Hey all, For anyone that is a Reddit user, I've finally created that subreddit I mentioned before in one of my countless posts. I'll be editing and updating it to get it up to speed between studying and I hope to make the community pretty solid in the future. To that end, anyone who would like to be a mod, etc. please let me know. Additionally, anyone with any suggestions about stylesheets, formatting in general, flair, and what images should be used as the header please let me know. The link is here: http://www.reddit.com/r/koreansoccer
Lol never been on reddit although all my friends go on it often. Seriously, all my roommates and friends check reddit he moment they wake up. Another one Of my friends told me her boyfriend checks reddit on his phone after sex.
Tried it once but the interface is pretty confusing. Still not even sure what it's for, seems like it just aggregates trending topics.
That's sort of what it's like. It's based on a simple up-down voting system that pushes the most "up-voted" articles, questions, etc. to the top of a subreddit and if it gets enough up-votes, to the front page of reddit. However, people can also just start "threads" just like in any other forum that members can respond to.
I would also recommend getting the Reddit Enhancement Suite for anyone that uses Chrome or Firefox. Really helps to clear up clutter and organize reddit better. RES can be downloaded here: http://redditenhancementsuite.com/
Sometimes I think I am just too old for this. Watching my younger brother navigate the interwebs is a terrfying thing.
I'm designing the header right now, have any pictures you want me to include in it? I'm planning on making it a wide header with iconic images of Korean soccer.
welp. That escalated quickly. I've deleted the post and PM'd KiChungWon on here to see if that was actually him.
Another update: So I finished the banner. For anyone unfamiliar with reddit, some subreddits are set up so that the banner can be clicked and used to link back to the frontpage of the specific subreddit. I have done this with the Korean Soccer subreddit. This means if you click the banner, it will link back to the front page of the subreddit from whatever thread you were reading at the moment. I will be further customizing this subreddit in the next few hours/days. I will be changing the reddit sprite seen above the banner and adding flair. Flair are little insignia that will show up next to the sn when you post. For example, on r/soccer, flair is a soccer team's crest. I am open to making the flair anything. At the moment I am thinking that I will make the flair KNT and K-League crests. Let me know if you have any further ideas. I will also be adding links to various soccer sites on the sidebar. I will also post a FAQ for people unfamiliar with reddit who want to participate. If you want to help, let me know. Thanks!
What do you need help with? Also, I HIGHLY recommend downloading the Reddit Enhancement Suite I mentioned previously. If you want to submit anything, there is a button to the right that says "submit a link" this encompasses any articles, videos, etc. you want to post as well as any questions or discussions you want to start.
Oh for sure and same. I'm just on both all the time anyway that I thought I might as well. Also, I wanted to make the community a bit more accessible.