Kill the chant

Discussion in 'Real Salt Lake' started by KendaReal, Jul 22, 2012.


Which RioT chant(s) should be killed?

  1. Believe

  2. Ole Real Salt Lake

    0 vote(s)
  3. R-S-L (East, North, West)

  4. Goooooooooo Real Salt Lake!

  5. You Suck!*

  6. (drum, drum, drum, drum, drum, drum) Real!

  7. Starting Lineup Last Names

    0 vote(s)
  8. Ref you suck! (new and in vogue this year)

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. KendaReal

    KendaReal Member+

    May 3, 2010
    Taylorsville, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    So many chants echo across the RioT each game, however none of them really stand out volume-wise, almost as if crowd participation is spread too thin across the various chants. If you could eliminate one chant (or more) in an effort to focus more on the others which would it be?

    *a quick note regarding the YSA chant. I chose not to include it for a couple reasons, mainly because it would probably win by a landslide (rightfully so IMO). Second because it seems to already be on its way out. However I have seen some debate over whether the chant would be acceptable if it was simply just "you suck" without the vulgarity, while others feel the "you suck" is out of place in any form, so I chose to include that.
  2. lurpythepirate

    Sep 14, 2009
    Salt Lake City
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    You didn't have an option for [infinite drum loop with minimal vocal accompaniment], so I didn't vote.

    Overuse of drums is the single largest barrier to coordination in the stadium.
    15 to 32 and Allez RSL repped this.
  3. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Out of all the chants, I love the Ole the best. I'm probably in the minority but I'd get rid of believe. At the very least I'd relegate it to the kickoffs at the start of each half. I agree with lurpy, the over use of the drums tends to kill off everything. I've heard chants start in other sections, but they always seem drowned out by the drums before they can really move around the field.

    Please bring back Sweet Escape :( That was a nice simple goal celebration that everyone got into. I'm extremely tired of of believe being played for everything, and even more upset that they blare it at max volume on the PA. It's so loud I honestly don't know if the fans are even really chanting it. Keep it simple: before both kickoffs and let the other chants flow in their place.
    15 to 32 repped this.
  4. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Um, we are nowhere near a position to start "eliminating" chants. If anything, we need more. We go for like 10 minutes, use up all of our chants, and then get stuck on shuffle/repeat.

    I'm with Lurpy on this one - the one thing that needs to go is the drum to person ratio of the south end.
  5. rslfanboy

    rslfanboy Member+

    Jul 24, 2007
    Section 26
    I'm all for a 30min/60min E-N-W RSL chant referendum. It's something we started doing because everyone was bitching about how we never had stadium-wide chants.

    Seems like we've kinda solved that problem, so whaddya'll think?
  6. elkaholic

    elkaholic Member+

    May 28, 2009
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    How about the "RSL Salt Lake" chant. It bugs me because you are essentially saying Real Salt Lake Salt Lake. Since we are throwing out other chants :)
    Lizzie Bee repped this.
  7. Taragui

    Taragui Member+

    Aug 13, 2006
    Northern Utah
    Real Salt Lake
    Couldn't make it to the game in person yesterday, but I have to say that the Believe chant is rather impressive at the beginning of the game. I would suggest only the beginning of the game and at the beginning of the second half, otherwise it gets old. We need something else for the goals, if you don't like Sweet Escape, fine, but don't wear out the believe chant by extreme over-use.
    Ismitje, 15 to 32, rslfanboy and 2 others repped this.
  8. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'd be fine with this chant going, as well.
    Yeah, I know that goes against what I was saying earlier, but I hardly ever participate in this chant because of how stupid it is.

    While in Portland last year our small group did a chant that went:
    "Kyle Beckerman's"
    - slight pause -
    "Red and Blue army!"

    I actually really liked it's simplicity yet being team specific
  9. RoyalNonesuch

    RoyalNonesuch Member+

    May 10, 2009
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Read Garber's thoughts on the need for YSA to be eradicated.

    I'm sure the supporters would be amenable to replacing "You Suck Asshole" with promotional slogans from our "Jo Quiero Taco Bell", "Rio Tinto thinks big when we turn mountains into giant holes" and "KFC, now with complimentary angioplasty".
    lurpythepirate and 15 to 32 repped this.
  10. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    who the hell voted to kill Believe?
    Yeah, it's overplayed, but it shouldn't be "killed" as this thread is proposing.
  11. I_Believe_In_Kreis

    Oct 2, 2006
    on the pitch
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Agreed. My only problem with Believe is how they pipe it over the PA system. Memo to front office: The fans don't need that...let it develop organically. And it definitely sounds better without the PA system backing it up.
  12. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    They really painted themselves into a corner with making it part of the pre-kick video. I understand what they were going for, but it really made it feel like "we sing this song when asked"

    On the one hand, I want to say they should do away with it as part of the pre-game video. Remake a new one, they've always been awesome, and just let the song come organically.
    However, I also think it's a really well put together video that had all the right intentions and does get the crowd pumped up.
  13. KendaReal

    KendaReal Member+

    May 3, 2010
    Taylorsville, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It really gets dragged out when they loop it over an over waiting for the first kick, that's when I really cringe. Sometimes I notice they cut it short and let the crowd finish it. That is progress to me, ween the fans off and show them they can sustain the chant without the PA.
    lurpythepirate repped this.
  14. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    That was me, but not so much to kill it, but kill the FO thinking it needs to be played non-stop. Keep it before each half but cut the volume down so you can still hear the fans sing it. Don't loop it 3 times over because kickoff hasn't started yet. Do all that and I think it'd be a great thing. Right now it's incredibly overplayed and while I wouldn't want it to fully die out, at this point I probably wouldn't miss it if they forgot to play it for a game or two.
    lurpythepirate repped this.
  15. Taragui

    Taragui Member+

    Aug 13, 2006
    Northern Utah
    Real Salt Lake
    I was thinking of doing that at golf tournaments for a price. You know, instead of shoutiing "Get in the hole!" as soon as the guy putts, I could yell, "Save money on car insurance with Geico!" or something quick like, "Charmin!"
  16. SpiffCoug

    SpiffCoug Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Orem, Ut
    Can we at least get the front office to get the song on the PA to start at the beginning and not the middle?

    And limit it to three times over the PA.
  17. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Are you meaning 3 times total throughout the game or 3 times on repeat? If the 1st I'd be behind that. They really should only play it once at a lower volume to get it started, and leave it to the fans to keep it going as long as they want, not after the 5th time they've repeated it.
  18. Kale801

    Kale801 Member

    Jun 21, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    A few of us in section 31 have stopped singing the Believe chant at kickoff just because it's so freaking loud. For it to work it definitely needs to be the voice of the fans and not the PA. If not Sweet Escape back for goal celebrations maybe Usher - chorus to Oh My Gosh? I think it would be pretty cool for everyone to be jumping up and down screaming Oh Oh Oh Oh.. you get it. Other than that, love the Ole chant and also the players names in the beginning.
  19. SpiffCoug

    SpiffCoug Member

    Nov 10, 2004
    Orem, Ut
    Either. Both. 3x on repeat. If the fans want to keep it going they can.

    I think just getting it started would be enough and the crowd would be able to carry it after that.
  20. KendaReal

    KendaReal Member+

    May 3, 2010
    Taylorsville, UT
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Where in 31 do you sit?
  21. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    It really should be played at least half the volume. As it is now, even with the fans singing it, I can still hear the PA and that's just wrong. Either play it once at half volume and let the fans dictate how long it goes, or just put the words up on the screen like normal with no sound. Right now they're doing it all wrong imo.
  22. 15 to 32

    15 to 32 Straw Hog

    Jul 1, 2008
    Salt Lake
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The only issue with your guys proposals is that, given how they've done it so far, the fans might not understand that they should continue singing it.

    If you notice, the only time the fans actually continue to sing it (as a whole) on their own is if the kick happens in the middle of the song and they turn on off the track. Every time the kick coincides with the song ending, the fans just cheer and stop.

    I'd love to think we could just keep singing it, as a whole crowd, on our own, but I don't see it happening.

    If you played it at half volume only one time around, you'd likely have the fans just cheer before kick - not singing it on their own until the kick.

    Side note: the dude in the north end (section 26?) with the trumpet is ********ing awesome. That's really what we need - music without the audio
  23. Sabra

    Sabra Member

    Oct 4, 2010
    Notice the guy standing on the sideline giving the ref the time to kick-off. As long as he is there they will keep re-playing "Believe." It's a time filler. And yes, I agree it's WAY too loud.
  24. DrownedElf

    DrownedElf Member+

    Jul 5, 2010
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Then at least cut the volume down. I guess that's really my biggest beef with it overall. It shouldn't be louder than the fans :D
  25. Lizzie Bee

    Lizzie Bee Member+

    Jul 27, 2004
    Real Salt Lake
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Totally agreed.

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