Where's Hillary? I keep asking myself. These guys have some answers: a great MUST READ piece from Crush Kerry. “Every Democrat in America secretly wants Kerry to lose. But with the race so close, we have to do our duty to re-defeat Bush,” our source inside the DNC told us. “I suspect that when the curtain is closed and Democrats are in the voting booth all by themselves, many will leave their ballots blank for president to open the door for Senator Clinton.” http://www.crushkerry.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=61 Actually, truth be told I'm not that worried about Hillary in 2008. The War on Terrorism will be fairly well along by then, but beside that she's not vulnerable to the moonbats: Michael Moore can't shove her around like he can Kerry. She' can crush him like a grape, make him so unwelcome in party circles that he won't get near the door let alone get a seat at the table. Plus, she's like Slick: she just wants the power; she really doesn't have anything in particular she wants to do with it.
There's an absolutely hysterical ad running in Columbus for the state senate. Most local ads are out and out attack ads, and this one runs a close 2nd in the laugh factor to the one against Mary Jo Kilroy with Howard Dean's scream in it. Anyway, this ad is for State Senate District 20, and is against this guy: http://www.terryandersonforohiosenate.com/ Basically the ad talks about how he's against Issue 1 and a bunch of other stuff with "Spanish Flea" playing in the background. But my favorite "slam" is: "He's originally from New York, land of Hillary Clinton" These ads don't inform anyone, they're just funny...I mean, since when is New York the land of a carpetbagger? What's funnier is how innocent Joy Pagett looks. http://www.senate.state.oh.us/senators/bios/sd_20.html
What's so surprising? They have LOTS of cows in Coshocton. I have a poster from the New York State Senate campaign of 1964, which pitted longtime US Senator Ken Keating against Bobby Kennedy. Now no political family was ever more closely connected with a place than the Kennedy's with Masssachusetts. Bobby was the US Attorney General under his brother so he had a house in Georgetown and a house in Hyannis Port. He didn't even own an aprtment in New York. He was obviously the most blatent carpetbagger ever. (And you guys thought it was Hilllary) The poster shows Bobby with his suit jacket slung over his shoulders, the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up to the elbows and that huge trademark Kennedy smile. The caption: "Let's Put Bob Kennedy to Work for New York" Great stuff. We're more or less admitting that the guy doesn't live here, but who cares? He's a big wheel, and we have the opportunity to hire him to work for us. I've never seen it done better, but the Kennedy machine was first rate.
I love that ad, Schmack. When I'm blowing through commercials I actually stop to watch that one because it's so funny. I love the game show music with the question mark panels falling away. It's quality entertainment.
Holy Cow! It just dawned on me. That's the same Terry Anderson who was the Iran hostage. I'm not sure it's wise to vote for somebody who's obviously a coronary waiting to happen. He needs to give up the donuts and Big Mac diet. What an asshat. He and that Coshocton Holstein ought to just mud wrestle for the job.