Over 55,000,000 Requests for Citizenship Since Tuesday Night

    Canadian immigration officials have reported a huge increase in the
    number of requests for Canadian citizenship in the past twenty-four
    hours, with over fifty-five million such inquiries pouring in since
    late Tuesday night.

    Of those fifty-five million requests, well over 99.99% of them came
    from U.S. citizens, the lion's share residing in such states as New
    York, California, Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington, Pennsylvania, New
    Jersey, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland,
    and the District of Columbia.

    Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew said that he was
    "flabbergasted" by the fifty-five-million-plus requests for Canadian
    citizenship, adding that it was difficult to pinpoint the precise
    reasons for the staggering increase.

    "My only theory is that after many years of exposure in the U.S.,
    hockey is finally starting to catch on," Mr. Pettigrew said.

    He cautioned, however, that it is impossible to know exactly what is
    sparking the sudden interest in America's frozen neighbor to the
    north: "People answering our immigration hotline say that it is hard
    to understand many of the American callers because they are sobbing

    In other news, President Bush used his acceptance speech Wednesday to
    reach out to supporters of Sen. John Kerry, telling them, "You can
    run, but you can't hide."

    Meanwhile, in his first statement since being defeated on Tuesday Night Presedential hopeful John Kerry starting his new job said "Would you like fries with that"

    Elsewhere, experts said that exit polls may have falsely predicted a
    Kerry victory because Kerry voters exited while Bush voters stayed
    behind and voted again. :rolleyes:
  2. fishbiproduct

    fishbiproduct New Member

    Mar 29, 2002
    Pasadena Ca.
    I stopped reading *right* there: it's impossible, there's only one
    telephone in Canada.

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