The situation is misery Its not fair Its not fair Its not fair
Huh. I thought Duke had begun hiding his facist leanings in recent years... "In that period of time, many of the names of the most powerful people in the media have changed. However the changes have typically been the change of Goldenson to Greenberg or perhaps Cohen to Levin. The names change but the ethnicity typically remains the same. If you are not aware of the extent of Jewish supremacy over the mass media, you will be astounded by this well-documented article."
So why didn't the Palestinians take advantage of the opportunity provided in 1947/48? Or the offer Arafat turned down in 1998?
Sorry, I prefer not to flame those who I don't already know are idiots, but this is a really, really, REALLY deep stab at sarcasm, yes? Because otherwise all that post reveals is your utter lack of knowledge on the subject.
No, I'm serious. The Arab-Israeli war was mainly instigataged by Israelis and non-Palestinian Arabs. The Israelis started the 1967 War. And Egypt and Syria started the 1973 War. Where were the Palestinians in all this? On the sidelines as refugees, mostly.
The Palestinians started the very first war. That's pretty much historical fact. And it was most certainly not "instigated" by Israelis.
You're forgetting about the Zionist terrorists who helped create the seeds of war by massacreing Arabs earlier that year.
What? Which Zionist terrorists were those? Arabs attacked Israel as soon as it declared its independence. You're going to try and pin that on Israel? Whoooo boy.
-The Black September (9/1970) In Jordan, which saw Arafat trying to topple King Hussien, and watching king Hussien's nerve blow up on him and his palestinains with a 3 week onslaught that saw aprox 30,000 palestinians killed by the Royal Army and its affiliates. - The Lebanese Civil war (1975-1990), following the Black September incident, Arafat, the PLO and there fellow helpers ran away from Jordan, into Lebanon and set up there base there. Immediately following, the Palestinain militants, who most of them were muslim and a somewhat chunk were from other parts of the islamic world (Ex: Pakistan, Sudan, Etc..) gunned down 5 Christian Phalangist monks and soon after the Christians (with every right) retaliated, and in the end, started the Lebanese Civil war, which last 15 years, and claimed the lives of around 250,000 Civilians in a nation that is around 2.6-3.3 million people. -The Gulf War (aftermath, 1991). After Kuwait got liberated, many of the Palestinains who lived there, decided to still be the eyes and ears for saddam up in bagdhad. Eventhough it was a small number of Palestinains living in Kuwait (300,000 Palestinains before 1991), the kuwaitis had no temper and began an onslaught with the palestinains, which made 300,000 Palestinains flee and many 'disapear' while the others put into these trench-prisons, for the protection of the kuwaiti people... Talk about the ROR In kuwiat
Many of the 'terrorist zionist' which VW tries to refer were in the 1930's, and they were against the attacks that the Arabs had done since the 1920's. Many Muslims and Arabs would try to give you a sweet dish into thinking that there was calm in the holy land between all 3 religions, but that wasn't the case, not in the 1920's and not in the 1800's. Bitterness were between all 3 religions, especially under Ottoman rule, the muslims had an upperhand.....Attacks against Jewish intrest became normal after WW1, and groups such as the Hagana (hebrew term: Defence) came into existing to protect the jewish populations from attacks, inifltrations, lynches and ambushes from the arabs...
Isnt' this thread about bad Palestinian Haiku? Let me try my hand… Boom! Big explosion Palestinians rejoice. Israelis lament.
I see. The Zionists/Israelis are always without fault. What about the bombing of the King David Hotel by zionist terrorists? Or the massacres that occured in Lebanon after Ariel Sharon allowed the Philangists into Palestinian refugee camps?
I don't believe anyone has ever said that. Strawmen are a lot easier to fight. First, the English were warned, although they tragically disregarded the warning. I can't countenance that act, but what does it have to do with this discussion? The terrorist act was against the British. And this has what to do with the first war?