This is from the PTP's message board. I'd figure some people might want to see it: "Well I was waiting to go to my soccer game with a teammate(Missy) and WUSAFan311910 (Alex) and then my parents come walking in saying they brought me a guest...I did a double take and then turned aaround and just stared into space...then I went up to her and said hello and she pulled out this #10 English National Team jersey as a bday present to me! I thank her and then go and get the basket I made her for her bday and she liked it...s we walk out and it turns out SHE'S COMING TO MY GAME! We're on our way to pick up my other teammate Lauren...well I walk up and knock she comes to the car and then is looking at Kelly's car behind dad goes "Do you know who that is?" Kelly Smith....she jumps into the car and is like OMG OMG OMG OMG all the way to the game. We get there and we're introducing Kelly to my teammates....we warm up-Kelly took a few shots as well...then me and Lauren read our poem (off the top of our heads) and we got the lineups...the game starts and we have a little problem then Sarah takes a shot and it deflects RIGHT to me -I take one touch and bury it!!! We get another goal right before the half.... Half-time: Kelly had to leave so we're standing in line for autographs and a picture...I say goodbye to Kelly and that's the end of the story."
Hehe. That's pretty cool for that girl. Nice to see the players still out and around, unless this is an old story?