Does anyone ever see Lanzera shoes anymore? I realize that the shoe part of the company went out of business several years ago, but there have been times I've stumbled upon old, out of production shoes at little sport/soccer stores in the middle of no where. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'd love to have a pair of the Lanzera Top Techs...awesome shoe for those that remember it.
Sorry, I dont know where you can find them. But i definitely remember the cleats that Lanzera used to make. I probably had a few pairs back in elemantary school before they went out of business. I liked the plain style they had with the big lanzera logo.
Lanzera was bought by Eurosport ( they still exist, albeit only in the glove makret...i think
It's just the Top Tech's were fantastic boots. I also wouldn't mind finding a pair of the OLD Adidas Copas before they put the extra leather piece down the side to help with the stretching problem(A few years ago I think Adidas re released those for a short time). Or even a pair of the original Puma Kings with the traditional circular black studs with white tips. You never know what you might stumble across in little soccer or sports stores in out of the way towns.