Hello from Sydney, Australia. Does anybody know what the famous Lagios Detari is doing is he coaching/manager of any clubs or is he still playing? Im from a Greek background and he played for our famous Olympiakos FC. He was a Fantastic player. Thank you.
Yes he was a Fantastic player. He was the Trainer/Manager for the Hungarian first Division side Diosgyor. New owners at club was not what Detari hopped for, and he resigned. At the moment once again he is unemployed. BTW, congratulation to you and ALL the Greek soccer fans, for the EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP! Jano.....
At Mexico 86, Hungary were rated 3rd or 4th favorites. What was special about that team before the Soviets thumped them?
look at the results from 84-86, 1984: Spain-Hungary 0-1 G: Garaba Jugoszlávia-Magyarország 2-1 G: Gyimesi Turkey-Magyarország 0-6 G: Mészáros (2), Kardos, Esterházy (2), Bodonyi Magyarország-Norvay 0-0 Magyarország-Spain 1-1 G: Nagy A. Belgium-Magyarország 2-2 G: Hajszán, Nyilasi Magyarország-Svájc 3-0 G: Esterházy (2), Bodonyi Magyarország-Mexikó 0-2 Magyarország-Ausztria 3-1 (WC qualifier) G: Nagy A., Esterházy, Kardos Holland-Magyarország 1-2 (WC qualifier) G: Détári, Esterházy Cyprus-Magyarország 1-2 (WC qualifier) G: Róth, Nyilasi 1985: West Germany-Magyarország 0-1 G: Péter Magyarország-Cyprus 2-0 (WC qualifier) G: Nyilasi, Szokolai Ausztria-Magyarország 0-3 (WC qualifier) G: Kiprich (2), Détári Magyarország-Holland 0-1 (WC qual.) Wales - Magyarország 0-3 (0-1) G: Esterházy, Hajszán, Détári. Magyarország-SouthKorea 1-0 G: Kiprich. Magyarország-Algéria 3-1 G: Péter, Kovács K., Bognár. Mexikó-Magyarország 2-0 1986 Asia -Magyarország 0-3 G: Kiprich, Esterházy (2) Asia-Magyarország 0-2 G: Péter, Kovács K. Qatar-Magyarország 0-3 G: Hannich, Kiprich, Détári. Magyarország-Brazil 3-0 G: Détári, Kovács K., Esterházy. 23 match, 16 victory 3 draw 4 defeat, 45:14 goals
Hello dude! I was 10 years old when Olympiakos signed Detari. The day of his arival, dad took me to Piraeus, where 50000 people (or something like that) where shouting his name! Great player. We still love him here
sorry m8, but i think it was an enormous mistake of him to go to olympiakos -nothing against the club- as his career went rapidly downhill after that step. imo he should have stayed at frankfurt at least another 1 or 2 years.
I dont think that they ever loved him in Frankfurt as much as people loved him in Piraeus+the money were really good at that time. Furthermore he moved to Italy after that and had his chances (Bologna I think) for high level football... And as he said on a recent interview: "No regrets!"
Tatabánya, december 17., 16.00 A legutóbb Szombathelyen dolgozó egykori világválogatott a másodosztályban vállalt munkát. Mint arról már korábban beszámoltunk, felmerült a lehetősége annak, hogy Détári Lajos Tatabányán folytassa edzői pályafutását. Nos, a lehetőségből mára valóság lett, Détári ugyanis megegyezett a klub vezetőivel, így a jövőben ő vezeti majd a bányászváros csapatát. A szakember nem kerül teljesen ismeretlen környezetbe, hiszen korábban már dolgozott Csepelen, a jelenlegi Tatabánya jogelődjénél. (Az ügyre későbbi kiadásunkban visszatérünk.) translation ?
it says that détári became coach in tatabánya (2nd league) in december last year. before that he was coaching in szombathely. anyway, in the meantime many things happened, he was coach in diosgyör for a while this summer, now he is unemployed. he might take over some hungarian club of the 2nd league.
He played 61 matches for Hungary, and scored13 goals between 1984 and 1994. His first cap was on 21. 08. 1984., against Switzerland, and he played his last match on 16. 11. 1994., against Sweden. He started in Budapest Honvéd, later in Eintracht Frankfurt. His most famous moment was that when he scored a goal in the German Cup final. After he went to Greece, he played for Olympiacos. Finally, he ended in Italy, where a couple of teams employed him, like Bologna, Ancona, Genoa. He had a by-pass in Ferencvaros for 4 months. He finished his international career in Switzerland, in the team on Neuchatel Xamax... He was a trainer for Haladás (Szombathely, hungary), where he was quite succesful..., and also he got a job as a coach in Romania, but i dont really know exactly at which team.
Re: Lajos Detari Thank you for the information, but can anybody help with his coaching career record. Which teams he coached, what year, and has he won a championship or cup as a coach. 1st or 2nd Division. He is so famous, somebody must know his record as a coach. Thank you again from Sydney, Australia
Nyíregyháza, szeptember 21., 14.30 Herédi Attilát Szabó András váltotta. Mint azt már jeleztük, a Nyíregyháza tulajdonosai menesztették Herédi Attilát, a gárda eddigi vezetőedzőjét. Herédi posztját Szabó András veszi át, a szakmai igazgató pedig DÉTÁRI LAJOS lesz, akinek a vezetőedzői feladatok elvégzéséhez még nincsen megfelelő edzői képesítése. Bekő Balázs pályaedző helyett Kovács János segíti Szabó munkáját, és még bizonytalan a kapusedző Vadon Lajos, valamint Várhidi Péter menedzser sorsa. détári is new technical director of spartacus nyíregyháza. he cannot be called coach, as he has no pro-licence. however, it will be a struggle against relegation, and the next match against their old rivals dvtk diósgyör will be a hot one (he just left the club couple of weeks before) after coaching some 3rd league club in slovakia, nagyvárad (romania 2nd league), haladás szombathely, bányász tatabánya, budapest bvsc, dvtk diósgyör, this is the new station in his career and i wish him good luck.
Re: Hello from Greece! Detari today became the coach of Panserraikos, a team of second division of Greece. He said he would like to become coach of his love,Olympiacos,one day! Lagios we love you,too!
I remember Lajos Detari being coach of FC Bihor in the romanian second league sometime between 2000 and 2002, I think. All I can remember is that he brought with him 3 hungarian playes (one of them's name was Csehi form what I recall) and he didn't relegate nor achieved promotion.