La Liga Prediction League Second Half Week 2 (Results)

Discussion in 'Spain' started by Pichi, Feb 5, 2008.

  1. Pichi

    Pichi Moderator
    Staff Member

    Dec 17, 1999
    San Jose, CA
    Real Betis
    Nat'l Team:
    Here are the scores from week 2: Sottobosco is back to his winning ways and easily wins this weeks round and with the margin of victory takes over first place in the overall classification.

    Weekly Results:

    Sottobosco 17
    macaluca 12
    Una Grande Libre 12
    vilafria 11
    tipruck 11
    IASocFan 9
    johnmatrix 9
    Qdog 8
    elmeromero07 7
    jfcule 4
    Pichi 4
    David_Silva 3

    Overall Classification:

    Sottobosco 30
    Una Grande Libre 28
    Qdog 25
    JonnyFriction 25
    vilafria 23
    macaluca 21
    David_Silva 17
    IASocFan 16
    tipruck 15
    jfcule 14
    Pichi 11
    johnmatrix 9
    elmeromero07 9

    Weekly Winners:

    JonnyFriction 1
    Sottobosco 1

    Average (Minimum One Week Played)

    Sottobosco 30
    JonnyFriction 25
    macaluca 21
    Una Grande Libre 14
    Qdog 12.5
    vilafria 11.5
    Pichi 11
    johnmatrix 9
    David_Silva 8.5
    IASocFan 8
    tipruck 7.5
    jfcule 7
    elmeromero07 4.5

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